Agent of Heaven

Chapter 345 Qin Emperor's Heart

Chapter 345 Qin Emperor's Heart
Qin Shihuang wins the government, a generation of heroes of the witch clan!
Originally remnants fell outside the Hangu Pass, and the witch clan who retained a trace of incense by being a groom for Zhou Tianzi, multiplied to the extreme in his hands.Sweep the six kingdoms and become the emperor of the world!For the cultivators hidden among the various schools of thought, through two means of suppressing and wooing, the realm of comprehension had to submit to the hands of the witch clan.

This is the prosperity that the Wu Clan has never seen since Chi You!Although this prosperity is extremely short-lived.

Yingzheng inherited the throne at the age of 13, killed Lao Ai at the age of 21, and forced Lu Buwei to death at the age of 22! At the age of 39, he conquered the six kingdoms and ruled the world, and has been called the emperor ever since!

Mu Feng understands that Qin Shihuang is by no means a master who thinks he is willing to be inferior to others, even if that person is Chi You!
It's a pity that Chi You didn't understand!He still thinks that all the witches worship him as they did thousands of years ago and obey him!

That's right, the Wu people, like the human race, have the habit of worshiping ancestors.It's a pity that they only worship their ancestors, and they really obey the monarch!
It can be said that if it weren't for Chi You's current strength, he would already be No. 1 among the real saints.I'm afraid that Ying Zheng had arranged for someone to kill him long ago.

But Yingzheng's forbearance is not submission. Mu Feng believes that as long as there is a suitable opportunity, Yingzheng will definitely wait for the opportunity to kill Chi You!
So Mu Feng is going to use a scheming plan against the current Wu clan.

But who to let go is indeed a big problem.Kui Mulang, Wen Zhong and others are all generals in the army and cannot leave.If Mu Feng went there in person, he might be directly noticed by Chi You.At that time, the two of them will probably make a big move in Xianyang City!Mu Feng is naturally not afraid of fighting Chi You, but that battle shouldn't be put until now!

Ning Caichen is the one with the most flexible mind among the disciples. During his practice in Wuzhuang Temple, he gave full play to his expertise as a scholar who likes to read, so he read the classics and academic books of various schools of thought in Wuzhuang Temple.Today's Ning Caichen can be said to have "historical scriptures in his belly, armor soldiers in his chest!" It would be most suitable for him to go.

But Ning Caichen's spells are too weak!There are still many masters of the Wu clan in Xianyang City.Mu Feng really didn't want his apprentice to make a mistake!

But now, all problems are solved!

Wu Zhiqi is an ancient water demon with boundless mana and supernatural powers!Although they are not the opponents of Mu Feng and Chi You, but in Xianyang City, they are probably invincible!
Now that Wu Zhiqi has submitted to Mu Feng's command, as long as the two of them are sent to go together, they will definitely be able to cause a storm in Xianyang City.

Mu Feng told Kui Mulang all of his ideas.

Kui Mulang was naturally very happy when he heard this!Although the Wu Clan, who was mixed with Qin soldiers for a long time, was not as powerful as Mu Feng's heavenly soldiers and demon soldiers, it was better in numbers!Even if the Heavenly Demon Allied Army wins under the leadership of him and Wen Zhong, I'm afraid there will be very few left.

However, after defeating the Wu Clan, Mu Feng will turn around to deal with the Yao Clan and the Western Paradise!These forces are all big guys!Without enough troops as a backup, Mu Feng's future path will become more and more difficult!

Now if Mu Feng's estrangement plan is successful, it will naturally save Mu Feng a lot of troops!

While the two were discussing, Wu Zhiqi returned with thousands of water monsters, knelt down to Mu Feng and saluted, "Report to Your Majesty, the flood water has been extradited back to the Yangtze River by my minister."

Mu Feng nodded and smiled, "You've done a good job, I'm very pleased."

Wu Zhiqi said: "This is what a humble official should do."

Mu Feng said: "It's just that I still have a very difficult task, which needs you to complete!"

Wu Zhiqi patted his chest and said: "Your Majesty's order, I will complete it to the death."

Mu Feng nodded and said: "Okay, then you can go to Wu County with me first. I will tell you about this matter when it is necessary."

Wu Zhiqi nodded and said, "No!"

After finishing speaking, the three of them left the underwater palace together and flew towards Wujun City.

At this time, the flood on the ground has receded, and Wu Juncheng naturally fell back to the ground under the operation of Guang Chengzi and others' mana.

Mu Feng glanced at Wu Zhiqi in the clouds and said: "Aiqing, your appearance is too abnormal. If you are among the mortals below, it may cause a sensation. Why don't you change it?"

Wu Zhiqi nodded when he heard the words: "No, this minister will change his appearance." After speaking, he transformed into a strong old man with gray beard and hair.

Mu Feng nodded and said, "Then let's go into the city."

Unexpectedly, as soon as they fell into the clouds, they saw Xiang Liang leading Xiang Yu and the whole city people out of the city to meet them.

"Grandfather, please be respected by the old man!" Xiang Liang was about to kneel in front of Mu Feng.

Mu Feng said: "Don't kneel, what is this for?"

Xiang Liang said: "Benefactor got rid of the flood and returned us a piece of homeland. Naturally, we should be worshiped by us!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "If you want to thank me, you don't have to thank me. The flood was suppressed by this strong man!" After speaking, he pointed to Wu Zhiqi standing behind him.

Xiang Liang saw that Wu Zhiqi seemed to be much older than himself, so he saluted him and said, "This old man, how do you call him?"

Although Wu Zhiqi has always been arrogant, but seeing that Xiang Liang is so polite, he doesn't look too vulgar, so he cupped his hands at him and said, "Wu Zhiqi, you will call me Old Wu from now on!"

Xiang Liang said to the people behind him: "Have you all heard that our benefactor is named Wu Zhiqi, and we will set a ranking for him after we go back, and pray for him day and night!"

The people around fell to their knees and bowed to Wu Zhiqi. It was definitely a great event in their eyes to calm down such a big flood!
"Mr. Wu Zhiqi, your water control skills are so brilliant, you are really our contemporary Dayu!"

"Yes, contemporary Dayu!"

Under Xiang Liang's leadership, the surrounding people began to praise Wu Zhiqi!
Of course, the title of "Contemporary Dayu" seemed a bit harsh to Wu Zhiqi, but today he saw the grateful expressions on these people's faces.He also realized that water control, which is almost insignificant to him, may be a great favor to these people!
Surrounded by the people of the city and Xiang Yu Xiang Liang, Mu Feng and others directly entered the meeting hall of the City Lord's Mansion.As soon as he entered the door, he saw Guang Chengzi, Xuan Du and others standing on the left and right sides of the gatehouse,
"Brother Mu Feng, you have made great achievements in water control this time. It seems that your status among the people is already higher than mine." Xuan Du stepped forward and smiled at Mu Feng.

Mu Feng said: "What's the matter, the two of you must have worked hard in the city during this time."

(End of this chapter)

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