Agent of Heaven

Chapter 353 8 formations to subdue the demon Chiyou, Xuanyuan sword slays all Buddhas

Chapter 353 Eight formations to subdue the demon Chiyou, Xuanyuan sword slays all Buddhas (finale)

But the weird old man transformed by Mu Feng walked towards Zhang Liang slowly and said, "Very good, even though you have been reincarnated in a thousand rounds, you still have the same character."

Zhang Liang said: "Who am I?" Hearing what the old man said just now, with his intelligence, he had already vaguely guessed the reason, so he said this.

Mu Feng said: "You might as well see who I am first?" As soon as the words fell, light appeared around him, and a pile of golden wings slowly unfolded behind him, showing Yinglong's true body.

Seeing this, Zhang Liang suddenly felt a headache, and pictures from thousands of years ago began to appear in his mind.

There was a golden light in Mu Feng's eyes: "Fenghou! Wake up quickly!"

A silver-white light flashed in Zhang Liang's eyes, and a huge phoenix bird pattern began to emerge behind him.

"General Ying Long, long time no see." A deep voice came from Zhang Liang's body.

"Prime Minister, long time no see."

"General, the old man and I have been sleeping in reincarnation for thousands of years, why did you wake me up again this time?"

"Chi You has been resurrected!"

Feng Houwen paused after hearing the words: "When the demon god revives, the Three Realms will be in chaos. I'm afraid there will be another killing and catastrophe."

"The Prime Minister, please help me kill Chi You with the Eight Arrays!"

Feng Hou stretched out his hand and pointed, and eight rays of light descended from the starry sky, surrounding Mu Feng: "The power of the eight formations alone is no longer enough to kill Chi You, you need to break through the eight formations with your own strength, and recast the eight formations inside." Xuanyuan Divine Sword!"

Mu Feng said: "Thank you, Prime Minister, for your success!"

Feng Hou said: "There are thousands of murderous intentions in the eight formations, and I am in charge of the formation at any time, but I can't protect you well... If you die in the formation, you will be completely wiped out..."

Mu Feng said with a smile: "You don't need to say much, Prime Minister, Ying Long should have died thousands of years ago."

"Hey... the sky is long, why is it so thinner than you..." Fenghou sighed, and the eight pillars of light engulfed Mu Feng.

Outside Xianyang City, in a dark underground palace, above a huge pool of blood, Chi You floated in the air, chanting ancient mantras, and the pool water kept changing with his words, turning into hideous faces one by one.

Duanxiu sat cross-legged not far from Chi You, with a fire burning in front of it, on which a human leg was roasted, his mouth was full of oil: "Human meat is still delicious cooked, big brother, do you want to try it?"

Chi You frowned when he heard the words: "Duxiu, you need to change your habit of greedy for blood!"

Duanxiu said indifferently: "Hey, when all the brothers are resurrected, the whole world will be our pasture!"

Suddenly, a voice came from outside: "Qin Emperor Yingzheng and his son Fusu came to pay respects to Zuwu."

Duanxiu said: "What are these half-goats doing here at this time? Forget it, get out!"

Chi You looked at Ying Zheng and Fusu father and son who came in without saying a word: they all looked terrified.Ying Zheng knelt on the ground and said to Chi You: "See Zu Wu, I wish Zu Wu good luck!"

Fusu also followed Yingzheng's example and said, "I wish my ancestor Wu Wu luck and prosperity!"

Chi You said: "What's the matter with you two?"

Ying Zheng said: "I heard that there was some misunderstanding between Lord Duanxiu and Gouzi, so I brought Fusu to the door to apologize and beg for forgiveness."

Duanxiu smiled strangely and said: "You trash, why didn't you know how to be afraid when you joined others to plot against me, but it's too late now!" After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to lift Fusu up, opened his mouth and bit his neck go.

