Agent of Heaven

Chapter 346 Jade Talisman

Chapter 346 Jade Talisman
Wujun City, in the meeting hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

Mu Feng sat upright on the main seat, and the two closest to him were Xuandu and Guangchengzi.

Sitting beside Xuandu were Zhang Guolao, Lu Dongbin, He Xiangu, and Han Xiangzi among the Eight Immortals of Shanggu Cave.Sitting beside Guang Chengzi was Daoist Yuding!

In fact, Mu Feng can clearly feel that although today's human education and interpretation education are like fish and water, they are brothers and sisters, but in fact they are definitely not of the same mind!

In the last Battle of the Conferred Gods, because there was only Xuandu under Laozi's sect in the world, it was all-round cooperation inside and outside to explain and teach!But it is different now, although Lao Tzu's first disciple is still Xuandu, but there are hundreds of disciples like the Eight Immortals.

Xuandu's thoughts are deep, and his mana cultivation is also top-notch in the Three Realms, so he is naturally unwilling to be a foil to those who explain the teachings all the time.So he had to keep his hundreds of registered juniors!It is necessary to sacrifice hundreds of people from the teachings and Western teachings.Because the laws of heaven are constant.Once a killing and robbery occurs, there must be enough people to respond to the robbery before it will stop.

And as long as it is a creature of the Three Realms, it will naturally have more or less friction and cause and effect with others!If you don't have enough merit to resist, then you will suffer a steady stream of disasters in the killing and calamity!Therefore, the people Xuandu and Guangchengzi brought this time are all people who need merit!
The Eight Immortals need merit, and the real Yuding and Guang Chengzi also need merit!But there is only one Chi You, and there are only so many Wu Clans!How to divide merit equally?This is a big question.

Therefore, Xuandu and Guangchengzi have been secretly divided into two factions.

Mu Feng coughed, and then said: "This time, I have a fellow Taoist who I want to introduce to you!" After speaking, he pointed at Wu Zhiqi and said, "This is fellow Taoist Wu Zhiqi!"

Wu Zhiqi stepped forward to salute everyone and said, "I've met Mr. Guang Chengzi, I've seen Mr. Xuandu!"

Xuandu and Guangchengzi also knew about Wu Zhiqi's reputation, and they were a little unhappy in their hearts!There is no other reason, whether it is human education or interpretation education, they all hate the monster race in essence!So they are not interested in the 28 constellations like Kui Mulang!This time, among the leading generals under Mu Feng's command.The only person they are willing to look at more is Wen Zhong, the former enemy.

After all, Wen Zhong was the grand master of the Shang Dynasty and led troops to fight Jiang Ziya several times.Guang Chengzi knew very well that this person was powerful. Although Xuan Du had never met Wen Zhong, he knew of his fame very early on.

Wen Zhong stepped forward to bow to Mu Feng and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Mu Feng, you have won another general! Taking down the Qin army is just around the corner!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Grand Master Wen, I have one more thing to discuss with everyone!"

Wen Zhong asked curiously: "What's the matter, sir, but it's okay to say."

Mu Feng said: "I want to send an extremely high-level expert to Qin State's death room!" He deliberately bit the word death room very hard.

Sure enough, after hearing Mu Feng's tone, neither Xuandu nor the people behind Guangchengzi made a sound!

Mu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief, what he was afraid of was that this group of people would ruin his plan for the sake of grabbing merit!He shouted down: "Ning Caichen, come out!"

Ning Caichen came out and saluted Mu Feng, "Master!"

Mu Feng said: "If I let you go to Qin State's death room, how sure are you that you will come back?"

Ning Caichen frowned and thought for a while before saying, "At most, I'm only [-]% sure! I really don't know what's going on in Xianyang City!"

Mu Feng said: "Then what if I let General Wu Zhiqi follow you?"

Ning Caichen said: "What? General Wu Zhiqi?" After speaking, he excitedly glanced at Wu Zhiqi next to him!Then he smiled and said to Mu Feng: "If there is General Wu Zhiqi to help! This disciple has ten levels of confidence that he can go with the general or come back!"

Mu Feng nodded and said: "That's good!" Then he told Wu Zhiqi: "General, I will trouble you to follow my unworthy apprentice. I hope you can protect him along the way!"

Wu Zhiqi said: "Mr.'s disciples must all be unworldly talents. I will fulfill my mission and support them with all my strength!"

Mu Feng had explained to Wu Zhiqiming before coming here that he had to face people who would intercept and explain the teachings when he came here, so no matter what, he could no longer be called His Majesty.

So even though Wu Zhiqi is extremely respectful to Mu Feng, he still can only call Mu Feng Mr.This point is no different from Guangchengzi and Xuandu.

Ning Caichen personally approached Wu Zhiqi, grabbed his sleeve and said, "Mr. Wu Zhiqi, I believe we will be able to save the day!"

Mu Feng told the other people below: "The candidates have been decided. If you have nothing to do, you should all leave! I still have something to say to the two of them alone!"

Everyone else retreated as usual, only Wu Zhiqi and Ning Caichen were left!
Mu Feng said to Ning Caichen, "How many years have you been with me?"

Ning Caichen said with a subtle smile: "Master, it has been almost 20 years since I joined your sect."

Mu Feng said: "It's been so long in a blink of an eye. I believe that with your personality, there must be many questions that you evaded to ask! If you have any questions, dare to ask!"

Ning Caichen asked, "Who are you planning against?"

Mu Feng smiled instead: "In your opinion, who is it better for?"

Ning Caichen thought about it seriously for a while, and then said: "I feel that the Qin State is now powerful. Although the existing military strength is not as good as ours, it has an advantage in number! What we should do is to prevent Chi You from being able to fight in the perfect state. Take control of Qin's troops!"

Mu Feng nodded and said: "As expected, you did not disappoint me. I know that among all my disciples, you are the one with the most delicate thoughts. That's why I can safely entrust this extremely important matter to you!"

Ning Caichen knelt down to Mu Feng and said, "Disciple, thank you for your cultivation, Master!"

Mu Feng said: "The cultivation is too bad. Although I am your master in name, in fact I have never fulfilled the responsibility of master to you! So I am very pleased that you can reach such a level!"

Ning Caichen really shook his head and said, "No! Master, if it weren't for your help, the disciple and the three of us would still be in the infinite cycle of fate!"

Mu Feng nodded and said: "It's just that this matter is really important! I will give you a jade talisman here! If you encounter any enemies that cannot be dealt with while doing things, just crush this jade talisman. At that time, the teacher will definitely come to the rescue! You remember!"

(End of this chapter)

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