Agent of Heaven

Chapter 348 Help Su Mou

Chapter 348 Help Su Mou

Duanxiu raised his head and imagined Ning Caichen and the two who came slowly, he instinctively noticed the extraordinaryness of the comer, but his natural arrogance made him subconsciously ignore anyone.

"Who is coming? If you dare to make trouble, I don't mind killing you first." Duanxiu pointed at Wu Zhiqi, and he could feel that this person's strength was not even inferior to his own.

Wu Zhiqi said: "Duxiu, do you still recognize me?"

Duanxiu was taken aback when he heard the words: "You...your voice is somewhat familiar, who are you?"

Wu Zhiqi snorted coldly: "In the past, before you fought against Shennong in Zhuolu, you once fought against the water demon in the middle of the river! The water demon was defeated at that time, and you were beaten by a palm and then retreated."

Duanxiu looked at Wu Zhiqi, and finally sounded: "You are the water demon who prevented us from slaughtering the aquarium in the river? Hmph, I didn't expect that you survived. Why are you here for revenge today?"

Wu Zhiqi sneered and said: "You have slaughtered tens of thousands of my brothers in the same clan to refine demon soldiers. Now is the time for you to repay the debt!" After speaking, he called out the crystal pillar directly, raised it and threw it at Duanxiu. go.

As Chi You's brother, Duan Xiu was naturally a fearless water demon, and he fought Wu Zhiqi head-on.The two made a big move directly in Xianyang City, and within just a few moves, a section of the city wall was directly knocked down.

Ning Caichen stepped forward at this time, rescued the injured sons Fusu and Zhang Han, took out from his arms the healing elixir presented by Mu Feng before he left, and said: "If you can trust me, you can Take this pill."

Zhang Han showed a hesitant expression, but the young master Fusu did take the pill directly, and thanked Ning Caichen: "I am so grateful for the help of the strong man."

Seeing this, Zhang Han also took the elixir. As soon as he took it in his mouth, the elixir was cut open and turned into a clear stream that flowed directly into his limbs and bones.The injury from the battle with Duanxiu recovered immediately.At that moment, he realized that he was judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. Although this Ning Caichen was an enemy, he was not a despicable person.

"What's your purpose in coming to Xianyang?" Zhang Han asked.

Ning Caichen didn't answer, just smiled and said, "Leave this to my friend, should we find a safe place first?"

The young master Fusu said: "Go to my mansion, there are many masters in the mansion, if you stop cultivating for a while, you will not dare to mess around!"

Hearing the words, Zhang Han had no choice but to say to Ning Caichen: "Young Master's mansion is safe enough, let's go quickly."

The three of them moved together and arrived at the mansion of Young Master Fusu.As soon as he entered the door, Ning Caichen took out the contact jade talisman and sent a message to Wu Zhiqi: "Don't love to fight, come quickly, big things are important!"

Wu Zhiqi was in a fierce battle with Duanxiu at this time. Duanxiu's strength was originally superior to Wu Zhiqi's, but after so many years, Wu Zhiqi had already made great progress through hard training.As for the strength of Duanxiu, it is because he died in the eight formations and has just been resurrected in the past few days, so it is basically equal to before.

The crystal pillar in Wu Zhiqi's hand was improved by Mu Feng before coming here.Added the legendary Kanjin water to the material. This water was obtained by Zhen Yuanzi when he visited Tianwaitian. weapon.And this crystal pillar was originally a not weak demon soldier. After adding the water of Kanjin, its power naturally increased greatly.During the continuous waving, Duanxiu was actually suppressed at a disadvantage!

At this time, Wu Zhiqi suddenly received the news from Ning Caichen. Although he hated his enemy, he still had to put the overall situation first and smashed Duanxiu into the ground with a crystal pillar. He snorted coldly and said, "Your neck is stored on your head now! I'll come and take it away some other day!" After speaking, it turned into a streamer and flew towards Fusu's mansion.

Inside the mansion of Young Master Fusu, Ning Caichen saw Wu Zhiqi coming, so they went into the living room of the mansion together.Fusu dismissed the surrounding servants, leaving only four of them.

"Thank you both for saving me this time. If you need Fusu's help, just ask." Young Master Fusu looked at Wu Zhiqi and Mu Feng with a smile.

Zhang Han saw that he was a little anxious at the side, he kept winking at Fusu, and thought, "What's the matter with the young master today? Didn't I tell him about the origins of these two people a long time ago? condition?
What he didn't know was that although young master Fusu was a modest gentleman, he was definitely not a mediocre person. He naturally had his own intentions when he said this.He had already expected in his heart that Ning Caichen and Wu Zhiqi came here this time and rescued him, so there can only be one thing they are planning!That is to divide the relationship between Qin and Chi You.

Ning Caichen said: "I still need to meet His Majesty Qin Huang for this matter, and I need to discuss it directly with His Majesty Qin Huang."

The young master Fusu said: "I am the eldest son of my father, and I am also the heir apparent. It is normal for you to discuss anything with me."

Seeing this, Ning Caichen exchanged glances with Wu Zhiqi, nodded slightly when he saw Wu Zhiqi, and said to Young Master Fusu: "I'm here this time, for nothing more than forming an alliance."

Young Master Fusu burst out laughing when he heard the words, he stood up and said, "Are you two here on behalf of Wu County's rebellion?"

Ning Caichen also stood up, looked at his son Fusu and said, "We follow the way of heaven, all we do is destroy the demon god Chi You, and the word rebellion, I don't know where it came from?"

Young Master Fusu said: "Wu County was originally the territory of our Qin State. You support your troops and divide the territory to divide the land. How can you not be considered a rebel? As a rebel, what face do you have to talk about alliance with me?" He said They seem to be very sharp, but they actually have their own plots.After all, the people of Qin State all have the blood of the Wu clan, so their relationship with Chi You is really very delicate.It would be inappropriate to directly form an alliance with the other party to deal with the god of his ancestors just because Ning Caichen saved him, and add a few words.

On the other hand, Mu Feng, Guang Chengzi, and the others all practiced great supernatural powers in ancient times!With Chi You as their great enemy, they naturally hoped to win over Qin.But once Chi You is eliminated, will they settle the ledger directly with the remnants of the witch clan like Qin?In the matter of the alliance, Qin must occupy a certain advantage and force the other party to give certain conditions!Otherwise, if one is not careful, the Qin Empire may be destroyed forever!This is something Young Master Fusu has to consider as the heir apparent!
If it was someone like Yan Chixia who came to negotiate, after hearing what Young Master Fusu said, he might just walk away, or start to give in unconditionally.But Ning Caichen has an exquisite mind, so he naturally saw through Young Master Fusu's plot at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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