Agent of Heaven

Chapter 49 Jiangzhou University Arson Case

Chapter 49 Jiangzhou University Arson Case

Jiangzhou University, referred to as Jiangzhou University.It is not considered a first-class university in China, but it is quite famous in the Jiangdong area.

The construction of the campus is very antique, and the architects referred to many concepts of classical gardens in Jiangnan water towns when designing this university.Therefore, when you enter, you will be amazed by the campus full of pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, and it really lives up to the title of the hometown of splendid articles.

But today's Jiangda has lost the tranquility and elegance of the past.A team of police cars drove in and surrounded a teaching building of the school.

The school issued a notice saying that the teaching building had encountered a fire and strictly ordered any students to come forward and watch.

"It's here? So fast!" Mu Feng took a look at the surrounding environment and found himself standing in front of a teaching building, surrounded by police barriers, surrounded by police cars, fire trucks and ambulances car.A lot of police officers are busy walking around.

"That's right, this is Jiang University." Cheng Liangliang nodded.Under his escape technique, everyone has arrived at Jiang University as quickly as possible.

Jiang Xiao looked at the moon and said: "Did the case happen in this teaching building? Then let's go in and have a look."

As soon as they reached the isolation zone, a policeman in uniform stopped them: "You are not allowed to approach casually here. Didn't you see the school's notice?"

The policeman who came here thought Mu Feng and the others were college students who wanted to watch the excitement.

Jiang Xiaoyue's escape certificate with the golden national emblem on it waved in front of him. "Ninth Bureau of National Security!"

A trace of envy flashed in the policeman's eyes, and he saluted the three of them, then opened the isolation belt and let them get in.

Entering the teaching building, only to find that this floor has become unsightly. The original white walls are full of scorched black marks, as if they have been burned by flames.

The further you walked inside, the more chaotic the scene became. Until reaching a large classroom, Mu Feng even thought he was in the ruins of the Middle East battlefield.

This classroom no longer has a complete wall, and the entire classroom is the scene of a huge fire.Mu Feng stretched out his hand, stroked a scorched broken wall and said: "The temperature of this flame is extremely high, and it exploded in an instant, most of these walls were collapsed by the impact of the explosion, and burned It just stays on the surface."

With a little force, Mu Feng inserted his arm into the wall, then pulled it out again, holding a handful of shattered powder in his hand.The powder has two eye colors, the outermost layer is pitch black, and the inner layer is red.He inferred correctly, the outer black layer of the wall became extremely fragile due to the burning of the flames, while the red brick fragments inside were just crushed by him.

A tall middle-aged man came over. He wore a pair of glasses and had short hair like a soldier. He stretched out his hand to Mu Feng: "Hello, I'm Chu Nan."

Mu Feng stretched out his hand to shake with him, but found that Chu Nan was looking at him with scrutiny.

Cheng Liang stepped forward and said, "Brother Chu, this is Mu Feng, the special advisor of our Ninth Bureau." Then he introduced to Mu Feng: "Chu Nan is a criminal investigation expert of our Ninth Bureau, who has just been transferred from the headquarters to Jiangzhou. Yes, so you haven't seen it yet."

Chu Nan smiled softly at Mu Feng: "Does Consultant Mu usually live together with his family?"

Mu Feng asked suspiciously: "How do you know?"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Uncle Nan is going to play that trick again."

Chu Nan looked at Mu Feng and said very quickly: "Judging from your clothes, your family background should not be very good, but you have the hair of a large dog on your neckline. It is obvious that you were still at home before you came here. The dog raised is playing around. Judging by the hair, it should be a hunting dog, and the price and breeding conditions of the hunting dog are very expensive. According to your birth habits and financial ability, you should not take the initiative to raise it, so I guess you must be with a dog. people live together."

"The sleeves of your shirt were folded high to your elbows. The clothes are very old, but they have been washed very clean. This shows that you are a relatively hygienic person. But there is a hole in the corner of your back. Oil stains and traces of soy milk, and it is extremely fresh. It cannot be glued on by yourself, it should be wiped on by someone else. According to the angle of your back, it should be caused by someone pulling the corner of your clothes. In the case of not washing your hands I will go to pull other people's clothes, and there should be a young child in your family."

"Live with a person who has a big dog, and there is a child at home, and Xiaoyue actually lives with you. Don't ask me how I know, you still have a smell of Xiaoyue when you talk now. Spicy chicken buns. According to your income, if you want to live in such a big house, you can only live in the suburbs."

Mu Feng was dazed for a long time, and finally looked at Chu Nan with extremely admiring eyes: "It's so... so powerful, it's as if Sherlock Holmes is alive!"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled, and said to Chu Nan: "Uncle Nan, can you stop showing off when you see others? How is your investigation of the case here?"

Chu Nan showed a doting smile to Jiang Xiaoyue: "I have already made a preliminary judgment." Then he suddenly turned his head and asked Mu Feng, "Consultant Mu, what do you think of the situation here?"

"You still don't want to call me Consultant Mu. I sound awkward. You can call me Xiao Mu from now on." Mu Feng scratched his head and said, "As for your opinion on this place."

"According to the degree of destruction here, it should be caused by a high-intensity explosion. But it should not be something like a bomb, because the temperature of the flame is really high and scary. I saw it slightly when I was passing by just now. After looking at the corpses carried into the ambulance, each one was completely charred black, and there was no trace of shrapnel or the like on the body. Even if some corpses were slightly damaged, it was caused by the tremors in the powerful explosion. In addition, there are still There are faint mana fluctuations left, and I can basically judge that what caused the explosion should be a very powerful magic weapon."

After hearing Mu Feng's answer, Jiang Xiaoyue exclaimed, "Mu Feng, when did you become Sherlock Holmes?"

Cheng Liang smiled and said, "According to your pissing nature, you are more like Conan."

Chu Nan just nodded slightly and said, "That's right." Then he continued to ask lightly, "How do you think the investigation should be done?"

Mu Feng asked back: "Has the death toll at the scene been counted?"

Chu Nandao: "According to statistics, there were 110 people in this classroom, including the teacher, but there were only 109 charred corpses at the scene. One person is missing!"

Mu Feng said: "Missing? At such a huge explosion site, it is basically impossible for anyone to survive. If there is, that person is suspected of being the murderer. We should confirm his identity first."

Chu Nan smiled, as if he wanted to test Mu Feng: "Then how should we confirm his identity?"

Mu Feng said: "The students here should have a list. Through the DNA test in the hospital, the identity of the deceased can be basically confirmed. Then we will use the method of elimination to find the missing person."

(End of this chapter)

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