Agent of Heaven

Chapter 344 Mu Feng's Divorce

Chapter 344 Mu Feng's Divorce

Empress Nuwa is the saint of the monster race, but she is also the creator of the human race!So strictly speaking, there is actually a certain connection between the human race and the monster race.

They all belong to Empress Nuwa, and most of them also belong to the category of "nine orifices"!Only those with nine apertures can become immortals in this world.Humans are born with nine orifices, but monsters can cultivate nine orifices through acquired practice.

However, as long as the monsters have the flesh and blood of the cannibals, they can cultivate the nine orifices as quickly as possible.This is the biggest reason why the Yaozu likes to eat people the most for many years.

But once the Yaozu has cultivated the nine orifices, they will have wisdom.Most of the body shapes that change are similar to those of humans.At this time, cannibalism still has a cultivation gain for them!However, a large part of the monster race did not choose to continue cannibalism after they cultivated the nine orifices.

Instead, they are used to finding a cave in the deep mountains or underwater, or claiming to be the king or hegemony, or practicing alone.If it weren't for the human race that came to their door, they would usually take the initiative to go to the city where the human race lived to commit murder.

Otherwise, with the power of those monster races, the cities and countries of the human race would have been wiped out long ago.

One of the main reasons why these monsters who have cultivated nine orifices and become kings do not eat people is because they are afraid of offending Empress Nuwa.The second is that they have also been influenced by the human race to some extent, and they no longer like cannibalism subconsciously.

Of course, there are also vicious demon kings, such as the three demons in the lion and camel country in the past, who once devoured the people of a country.Later, it was because he was the son of Phoenix and the uncle of Shakyamuni Buddha.And escaped the punishment of Empress Nuwa.

Mu Feng looked at Wu Zhiqi and said seriously: "I think the human race and the monster race can live in peace. As long as we defeat the witch race together first, and then the widows are in charge of both the heaven and the monster race. Don't harm the demon clan. Then refine a small world that is bigger than the demon world, and it will be used exclusively for the demon clan to live in."

Wu Zhiqi said: "The demon world is transformed by Nuwa Empress's map of mountains, rivers, and land. What kind of magic power is needed to refine a world bigger than it."

But Mu Feng smiled: "I have already thought of a way. As long as we conquer the Western Paradise and integrate the map of mountains, rivers and communities into it, we will surely be able to refine a world that is comparable in size to the human world."

Wu Zhiqi was taken aback by Mu Feng's words: "The Western Paradise! There are no two sages who have been invited to testify. How can you pay attention to them, Your Majesty."

Mu Feng said: "I can tell you something, as long as I kill Chi You and understand my last karma, I will not be far from becoming a saint."

Wu Zhiqi was overjoyed when he heard the words, "Your Majesty is serious?"

Mu Feng said: "The widow can still lie to you!" He thought for a while and said: "Now the Master Tongtian is on the side of my mother and me. If Chi You is killed this time, we will have three saints here! To wipe out the Western religion , then it will be effortless!”

Wu Zhiqi bowed to Mu Feng and said, "Where is Chi You now, I am willing to go down and kill this beast for your Majesty."

Mu Feng said: "Chi You's mana is so powerful now that it's even faintly above me."

Wu Zhiqi was a little surprised when he heard the words: "Your Majesty, your current cultivation is already at the pinnacle of quasi-sage, so is Chi You already?"

Mu Feng shook his head and said: "His merit is not enough, and he is still a long way from becoming a saint. But during this period of time, he has made great progress in his mana by absorbing turbid energy! Although his real strength is not as good as that of a saint, it surpasses us. These quasi-sages!"

Chi You's strength is not as good as that of a saint, because he cannot see through cause and effect like a saint, travel through time and space at will, and know the past and future as soon as he thinks.If he only fights alone, even if Chi You is against Shang Zhunti, he might be able to last three to five hundred rounds.

Wu Zhiqi frowned and said, "Chi You's strength, how can we beat him?"

Mu Feng waved his hand and said: "Although Chi You is strong, he wants to revive 81 of his brothers now. There is no time to embarrass us for now! Now, what we have to do is to invade Xianyang City and interrupt his resurrection of 81 brothers." Brother's process. He will be injured at that time, and we will take advantage of his weakness and attack him!"

Wu Zhiqi nodded and said: "Your Majesty is wise! I am willing to fight to the death for Your Majesty! I wonder what orders His Majesty has now?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "So, I came here this time, but I really have something for you to do."

Wu Zhiqi said: "Your Majesty has ordered, and all the humble ministers will serve to death."

Mu Feng said: "Actually, this matter is very simple. The current flood in the Yangtze River is caused by you. You can calm it down now!"

Wu Zhiqi immediately nodded and said: "I would like to obey His Majesty's will!" He heard Mu Feng explain the relationship between the human race and the monster race, and knew that Mu Feng had great ambitions.He immediately led hundreds of water monsters out of the underwater palace to calm the flood in the Yangtze River.

After Wu Zhiqi left, Kui Mulang looked at Mu Feng and said, "How can you see Wu Zhiqi?"

Mu Feng said: "He is a talent that can be created, and he does have courage!"

Kui Mulang said: "This is one of my best brothers, Mu Feng, you must treat him well."

Mu Feng said: "I will not treat such generals coldly."

Kui Mulang said: "By the way, do you have a way to deal with Chi You?"

Mu Feng said: "We didn't have it at first, but now we have it suddenly. Although we have [-] soldiers and horses now, in terms of their strength, they are still not as good as Qin's million-strong army. If there is a war, there will definitely be rivers of blood."

Kui Mulang said: "It is inevitable to fight the dead."

Mu Feng said: "Although it is inevitable, there are ways to reduce it. My method is to use alienation."

Kui Mulang said, "Divorce?"

Mu Feng had a smile on his face, "That's right, it's just a divorce."

Kui Mulang and others reacted: "You released that Zhang Han just to carry out this trick?"

Mu Feng nodded and said, "Kui Mulang, I found that you are not as stupid as you look."

Kui Mulang said: "Are you praising me or hurting me?"

Mu Feng said: "It's not to praise you, nor is it to hurt you. It's just telling the truth, but Zhang Han is just the first step in my divorce plan, and there are follow-up arrangements."

Kui Mulang said: "I feel that Zhang Han is very loyal to King Qin, I'm afraid you can't perfectly separate the two of them."

Mu Feng said: "Who told you that it is Zhang Han and King Qin who I want to separate?"

Kui Mulang said: "Then what do you mean?"

Mu Feng said: "The ones I want to divorce are... Qin Shihuang Yingzheng and ancestor Wu Chiyou!"

Kui Mulang said: "These two... Chi You's strength, and they are the ancestors of the witch clan, how dare Ying Zheng betray him?"

Mu Feng said: "You underestimate our eternal emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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