Agent of Heaven

Chapter 340

Chapter 340
After the rain, the sun shines on the city wall of Wu County, and the mottled traces still remain on the city wall, which indicates that there was a big battle here not long ago!The ordinary people in the city haunted the city wall, their faces were full of pride.There is no other reason, being able to live on a floating city is an infinite glory for any mortal, and it is also the capital to brag about in the future.

A group of heavenly soldiers flew into the city, causing the nearby people to cheer and bow.It was Kui Mulang and Ning Caichen who led this group of heavenly soldiers, and Zhang Han was tied up in the prison cart behind them.They had just returned from a big victory, but there was really no expression of joy on the faces of the two of them.

Kui Mulang pushed open the gate of the Sheriff's Mansion, and Mu Feng, Guang Chengzi and others were naturally among them.After greeting the others, he straight to the point said to Mu Feng: "Mu Feng, there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Mu Feng said: "Bad news is always a headache, so you should say yes first!"

Kui Mulang waved his hand to the back, and Zhang Han was bound in.

"Kneel down!" A heavenly soldier raised his foot and kicked Zhang Han's knee, causing him to kneel on the ground with a plop.

Mu Feng said: "Zhang Han, are you guilty?"

Zhang Han snorted coldly and cursed: "Despicable monster! Kill me if you have the ability!"

Xiang Liang slapped the table and stood up, "Okay! Someone is here, drag it out..."

Mu Feng stopped and said: "Wait a minute, let me have a few words with him."

Xiang Liang nodded and said, "Please go ahead, Mr. Mu!"

Mu Feng asked Zhang Han: "Do you want to die that much?"

Zhang Han said: "Being defeated by the thieves like you, my life would be worse than death!"

Mu Feng said: "What a life would be better than death! Then do you know how many people from the six kingdoms under your Qin State's rule would have a better life than death?"

Zhang Han snorted coldly: "The rule of the Qin State is the destiny, and this is a matter of the human world. As immortals, you can interfere with the affairs of the human world at will. Isn't it shameless to violate the destiny?"

Mu Feng asked back: "The people of the six countries are all mortals. Isn't it shameless for you to use the power of the witch clan to rule them forcibly?"

Zhang Han said: "The human world has always been the place where our Wu Clan has lived for generations! Yinglong! Ever since our Wu Clan was defeated in the Battle of Chasing the Deer, your human race has been unable to tolerate us! Today, our Wu Clan regains its power to rule the world again. Realm, but you want to intervene forcibly, do you really think that our witch clan will not rise up and resist?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Okay! Zhang Han, what you said is so upright! I will let you go back, and you go and have a look. Is it because the human race cannot tolerate the witch race, or is the witch race unable to tolerate the human race?" He said to Looking at Ning Caichen next to him, he waved: "Let him go!"

Xiang Liang stood up and said, "Sir, I'm afraid this is inappropriate..."

Mu Feng said: "There is nothing wrong. If he is killed directly, he may still regard himself as a hero who is loyal to the country in his heart. Let him go back. When my army breaks through Xianyang City, I will see if he is still the same as today." This speech!"

When Ning Caichen heard the words, he knew that his master loved Zhang Han, so he waved his hand and touched the restraint on Zhang Han.Zhang Han stood up and said, "Under the city of Xianyang, you must come and never come back!" After saying that, he strode out of the county guard's mansion, revealed the real body of the Wu clan, and flew to the northwest.

Guang Chengzi said indifferently to Mu Feng: "Thousands of people lost their lives in such a huge battle, but you let the leader of the bandit go away with just one word."

Mu Feng snorted coldly and said, "I have my own plans! Guang Chengzi, I don't care about your words offending me a few times, it's because of my generosity. In the future, I will have full command of the war against the Wu Clan. You If you dare to do this again, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Guang Chengzi said angrily: "You!"

Mu Feng turned around and looked at Guang Chengzi, Yinglong's shadow loomed behind him, and a huge power filled the air.It made the whole Wu Juncheng tremble.

Guang Chengzi realized that he had no courage to resist Mu Feng at all. He finally understood that the gap between himself and Mu Feng was getting wider and wider.

A picture of Taiji flashed behind Xuandu's head and slowly rotated, isolating Mu Feng's dragon prestige, and said with a smile: "Mr. "The meaning between his words is very clear, he, Guang Chengzi and Mu Feng are in a cooperative relationship, not a subordinate relationship.Mu Feng wants to give orders, and he can't do it to the two of them.

Mu Feng took a step forward and came directly in front of Xuandu. Behind him, above Yinglong's phantom, a phantom of a sharp sword appeared again, which was the body of Huasha Sword!A huge murderous aura permeated the air, forcing Xuandu, who was still able to fight against Mu Feng, to take a step back.

"Mr. Xuandu, you have come from afar to help, I respect you as a guest! But there can only be one commander in an army! Otherwise, no matter whether it is a heavenly soldier or a demon soldier, it will be a mob!" Mu Feng said There was a murderous look in his eyes.

Xuandu immediately took another three or four steps back, leaning against the wall before barely standing, bean-sized beads of sweat began to slide down from his forehead, and he could clearly feel that if he said "no".Mu Feng would let the evil sword directly pierce his throat.

"What you said is very true, the two of us are also willing to regard you as the commander of the army!" Xuan Du gritted his teeth and said this sentence.

Mu Feng smiled and put away all his magical powers, and the atmosphere in the room became more relaxed since then: "Then thank you both."

Guang Chengzi and Xuan Du bowed to Mu Feng together and said, "Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it!"

On the one hand, Xiang Liang, who was a mortal, was soaked in sweat, as if he had collapsed: "Mr. Mu Feng, you are old and weak, go down and rest first."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Please do it!"

Kui Mulang looked at Mu Feng: "It seems that you have improved a lot during this time!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "It's not a waste of time, what about the bad news you said?"

Kui Mulang said: "The flood in the Yangtze River has crossed Wu County and is going to Kuaiji!"

Mu Feng was a little surprised when he heard the words: "I have already ordered the Dragon King of the Four Seas to stop the rain, the flood should subside soon!"

Kui Mulang said: "I just passed by the Yangtze River, and I saw the demonic aura on it. I am afraid that a big monster is about to be born. The flood will not stop because of this."

Mu Feng said decisively: "How long will it take for the rest of our troops to arrive?"

Kui Mulang said: "The remaining large troops are led by Grand Master Wen. If they want to come here, it may take three days."

Mu Feng said: "Three days! You lead all the heavenly soldiers and find a way to cut off the flood first. I will go to the Yangtze River and subdue the monsters!"

Kui Mulang said: "The demons in the Yangtze River have extraordinary origins. If you want to surrender him, you can, but remember not to hurt his life!"

Mu Feng wondered: "Don't hurt his life? What's the origin of this monster?" In his mind, Kui Mulang is a master who fears the world will not be chaotic, and he can be so afraid.Mu Feng became curious about the monsters in the Yangtze River.

Kui Mulang said: "This monster has a great relationship with Dayu, so you can't hurt him."

(End of this chapter)

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