Seeing that Fusu was about to die in Huangquan, a sudden change occurred, a small dagger slipped out of Fusu's sleeve and pierced Duanxiu's throat with lightning speed.

Duanxiu is a great witch, naturally he is not afraid of swords, he slapped Fusu flying with one palm, and wanted to pull out the dagger on his throat, who knew that the dagger suddenly became smaller and burrowed along the wound. went in.

Fusu, who was shot flying, suddenly changed into a thin man in a black robe, and said with a sneer, "!"

Every pore of Duanxiu's body was pierced by sword energy from the inside out, and his whole body turned into a cloud of blood mist.

Chi You was doing something right now, unable to save him, he just stared coldly at the black robe and said: "Who are you?"

Ying Zheng said: "This man is Jing Ke, the number one assassin in the world. He once tried to assassinate a few people, but was later captured alive by our Great Qin Tiejia, and refined into a puppet. In his hand, he can kill everything!"

Chi You snorted coldly: "I knew you would not be safe, but this is your trump card?"

At this time, two voices sounded: "Death to the devil!"

Ning Caichen and Wuzhiqi flew out from the left and right sides, holding magic weapons and hitting Chi You!

Chi You was at the critical moment of his practice, if he was interrupted by the two of them, his vitality would be seriously injured. Now that his only guard, Duanxiu, has been killed by Jing Ke, it is the best time.

"Amitabha!" Two rays of Buddha's light flew out, directly blocking Wu Zhiqi and Ning Caichen!
Ning Caichen said angrily: "Manjusri and Puxian! Your Buddhism really wants to live with the devil Chi You."

Manjusri Bodhisattva flew up, waved a Buddha's light without saying a word, and killed Ning Caichen!
At this time, there was a wild laughter from the heaven and the earth: "You are full of good, evil, and compassion, but you do this perverse thing in the end! This is you hypocritical Buddhas and Bodhisattvas!"

A phantom of a giant dragon flew over, directly illuminating the two Bodhisattvas, Manjusri and Samantabhadra.

"Not good! That guy Yinglong is here, Buddha save me!" Puxian's complexion changed drastically.

"No one can save you!" Two golden sword lights flashed.The two Bodhisattvas, Manjushri and Samantabhadra, turned into ashes, leaving only a little spiritual consciousness, and went to the list of gods.

The phantom of the giant dragon dissipated, and Mu Feng revealed his face, but at this time his figure also became extremely illusory, with a gossip pattern floating behind his head.

Ning Caichen said in surprise, "Master!"

Mu Feng said: "Let's go, the battle here is not for you to participate in!" After speaking, he waved his sleeves, and the gossip pattern turned on the back of his head, and Ning Caichen and the other three were sent out.

Chi You looked at Mu Feng and said, "Eight Arrays? Have you found Feng Hou?"

Mu Feng said: "Chi You, let's capture him without a fight!"

Chi You said: "Of course I will defeat you again with my own hands, but now your opponent is not me!"

The surrounding Buddha light shines, and hundreds of Buddhas, Arhats, and Bodhisattvas suddenly appear here!Duobao Tathagata is making a lotus platform: "Yinglong, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, turn back and see the shore!"

Mu Feng sneered: "I'll teach you what the real sea of ​​suffering is boundless right now!" The gossip map turned again in the back of his head, and suddenly flames burst out around him, enveloping thousands of Buddhas in it!Some arhats with weaker cultivation bases lost their golden bodies in less than a moment and turned into blood mist.Even a bodhisattva with a certain level of cultivation is struggling to support in the raging fire!
Many Treasures Tathagata said angrily: "Thousand Buddha Formation! Cassock Buddha demon!" Sitting on the lotus platform, it turned into petals and floated out. .

Mu Feng sneered and said: "The formation of ten thousand Buddhas, that's all, today I will break your formation of ten thousand Buddhas with eight diagrams!" The sky is full of turbid water, and it only needs to be touched to defile the soul of the Buddha and Bodhisattva in penance!Even the Buddhist light cassock can't stop it!

