Agent of Heaven

Chapter 350 Qin Emperor Banquet

Chapter 350 Qin Emperor Banquet

Ying Zheng took a step forward, and the black air behind him condensed and turned into a huge alien dragon, roaring at Ning Caichen!
"Roar!" There was still a sense of desolation and death in the dragon's chant.A huge wave of air spread out, attacking Ning Caichen.

Ning Caichen felt a huge pressure coming towards him. If he only relied on his own cultivation, he would be seriously injured just by this one blow.The strength of Qin Shihuang really cannot be underestimated!

Wu Zhiqi stood sideways in front of Ning Caichen, and a huge monster aura spread out, turning into an invisible barrier beside them!Block out the roar of the dragon!
Qin Shihuang put his hand on the saber at his waist, and said with a sneer, "What? Come to my Xianyang Palace, do you still want to get out of your body?"

Suddenly, four generals of the Qin Dynasty surrounded the palace. These four generals were already white-haired, but their bodies were still dressed and their faces were still mighty!And all of them are great witches!

Wu Zhiqi looked around with an ugly expression, and said to Ning Caichen in a low voice: "Including Yingzheng, there are five big witches in total, I'm afraid it will be hard to be kind today, I will try my best to hold them back, you wait for the opportunity to escape!"

Before Wu Zhiqi came, he received Mu Feng's order to protect Ning Caichen, so even in the face of five great witches, he did not abandon Ning Caichen!

Ning Caichen walked in front of Wu Zhiqi and laughed loudly: "Hahaha!"

Ying Zheng sneered, "You still dare to laugh?"

Ning Caichen said: "Of course I dare to laugh, do you really think that with five great witches you can keep us?" After finishing speaking, he raised his hand, holding a jade talisman in his palm: "This is the reason why I came here. The sound transmission jade talisman that my teacher gave me before, as long as I crush it, my teacher will come right away!"

Ying Zheng said: "Even if your master comes, we in Xianyang will have Sir Chi You in command, so we will not be afraid at all!"

Ning Caichen said: "But what happened afterwards? The master and Chi You fought against Xianyang City? Can Xianyang survive in this way?"

Mu Feng and Chi You are the two strongest people under the saints today. If they start a war here, not to mention a mere Xianyang, even the entire Great Qin Empire will collapse in an instant!

Ying Zheng snorted coldly: "As long as Ying Long is killed, Lord Chi You will no longer have an opponent in the whole world! At that time, not to mention the mere human world, even the Buddhist world, the heavenly world, and the nether world! It will all be us The treasure of the Great Qin Empire!"

Ning Caichen said: "But even if Chi You became the ruler of the Three Realms, what does it have to do with you?"

Ying Zheng suddenly fell silent, and the phantom of the magic dragon behind him began to shrink slowly, and finally shrunk and condensed into a solid body, coiled on the sword around his waist!
Ning Caichen said: "No one will believe Chi You except his brother! What's more, you are only half of the Wu family! If you are a pure Wu family, Chi You may regard you as a confidant. , It's a pity that you are no different from sheep in their eyes!"

Ying Zheng's complexion was a little purple, he looked at Ning Caichen coldly and said, "I want to tell you this, I should help you under the advocacy of your penetrating tongue, against Chi You?"

Ning Caichen looked directly at Ying Zheng's cold eyes: "Isn't His Majesty Qinhuang's thinking exactly the same?"

Ying Zheng's expression softened when he heard the words. He waved to the four great witches outside the hall, and then said to Ning Caichen, "You are very smart!"

Ning Caichen bowed to Yingzheng and said, "Your Majesty, thank you!"

Ying Zheng said: "With Ying Long having a disciple like you, I believe even more that Chi You will not be his opponent."

Ning Caichen said: "Chi You is just a brave and foolish idiot, my teacher has never regarded him as a real opponent!"

Ying Zheng asked curiously, "Chi You is not regarded as an opponent, so who does Ying Long want to be an opponent?"

Ning Caichen said: "Family teacher and Your Majesty, some are just common opponents!"

Ying Zheng laughed heartily for the first time when he heard the words: "It seems that I am not alone!"

Ning Caichen said: "Has Your Majesty thought about how to kill Chi You?"

Ying Zheng flicked his clothes, sat down on the dragon chair, and said with a smile, "I want to hear your opinions!"

Ning Caichen said: "Devil God Chi You, although he is brave, intrepid and cruel, but his mana is indeed extraordinary and holy. With our strength, we can't compete with him. Even our family teacher is not fully sure to defeat him now! "

Ying Zheng just looked at Ning Caichen and didn't say anything. He knew that what Ning Caichen said was the main point.

"After Chi You resurrected 81 brothers, he will be able to have his own personal power! As long as he can't find it, he won't be able to really fight against the three realms of heaven and earth."

Chi You's bravery at this time can be said to be the best in the world!But the only thing he may not be able to resist is the crowd tactics!Of course, no matter how many people there are, I'm afraid they won't be able to hurt Chi You at this moment.His cultivation is almost close to that of a saint!No matter how many masters there are, it will be difficult to cause substantial damage to him!
What Chi You lacks is only a strength that truly belongs to him, so now he has to try his best to revive his 81 brothers.Take them as the core strength of your future subordinates.

But it's a pity, in the future, his 81 brothers, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get together again in the future!
Ning Caichen said: "When Chi You revived his 81 brothers, it happened to be the time when he was the weakest. At that time, we will echo inside and outside!"

Qin Shihuang replied: "What I am asking is, who made the move?"

Ning Caichen said: "Please rest assured, we can leave this matter to us!"

After hearing this, Qin Shihuang laughed and said: "Then the assassin must be a very strong man!"

Ning Caichen said: "To be frank, the assassination of Chi You is done by the teacher himself!"

Qin Shihuang said: "If I say this, I can rest assured!"

Ning Caichen narrowed his eyes and said, "Your Majesty the First Emperor, I'm afraid you still want another promise from us!"

Qin Shihuang showed a very barbaric smile: "You are really a person with a delicate heart!"

Ning Caichen laughed and said, "I am the most useless among the masters. His Majesty will definitely stand with us and consider the problem!"

Qin Shihuang looked at the scenery outside and couldn't help but hear something: "How long has Jing Ke been dead today?"

At this time, an old lady came out from the side, and said to Qin Shihuang: "After Cisco's death, he did have a lot of good things! Do the tomb robbers always want to come and take a look?"

Qin Shihuang said to the old lady: "Today I will invite [-] guests! Let's celebrate Yinglong's return!"

(End of this chapter)

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