Agent of Heaven

Chapter 349 Sophistry

Chapter 349 Sophistry
Ning Caichen stood up, looked straight into the eyes of young master Fusu, and said loudly: "Although the Qin State is Xirong, it has been integrated into China for thousands of years! Today, Qin people are mostly half-witch blood and half-human blood. The key to Daqin's ability to unify the six countries!
On the other hand, Chi You, although he was the ancestor of the Jiuli witch clan in the past, his blood relationship with the people of Qin has already been separated by thousands of miles!Jun also saw that the Chiyou brothers broke up their cultivation, ran rampant in Xianyang City, and ate civilians raw.

However, Chi You revived his brother and slaughtered tens of thousands of Xianyang people.In the city of Xianyang, all are Qin people, and they also have the blood of the Wu clan.Did Chi You ever feel pity?

Today, my master, Ying Long, follows the decree of the Nuwa Empress to eradicate the demon god Chi You!Chi You violated the way of heaven and the saint!There are hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers in armor, on the banks of the Yangtze River.Once the troops are sent to Xianyang, although the Qin soldiers are brave, they will not be able to stop them!At that time, in Xianyang, there will be millions of dead bodies, and rivers of blood will flow.It's all the son's fault, it's the Qin emperor's fault!
Chi You's cruelty attracted Yan and Huang's joint efforts to criticize him. There are historical records in ancient times, so you should know it!If the state of Qin is handed over to him, the lives of the people may be ruined.I've heard for a long time that the son helped Su Xiande, and His Majesty the Emperor of Qin is a sage, how can he abandon the country and family because of the mere theory of blood lineage?

The family teacher is under the destiny of heaven, only to fight against Chi You, and wait for Chi You to die.We naturally hide in Kyushu, and do not participate in the struggle of mortal Kyushu. "

Young Master Fusu also jumped up when he heard the words, and said with a solemn expression: "Your Excellency, are you serious? Is it true that Master will not interfere in the affairs of Kyushu after Chi You's death?"

Ning Caichen disdainfully said: "What is the identity of the teacher? The rotation of emperors in the world is completely out of our consideration."

The young master Fusu said: "If your lord is willing to write the book on the Jane, burn incense and tell the heavens. I can recommend you to my father!"

Ning Caichen said with a smile: "What's so difficult about this matter? Just take the pen and ink!"

Not a moment later, seeing an servant outside the door presenting pens, inks and treasures, Ning Caichen wrote down that after Chi You's death, Ying Long and his heavenly soldiers would never interfere in the struggle for kingship in the nine states of Qin.Then burn it to pray to heaven.

Auspicious clouds were seen in the sky, and then thunder was heard, and everyone knew that the way of heaven had dawned.At present, the host and guest enjoyed themselves and returned to the palace.

Prince Fusu changed into court clothes, and led Ning Caichen and others onto the crown prince's carriage with an ivory plate in his hand.On the way, young master Fusu held the whip in front of the car himself.All the way is smooth, and you can enter Xianyang Palace!

In Xianyang Palace, the front hall was still full of armored soldiers, but when we arrived in front of Qinhuang Palace, there was no one there!
Ning Caichen couldn't help being surprised: "Why are there no soldiers guarding here?"

Young Master Fusu sighed and said, "Ever since Crown Prince Dan of Yan State ordered Jing Ke to come here, Emperor Father has given orders. From now on, he must be ordered by the Emperor. You must not come near the Palace of Emperor Qin, and you must not come within a hundred steps of Emperor Father."

Hearing the words, Ning Caichen suddenly thought of Jing Ke's assassination of Qin in the history books, and couldn't help wondering, Qin Huang is the body of a great witch, so who is Jing Ke?Can assassinate it?And it made Emperor Qin so afraid of him?
Young Master Fusu seemed to see Ning Caichen's doubts, so he explained: "Jing Ke was the number one assassin in the Six Kingdoms in the past! The saber 'Ten Steps, One Kill' is one of the best swords in the world, even if it is the king's great witch's sword. His body was also severely injured during the battle with him! Otherwise...we would not be so coerced by Chi You today!"

