Agent of Heaven

Chapter 351 Finding the Queen of Wind

Chapter 351 Finding the Queen of Wind
On the banks of the Yangtze River, the sky is dark and the earth is dark, and demons dance wildly.

There are countless ghosts wandering by the river, and endless bones piled up into mountains.From time to time, you can hear the howling wind and howling ghosts.

Suddenly, three figures floated from the sky, one was emitting a khaki-yellow light all over his body, and he looked like a young man; He is a middle-aged Taoist with a long beard and a sword on his back. His whole body is full of sword aura, but any ghosts that come close to him will be smashed to pieces and wiped out in ashes.

"Junior Brother Guangchengzi, we are here to convert these Qin soldiers who died in vain. You must not kill any more."

"Hmph, senior brother Xuandu, you are too benevolent. A group of people who don't know the current affairs, who oppose us and the Sanqingmen, of course have only a dead end! If this is not for merit, how can you come back to transform?" They should all be relegated to Jiuyou Hell! Fellow Daoist Mu Feng, don’t you think so?”

"Haha, I agree with the words of fellow Taoist Xuandu, that killing is karma. We cultivators should be less entangled in karma, so that we can be safe in the midst of killing."

Guang Chengzi sneered when he heard the words, drew out the sword behind his back, and between the swings, thousands of sword qi flashed, killing more than a thousand ghosts directly: "No matter how much karma is entangled, I am not afraid, I am the first disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun The Twelve Golden Immortals rank first! Today, I will not transform this ghost, and I will leave it to you!" After speaking, he walked to the edge of a rock alone, meditated and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Xuan Du glanced at Guang Chengzi, a gleam of contempt flashed in his eyes, and he thought: Do you really think that Master Uncle can keep you immortal?
Mu Feng remained calm, he knew that Guang Chengzi was a person with vicious thoughts, so he ignored him.He just said to Xuandu: "So, let us save these dead souls by you and me."

Xuandu nodded, and immediately cast a spell with Mu Feng and the two of them, and rescued the ghosts of the Qin army.

These Qin soldiers were all killed when they fought against Mu Feng and others. Mu Feng and others, as well as the heavenly soldiers and generals, are not people who should exist in the world at this time. They all came through the Kunlun Mirror!Therefore, the deaths of these Qin troops are undetectable to the heaven, earth and underworld!It can only wander in the human world, if it takes a long time, I'm afraid it will become a ghost soldier, and then bring disaster to the common people.

So Mu Feng and Xuandu proposed to come here to rescue these ghosts, and Guang Chengzi followed casually, naturally he didn't pay much attention to the rescue.Killing a few ghosts on the way, and being preached by Xuandu, my heart is naturally full of growth.Now sitting cross-legged on the rock, full of complaints in my heart, I have already secretly scolded Xuandu: You are a member of Laojun's family, and I respect you three times and call you senior brother, but you actually start to preach to the poor Taoist. Arrogant!

What kind of mana is Xuandu and Mufeng? In just a moment, they have already superseded the spirits of the fierce ghosts that were originally surrounded by heaven and earth, and sent them away to the next life.The gloomy sky above the Yangtze River finally began to clear up.

At this moment, Guang Chengzi stood up and said: "The supersedation has been completed, should we go back?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Wait a minute, do you still remember to find the matter of Queen Feng?"

Guang Chengzi pinched his fingers and said: "Coincidentally, Fenghou should be born at this time, let me go to the Kunlun mirror with me to see who he is in this life?"

Now the Kunlun Mirror is positioned by the three people with mana, and serves as a passage between the Qin Dynasty and the modern world, so it cannot move, but is suspended in the southeast sky.The three of them turned into streamers and arrived within a short while.

At this time, the Kunlun mirror has changed tremendously, with a size of a thousand feet, and only in this way can it accommodate tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals to pass through!Through the mirror, you can also see the scenery of Wuzhuang Temple in the modern world.

Guang Chengzi clasped the sword with both hands, and read out the Jue of Yuqing. After a while, the scenery on the Kunlun Mirror began to change, revealing a young man who was walking.

Mu Feng recognized this person at a glance: "That's right, he is the Queen of the Wind!"

Xuandu said: "Can you find out where this person is now?"

Guang Chengzi said: "Fellow Taoist Mu Feng, if you step on the Kunlun Mirror, I will send you there!"

Mu Feng stepped on the Kunlun Mirror, looked back at Guang Chengzi and said, "Thank you."

Guang Chengzi smiled and said: "There is no need to be polite!" Then he mobilized his mana, and after a while, Mu Feng disappeared.

Xuan Du looked at Guang Chengzi and thought to himself: So this person is not stupid enough, no wonder he survived the last battle of Conferring Gods.But I underestimated him.

Mu Feng felt the surrounding scenery change, and after a while, he appeared on a stone bridge.I saw the reincarnated young man walking in the distance.

Mu Feng wanted to enlighten this person, so he used Tiangang 36 to transform, turned around and turned into an old man, sitting on the bridge.

The young man came forward, met Mu Feng, smiled and bowed, "Hello, old man!"

Mu Feng was expressionless, but the shoes on his feet suddenly fell off, so he looked at the young man and said, "Go, help me pick up the shoes."

The young man was taken aback when he heard the words, and then went under the bridge. In order to pick up the shoes, he said to Mu Feng, "Old man, your shoes!"

Mu Feng still had no expression on his face and said: "Help me put it on!"

The young man had a weird expression on his face, but he still put on the shoes for Mu Feng.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "That's right, what's your name?"

The young man respectfully said, "My surname is Zhang Mingliang Zifang!"

Mu Feng thought in his heart: It really is him!Then he said with a smile: "You know the etiquette, you are really a good boy! Tomorrow morning, come to this bridge to meet me!"

Zhang Liang smiled: "Obey!" He is a disciple of Confucianism, although his cultivation level is not high, he has also learned some skills of observing people.From a distance, he could see that the old man was vaguely shrouded in a thick layer of divine light like the earth, and knew that this person must have extraordinary background, so he came to see him.

Seeing Mu Feng's strange behavior later, he was even more sure that this was a strange person trying to test him, so he naturally obeyed.

However, Mu Feng really didn't know about these things, and sighed in his heart: "Feng Hou was originally a cunning person, but he has indeed become so polite in this life. It's really good luck to trick people! Its enlightenment!"

It turns out that in Mu Feng's previous life, Yinglong was a general under Xuanyuan Shenghuang, and Fenghou was a military advisor in front of the palace.Fenghou is good at trickery and also has a weird mind, so she often plays with Yinglong!Mu Feng played Zhang Liang left and right this time, in order to get revenge for being played many times in the past!
Early the next morning, Zhang Liang came slowly from a distance and saw Mu Feng sitting on the bridge.Mu Feng said angrily: "Zhuzi, seeing the elder An Ke is late? Go back! Come back tomorrow!" After finishing speaking, he just walked away!

Zhang Liang walked away with a face full of shame.Seeing this, Mu Feng snickered in his heart: "Feng Hou with superior resourcefulness will have today? Before enlightening you, I must play tricks on you a few more times!"

(End of this chapter)

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