Agent of Heaven

Chapter 52 Wuzhou Xiao Family

Chapter 52 Wuzhou Xiao Family
Wuzhou City also belongs to the Jiangdong area, so the distance from Jiangzhou City is not very far, and it only takes three hours to drive there.

Cheng Liang did not follow, he chose to stay in Jiangzhou City.

On a helicopter, Mu Feng looked down at the clouds below and said, "It's the first time I've made an airplane, and I'm still a little excited."

Chu Nan handed over a cigarette and asked, "Smoking?"

Mu Feng took the cigarette and was about to light it.Jiang Xiaoyue from behind shouted: "Smoking is not allowed on the plane!"

Chu Nan reluctantly stuffed the lighter back into his pocket: "Why is the little girl still so fierce?"

The pilot at the front said: "Report to the chief, the front is close to the destination, are you ready to land?"

Chu Nan said: "Put your skydiving bags on your back, we will land in front of you."

Mu Feng asked: "Why did he call you Chief?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said with a smile: "Uncle Nan is from the army, and now he still holds the rank of major general."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I didn't realize that our Uncle Nan is still a general."

Chu Nan said: "Don't be poor, quickly bring your safety equipment, we will skydive in front." He smiled at Mu Feng: "Have young people tried skydiving?"

Mu Feng said: "I haven't tried it."

Chu Nan said: "It's inevitable that you will be nervous for the first time, but it's okay..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw Mu Feng reached out and took out the lighter from his bag, lit the cigarette, and then jumped off the plane.

"You haven't brought your parachute yet!" Chu Nan shouted at Mu Feng.

But Mu Feng turned around in the air, gave him an ok gesture, and then turned into a golden eagle to glide in the air.

Chu Nan was surprised and said, "This kid... really has skills."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled slightly, put the parachute on her back and jumped down with Mu Feng.She could actually choose to fly against the wind, but that would be a waste of mana.So I still used the parachute prepared in advance.


The Xiao family in Wuzhou can be considered a relatively well-known faction among the cultivation families.In order to stay away from living with ordinary mortals, the place where their clansmen live together is a place called Yinyun Mountain outside Wuzhou City, and a set of phantom formations are set up outside, so that ordinary mortals cannot enter.

Bureau Nine arranged to pick up Mu Feng and the others at Yinyun Mountain, a middle-aged man with a beard on his chin.His expression at this time was stunned.

Because he saw a golden eagle landed in front of him, and the eagle was talking to himself with a cigarette with only a butt in its mouth.

"Are you also from Bureau Nine?"

"Uh... yes!" The middle-aged man's eyes were a little dull.

Only then did Mu Feng realize that he had forgotten to transform back into a human form in a moment of excitement, so he smiled awkwardly.

what do i seeI saw a smoking and talking eagle smiling at me?The heart of the middle-aged man is broken at this time.

With a flash of light, Mu Feng has changed back to his original body, and he stretched out his hand to the middle-aged man: "Hi, my name is Mu Feng, and I am the special advisor of Bureau Nine."

A voice belonging to Chu Nan came from a distance: "Ling Yan, long time no see." He had already taken off his parachute and walked over, Jiang Xiaoyue followed him.

It turned out that this middle-aged man was called Ling Yan.He obviously knew Chu Nan, and after greeting Chu Nan, he looked at Mu Feng again: "Are you really Mu Feng? That evil star who is famous in the cultivation world?"

Mu Feng smiled awkwardly: "I'm really notorious."

Ling Yan said with a smile: "Don't mind, actually I think your name is quite good. After all, the weak and the strong prey on the strong in the cultivation world. There are everyone. At a young age, you have a reputation that makes all the sects afraid. In the entire cultivation world, you are the leader." One."

Mu Feng scratched his head and said, "Then you said we went to Xiao's house, would they welcome me?"

Ling Yan said: "Welcome even if you don't welcome them. They are just a mere cultivator family, affiliated to the Luoyun sect of cultivation. But the Luoyun sect is attached to Shushan. With your strength, you can have an equal dialogue with the head of Shushan. People, their patriarch is afraid to sweep the couch to welcome you when they see you."

Hearing this, Mu Feng regretted not bringing the little sword fairy Qing Su, who is the future head of Shushan.

Chu Nan said: "We didn't let the Xiao family know about our coming, did we?"

Ling Yan said, "Aren't you worried about my work? Let's go to Xiao's house now."

Several people set foot on Yinyun Mountain together, but were blocked in front of a cloud.

"This is the phantom array arranged by the Xiao family?" Mu Feng stretched out his hand and groped on the cloud and mist. In his opinion, the phantom formation is really very fragile, as long as he takes a light shot, it can be shattered.

Of course, Mu Feng couldn't do this. He was officially on duty on behalf of the Ninth Bureau. It would be too embarrassing if he just called the door like this.

"Ninth Bureau Ling Yan came to visit the head of the Xiao family!" Ling Yan shouted into the phantom formation.

The clouds dispersed, and a young man in white clothes with a cloud logo embroidered on his sleeve came out: "It turns out that Mr. Ling Yan is here, please wait a moment, I will inform the patriarch right away."

Ling Yan said: "Wait!" He pointed to Mu Feng who was standing aside and said, "This is Mr. Mu Feng, the special advisor of our Ninth Bureau. He is the one who really came to pay a visit to the head of the Xiao family. Just a companion."

When the young man in white heard Mu Feng's name, his expression immediately changed, and he saluted, "So it was Senior Mu Feng who came, and this junior was rude."

Mu Feng said: "Actually, I'm not too old to be considered your senior."

The young man in white said: "Senior Mu was just joking. Those who are masters in the cultivation world are the first. Mr. Mu's cultivation is as high as the sky, and the battle of Shushan became famous all over the world. Naturally, it is our senior. I will inform the patriarch that Senior Mu is going to come, please Wait a moment, everyone." Saying that, he walked into the clouds.

Mu Feng smiled awkwardly at Ling Yan: "Unexpectedly, I have become a senior in the cultivation world."

What he didn't know was that after the young man in white walked into the cloud, he yelled at the fellow guards around him: "It's not good! Mu Feng, the number one scourge in the cultivation world, has come to our Xiao family! Everyone, go and inform the patriarch!"

A group of youths who were dressed in the same manner as him changed their expressions and walked towards the family hall together.

"You guys, why are you in such a panic?" An old man with white beard sat in the hall, looked at the young people who came, and frowned.

"Patriarch! It's not good, the disaster star named Mu Feng has come to our Xiao family!" The young man in white who greeted Mu Feng just now prostrated himself on the main hall.

"What? That Mu Feng who made a big splash in Shushan?" The white-bearded old man jumped up from his seat and shouted at the people below: "That's a great power with a cultivation base as high as the sky. Waiting outside the door? Call all the elders of the family and go out to greet me with me."

The cloud and mist formation on Yunyin Mountain dispersed, and an old man with white beard stood in the front, followed by several old men with gray hair, saluting to Mu Feng together.

"Don't be too polite, don't be too polite!" Mu Feng waved his hands again and again, the old men inside were probably old enough to be his grandparents, and it made Mu Feng feel very embarrassed to show him such a big gift.

The white-bearded old man who took the lead said to Mu Feng: "Xiao Zhiyuan, the head of the Xiao family, has seen Senior Mu. I didn't know that Senior came to visit, and I was disappointed. I hope Senior will forgive me."

Mu Feng: "..." The person who was about the same age as him called him senior just now, and he already felt very awkward.Well now, a group of old men who are at least a few hundred years old came out, and they all insisted on calling themselves seniors.

This rule in the cultivation world is really hard to accept...

(End of this chapter)

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