Chapter 50
Faced with the huge arson and explosion case at Jiangzhou University, Mu Feng also made his own analysis.Now he believes that this case has a lot to do with the missing student.At present, the identity of the missing person can be confirmed through DNA testing, and then further investigation can be carried out.

After listening to Mu Feng's analysis, Chu Nan said expressionlessly: "Your logical thinking is very good, and you are very suitable for working in the Ninth Bureau. Jiang Ju really knows people with eyes."

Before Mu Feng was polite, Chu Nan continued, "It would be too slow to guess the identity of the criminal after waiting for the DNA test results. We can also start with the family background and conduct further investigations."

Mu Feng asked suspiciously, "Family background?"

Chu Nan said: "Yes, and the results of the investigation have come out. Most of the students in this classroom are from ordinary family backgrounds. It is impossible for ordinary people to use mana, and only one of them may have mana. Because he was from a cultivator family, one of the three major cultivator families in Wuzhou, the Xiao family."

Mu Feng asked suspiciously: "The cultivator's family?"

Jiang Xiaoyue explained: "The vast majority of cultivators learn spells and Taoism through worshiping teachers, but there are also some people who have a long history of learning. There are good family practice skills in the family, and the relatives form a party. We generally Call them the cultivator family."

Mu Feng stroked his chin: "In this case, the missing person should be the boy from the Xiao family. It is very likely that he manipulated some magic weapon to destroy this place."

Chu Nan shook his head and said, "We can't make such a conclusion."

Mu Feng wondered: "Why?"

Chu Nandao: "Because we got in touch with the Xiao family just now, and the answer they gave was that the boy who came to Jiangzhou to go to college was born to be a waste wood who could not practice any spells. He is already 19 years old, but he has not even completed the Qi refining period." Unable to break through, it seems like three months ago it was still at the first level of Qi Refining."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Is 19 years old still at the first level of Qi refining? Such a person will basically never break through the Qi refining stage in his life, and at most people in the Qi refining stage are slightly stronger than ordinary people, equivalent to martial arts masters among mortals .They won’t have mana on them.”

Cheng Liang said: "Then it should definitely not be that Xiao family kid. Such a person may have died in this explosion."

Chu Nan said: "Until the truth emerges, we must not jump to conclusions."

Mu Feng asked, "What's the name of that boy from the Xiao family?" He was quite interested in this person, because he suddenly felt that this kind of useless, humiliated person is the most pure in online novels. protagonist template.

Chu Nan flipped through the list in his hand and said, "This person is called Xiao Yan."

Mu Feng said: "I think we should start investigating this person first, and ask the teachers and classmates who have had contact with him in this school."

Chu Nan said: "That's the only way. Before the DNA results come out, let's ask the people who have had contact with him."

Jiang Xiaoyue frowned and said, "If he was teaching in this classroom, then most of his classmates should have died."

Mu Feng said: "Are there any victims among his classmates?"

Chu Nan said: "There are quite a few, and one of them lives in the same dormitory with him. Let's investigate now."

In an office of Jiangzhou University, a fat boy with thick eyes was called in front of Mu Feng and the others.

"Don't be nervous, we are just doing routine work and asking you a few questions." Cheng Liang said.

The little fat man nodded and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"Tell me first, your name and identity, and the reason why you didn't go to class."

"My name is Hong Wu. I'm a sophomore in the Chinese Department. The reason I didn't go to class was because I was playing games in the dormitory." Having said that, he gave Mu Feng and the others a timid look.

Mu Feng smiled, skipping classes and playing games is really normal for boys.He then asked, "Do you know Xiao Yan well?"

Hong Wu thought for a long time and said, "Xiao Yan... he is usually very quiet."

Mu Feng asked: "What else?"

Hong Wudao: "It's very quiet! Basically, he never communicates with us, and he doesn't care if someone takes the initiative to talk to him. This person feels very boring. Students often even forget his existence, so I really have no impression of him."

Mu Feng wiped his chin and thought for a while, then sent the little fat man away, and started asking other teachers and students to answer questions.But those people had almost the same impression of Xiao Yan, they were all very quiet boys who basically didn't talk much.

Moreover, most of the university teachers are the type who leave after class, and many teachers even don't remember the existence of Xiao Yan.

Facing the same answer, Jiang Xiaoyue couldn't help but yawned, and shouted to the outside: "Next!"

An old man with gray hair came in from the door again.

Cheng Liang said: "Tell me your name and identity."

"I am a teacher in the Chinese Department, and my name is Yang Zhenshu." The old man said.

"Do you have any impression of a student named Xiao Yan?" Cheng Liang asked routinely.

Yang Zhenshu pushed the square-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, "Is the explosion related to him? Well, as I said earlier, this student will have an accident sooner or later."

Mu Feng regained his spirit in an instant and said, "Go ahead!"

Yang Zhenshu sighed and said, "When I reviewed articles written by students, I saw that this student named Xiao Yan often wrote some extremely scary articles."

Cheng Liang took a pen and began to quickly record: "Terror? What kind of article?"

Yang Zhenshu said: "There are two articles that impressed me the most. In the first article, he described a little boy who lost his father, and his mother took him to remarry to someone else. As a result, the adoptive father treated him well on the surface, but secretly He was abused in every way. Even later, the child accidentally discovered that his adoptive father was actually the real murderer of his father! So he started a series of cruel revenge plans."

There was an inexplicable light in Chu Nan's eyes: "Is there another one?"

Yang Zhenshu said: "There is another article about a group of students who were placed in a closed boarding school. They had an extremely perverted and cruel head teacher. This person often beat these students in the name of education. He even sexually assaulted some of them. .”

Mu Feng smiled and said, "This second article is actually quite realistic. It's not like no teacher has done this kind of thing."

Jiang Xiaoyue gave Mu Feng a blank look, and then asked Yang Zhenshu, "Then after you read these articles, have you communicated with him?"

Yang Zhenshu nodded and said: "I think there is a certain psychological problem. I tried to communicate with him, but he always refused to contact me. Later, I reported this problem to the school, but the school leader said it was just a student. free creation."

After the old professor Yang Zhenshu left.

Mu Feng said: "This old gentleman is really a responsible teacher. In addition, it seems that we must let the leader of this school step down."

Jiang Xiaoyue snorted coldly and said, "Do you think that group of moths are still running away? Tomorrow, the shuanggui that should be shuanggui, the investigation that should be investigated."

Chu Nan ignored the conversation between the two of them, but asked Mu Feng, "What clues did you see from the investigation just now?"

Mu Feng said: "According to Yang Zhenshu, this Xiao Yan is likely to have potential violent tendencies. He may even have certain mental problems."

Chu Nandao: "Judging from the two articles he wrote, this person should have suffered serious psychological trauma when he was young."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "How to tell?"

Chu Nandao: "Most of the protagonists in the article are weak and helpless little boys, and Xiao Yan was already in his 20s when he wrote this article. A person in his 20s is always in the article Substitute yourself into a weak little boy."

"So he must have been hit hard as a teenager?"

"That's right! And this blow has been with him for almost his whole life." Chu Nan said to Cheng Liang, "Tell the Xiao family to send me all the information and experiences of Xiao Yan from childhood to adulthood!"

Cheng Liang said, "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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