Seeing this, Duobao Tathagata was shocked, knowing that his Ten Thousand Buddha Formation was definitely not the opponent of Mu Feng's Eight Formation Diagram, so he directly threw a bowl and beat at Mu Feng, wanting to capture the thief first and capture the king first!

Mu Feng stretched out his hand and pointed, and a golden sword light flew out, directly piercing through Tathagata's alms bowl, and flew towards Tathagata without losing momentum.

"Fellow daoist, stop!" An old man wearing a Taoist robe and holding a wonderful tree of seven treasures suddenly appeared, and stretched out his hand to condense a big golden hand, trying to block Mu Feng's sword light!
However, that little bit of golden sword light passed through the big hand unstoppably, directly piercing through the Tathagata's Tianling Gai!
Mu Feng said: "Zhunti, you finally appeared!"

Zhunti said: "Complete Xuanyuan Sword Qi! Have you recast Xuanyuan Sword?"

Mu Feng said: "I am Xuanyuanjian!" Then he turned into a sword light and flew towards Zhunti!

Zhunti waved the Qibao Miaoshu left and right in his hand, fighting with the sword light transformed by Mu Feng.The two fought back and forth, fighting for dozens of rounds, and a ray of sword light directly pierced Zhun Ti's hairpin.

Zhunti's long hair fell loose, and a look of shock and anger appeared in his eyes: "Zhuzi!"

Mu Feng turned into his own body and said: "If you stop me from killing Chi You again, I will kill you!"

Zhunti said: "I am an immortal saint! You actually want to kill me!"

Mu Feng stopped talking, and stretched out his hand to condense the phantom image of Xuanyuan Sword.

Seeing this, Zhunti was shocked: "You don't want to die! You condensed all the luck of all races on the Xuanyuan Sword into your own carrying, and cast yourself into a new Xuanyuan Sword?"

Mu Feng said: "I am carrying the Eight Arrays and the Xuanyuan Sword at the same time. Even if I can't kill you, I can seriously injure you, and then I will be exiled to the outside of the heavens and worlds, so that you can never return. At that time, you will have to fight with death again." What's the difference?"

Zhunti snorted coldly: "Poverty is not as knowledgeable as a lunatic!" After finishing speaking, he left with his sleeves!

Mu Feng looked at Chi You, and Chi You also looked at Mu Feng.

Chi You said: "Looks like it's time!" After finishing speaking, he interrupted the practice and put on a combat posture.

Mu Feng said: "You are not my opponent!"

Chi You said: "Come on, the witch clan is never afraid of fighting."

Mu Feng said: "Are you really not afraid of death?"

Chi You said: "Why are you still hesitating? I killed your woman and seriously injured you!"

Mu Feng sighed: "Killing will not change anything." After speaking, the eight formations in the back of his head spun wildly, directly enveloping Chi You.

Chi You exclaimed, "What are you going to do?"

Mu Feng said: "Let's pay back the law together with me! You and I shouldn't exist in this world!" After finishing speaking, he broke the phantom of the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, and streaks of golden light floated out from his body , back to nature.

In the Eight Formation Diagram, Chi You turned into dust, and his power was woven into a stream of red light and flew out, returning to nature as well.

The whole world is shrouded in two kinds of light, golden and red!
In Zixiao Palace, Hongjun Daozu sat cross-legged on the futon, suddenly opened his eyes and said: "Forget it, let it be! Let you two bear all the sins!" After speaking, he waved his sleeves, and time passed and stars moved.

The list of gods was shattered, and everything returned to its original state.

Jiang Xiaoyue woke up from her dream and walked towards her yard.

Zhen Yuanzi woke up from the meditation.

Everything has returned to the original, but everyone has forgotten the existence of Mu Feng.But everyone felt lost.The Three Realms returned to peace!

(End of this chapter)

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