Ning Caichen frowned when he heard the words: "Is there such a master among the six kingdoms? His strength is probably no less than that of Taiyi Xuanxian!"

Young Master Fusu said: "Among the Six Kingdoms, there are three masters. Although they are all Earth Immortals, their mana is close to that of the Golden Immortals above the Nine Heavens! They are Guiguzi from the Zongheng Sect. They have mysterious origins and secretly manipulate the world. Yu Nian. Later, I was besieged and killed by Bai Qi, Lord Wu'an of the Qin State, with millions of troops! The second master is the Confucian Xun Qing, who is not inferior to the Confucian sub-sage, but he has been out of the world for many years. The third is this Jing Ke..."

Ning Caichen nodded when he heard the words: "I thought that I have become a fairy, and I can run wild in Kyushu. But today I know the vastness of the world." Since he stepped on the road of cultivation, he has never felt that he is inferior to others.There are the best masters, and there are holy places of practice like Wuzhuang Temple!Although there will always be opponents whose mana is higher than his own, which one of these people doesn't have a lot of background?Only today did he realize how vast the world is and how many masters there are!In the human world, there are so many masters who are close to golden immortals, let alone Jiuyou and Tianting!

Young Master Fusu stood outside the hall, holding an ivory board, and after three prostrations and nine kowtows, he got up, tidied up his court clothes, and said loudly: "My son, Fusu, please see Father!"

A servant standing in front of the palace gate shouted in a mournful voice, "My lord, help Su to see me!"

The door was pushed by a force of mana and opened outwards!Ning Caichen followed Young Master Fusu up, only to see a man in a black dragon robe standing above the dimly lit hall!With a majestic face, he said: "Fusu, who is coming with you? Why don't you kneel when you see me?"

The young master Fusu said: "This is Yinglong's disciple. It's no wonder that the people outside the room don't respect the etiquette and look at the father!"

Hearing this, Emperor Qin flicked his sleeves, a surge of mana poured out, and directly closed several doors.All of a sudden, the hall was darkened to pay homage.

"Ying Long is my Great Qin's enemy! Fu Su, you brought this man here, but you want to offer his head to me?"

Young Master Fu Su knelt down and said, "Report to Father, that's not the case!"

Ying Zheng stared at the words: "So? Are you collaborating with the enemy?"

Young Master Fusu knelt on the ground and said: "Father, can you ask my son to report the reason?"

Ying Zheng sneered, "What other reason do you have?"

Young Master Fusu said: "My Great Qin Dynasty is also the authentic sect of China. I came out of Hangu Pass, dominated the Central Plains, and even unified the six kingdoms for three generations! How can Chi You act against the sky because of Chi You's words?"

Ying Zheng said, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

The young master helped Su and said: "Father? Chi You has slaughtered tens of thousands of Qin people, and he doesn't regard us Qin people as his subjects! Now Chi You is retreating. Why don't I take this opportunity and kill him? Solve the difficulties of my Qin country?"

Ying Zheng looked at Ning Caichen and said, "You taught Fusu to say these words?"

Ning Caichen suddenly burst into laughter: "Hahaha!"

Ying Zheng said, "What are you laughing at?"

Ning Caichen said: "I laugh at the majestic Emperor through the ages, that Ning Yuan, who was scared by Chi You, abandoned Kyushu and Wanfang, and would only shake his head and beg for mercy!"

Yingzheng was full of black air: "Don't forget, you are still in my Xianyang Palace, if I want to kill you now! Your master can't save you!"

Ning Caichen took a step forward and said, "You come and kill me!"

Ying Zheng said, "You think I dare not?"

Ning Caichen said: "Of course you dare! It's just that if you kill me, you will not be far from death!"

(End of this chapter)

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