Agent of Heaven

Chapter 352

Chapter 352
After Zhang Liang went back, he thought about it, and felt that the behavior of the old man he saw was extremely weird.I have no grievances or enmities with him, and I treat him with courtesy, not only is he not kind, but he makes things difficult for him several times!
At first, he thought about guessing the real identity of the old man, and whether he was sent by Emperor Qin to arrest him.After all, his assassination of Ying Zheng was really a big deal!Looking back now, it was very difficult for him to escape. After all, it was the demon god Chiyou who was only guarding Yingzheng that day!

Regarding the return of the demon god Chiyou to the human world, Zhang Liang once tried to mention it to his master Xunzi.It's a pity that the master is really stubborn, thinking that Chi You's death has been thousands of years, and he will definitely not return to the human world.Zhang Liang had no choice but to leave Confucianism, and wandered all over the Qin country alone, trying to find someone who could save the world!
Thinking of how he was hiding in Tibet all by himself in recent days, Zhang Liang felt a pang of bitterness welling up in his heart.In the past, he was also a Korean nobleman, but because of the strength of the Wu clan, his country was ruined and his family was destroyed.This weird old man probably wasn't sent by Emperor Qin to arrest and beat him.There is no aura of witch clan in him at all, and there is no such person as a human master that Ying Zheng can command.

"Forget it, let's go again and see what he can do to me!" Zhang Liang stood up and walked towards the door.It was the middle of the night at this time, and the sky was dark!When Zhang Liang reached the bridge, the sky was still pale, but the old man was already waiting in front of the bridge.

"Humph! You can't teach a child!" The old man transformed by Mu Feng snorted coldly: "You're late again, come back tomorrow!" After finishing speaking, he left without looking back.

Zhang Liang stood there dumbfounded, then slapped his head and said, "Could it be that this old man just wants to tease me? But... why is such a senior and expert teasing me?" Maple's bad taste!

But at this time, Zhang Liang has made a very correct decision, he will not leave!

I slept on this bridge today, let's see what the old man can do tomorrow?After thinking about it, it is convenient to sit down at the bridgehead, and use the Confucian mental method "Zuo Wang Gong" to settle down.

Mu Feng turned into a tit and stood on the branch of the bridge, seeing Zhang Liang meditating right there, as if he would never go back.At the moment, he felt a little distressed: "If he is like this, I won't be able to tease him tomorrow. Let me find a way to test his concentration!"

A khaki mana shrouded down, directly sucking Zhang Liang into it.But Zhang Liang, who was in a state of sitting and forgetting at this time, couldn't notice all this at all.He only felt that his meditation world had suddenly changed!
The Confucian school's "Zuo Wang Gong" is a supreme and profound mental method. As long as you practice it to the level of great success, you can see the ancient Confucian holy place, the Jixia Academy, when you enter meditation.

Although Zhang Liang hadn't achieved great success yet, he could already see the appearance of Jixia Academy.But suddenly, his meditation time changed drastically.The originally holy and shining Jixia Academy collapsed, and a giant nine-headed beast emerged from the ground, sneering at himself.

"Zhang Liang, you can't escape!" The nine-headed monster said with a strange smile, sticking out its red tongue.

Zhang Liang was frightened and said, "You are Jiuying!"

Jiuying said: "You dare to assassinate Emperor Qin, today I will take your life!" After finishing speaking, he rushed directly towards Zhang Liang!

Zhang Liang wanted to move, and a long sword shining with cold light appeared in his hand. This sword was called Ling Xu Sword!It was given by Xunzi when he worshiped Confucianism in the past.Became one of the top ten famous swords in Qin!Although it is not an ancient artifact, it can be regarded as a rare magic weapon!

Waves of sword energy erupted in Zhang Liang's hands and struck Jiu Ying's body, but it had no effect.

Seeing this, Zhang Liang gasped. He had used all his strength in the attack just now, but he couldn't even hurt a hair on the opponent. Now he had no choice but to run away first!He jumped up, dodged Jiuying's attack, and flew backward.

Unexpectedly, the ground behind was also completely cracked, and countless pitch-black gas gushed out of it.A huge demon god appeared and looked at Zhang Liang with a sneer.

Seeing this, Zhang Liang's eyes were about to burst and he said, "Chi You!"

Chi You snorted coldly, "That's right, it's me, I'm here to take your life."

Zhang Liang saw that Jiu Ying had already chased after him, and the two surrounded themselves, and it seemed that there was no way out.He sneered and said, "It's indeed a great honor for Zhang Liang to be able to come here with the two great masters! I will risk my life to play with you!"

Zhang Liang condensed all the true energy in his dantian, ready to explode himself.

Seeing this, Mu Feng knew that he couldn't continue the test, otherwise Zhang Liang might really explode himself on the spot. Although this was just his meditation world, Zhang Liang might become an idiot after the explosion!
"Zhang Liang!" Mu Feng roared!
Hearing this, Zhang Liang looked back, but saw nothing, then felt the surrounding scenery changed, and changed back to Jixia Academy.Yasheng stood in the academy, staring at him seriously.

"Zhang Liang, I was the one who called you just now!" Yasheng said.

Hearing the words, Zhang Liang bowed and said, "I've seen you, senior."

Yashengdao: "You are tenacious and tenacious. You are indeed a once-in-a-hundred-year-old genius. It is worth cultivating!"

Zhang Liang suddenly said: "Could it be that all that happened just now!"

Yasheng said: "That's right, all that just now was an illusion I set up to test whether you have the spirit of giving up your life for righteousness."

Zhang Liangdao: "In that case, I would like to thank the senior for cultivating it."

Yasheng said: "From today onwards, you will stay in my Jixia Academy, and don't return to the human world."

Zhang Liang was taken aback when he heard the words: "This..."

Yashengdao: "I want you to follow me and read books and give lectures together every day, okay?"

Zhang Liangdao: "The junior still has a lot of trivial matters in the human world!"

Yasheng said: "What you want to talk about is about Chi You."

Zhang Liangdao: "The hatred of the family has not been reported, so I dare not covet the name of Jixia Academy."

Yasheng said: "You have to know that Chi You is not something you can contend with."

Zhang Liang said: "I know."

Yasheng said: "Then you still insist on going?"

Zhang Liang said: "We must go!"

Yasheng sighed: "Do you know what a precious opportunity you have lost?"

Zhang Liang said: "I know too."

Ya Shengdao: "Will you regret it?"

Zhang Liang said: "Yes!"

Yasheng smiled and said: "It's not bad to see the nature clearly!" After speaking, with a wave of his sleeve, Zhang Liang woke up directly from the trance.Find yourself sitting on top of a bridge.

In the distance, the weird old man was walking in the night.

(End of this chapter)

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