Agent of Heaven

Chapter 53 Crazy Woman

Chapter 53 Crazy Woman

The Xiao family's mansion on Yinyun Mountain is extremely luxurious and large in scale, it looks like a small city-state from a distance.Tens of thousands of descendants of the Xiao clan live in it.

Because Xiao Yan was probably hiding in Wuzhou City at this time, Ling Yan only introduced Mu Feng to the head of the Xiao family, and then rushed back to Wuzhou to mobilize the forces of the Ninth Bureau to secretly protect the civilians in Wuzhou and prevent Like the students of Jiang University, they were attacked by Xiao Yan.

The three of Mu Feng were invited to the reception hall by the head of the Xiao family and all the elders, and they were seated separately.

Chu Nan didn't want to be too shabby with them, so he said straight to the point: "We came to Xiao's house this time to investigate a case."

Xiao Zhiyuan's eyes flickered: "Are you here for that Xiao Yan again?"

Mu Feng said: "Exactly."

Xiao Zhiyuan said: "Xiao Yan is just a descendant of my Xiao family. He has been kicked out of the family because he doesn't have any talent for cultivation. I have ordered these things into a book a few days ago and sent them to Bureau Nine. I have also heard about the case you mentioned, and with Xiao Yan's strength, it is impossible to do it."

Mu Feng said: "But according to our latest investigation progress on the case, the murderer is Xiao Yan."

Xiao Zhiyuan was shocked: "Is that possible?"

Mu Feng said: "Xiao Yan should have had an adventure after leaving the family, which gave him inexplicably strong cultivation and magic power. He can also control an extremely powerful fire magic weapon."

Chu Nan continued: "And he also left us a provocative video. According to various clues, we think he may return to Xiao's house next."

They have made it very clear that you treated Xiao Yan badly in the past, but now that he has obtained a powerful counterattack, he will naturally come back to seek revenge from you.

Xiao Zhiyuan's expression was cloudy and he didn't speak.A young man in white clothes standing behind him laughed loudly: "Grandpa, why worry? Even if Xiao Yan has some adventures, how strong is he? Our Xiao family is no better than those mortals. If he dares to come, Sun'er personally captured him and handed it over to Bureau Nine for disposal."

The young man in white who spoke was handsome, and he was holding a folding fan, looking chic and unrestrained.After he finished speaking, he cupped his hands at Mu Feng and the others.

Xiao Zhiyuan nodded, and introduced to Mu Feng and others: "This is my ineffective grandson, Xiao Yicai."

Jiang Xiaoyue whispered in Mu Feng's ear: "This man is not very old, but he already has the cultivation base of the early stage of Jindan."

In the early stage of Jindan, one can already hold the position of elder in some small sects of cultivation.Xiao Zhiyuan, the patriarch of the Xiao Clan, was only at the later stage of Jindan's cultivation.It seems that this young man named Xiao Zhiyuan can be called a so-called genius of comprehension.Xiao Zhiyuan said that he was not good enough, he just wanted to be humble.

Xiao Zhihong, the second elder of the Xiao family, said to Mu Feng: "Don't worry, Mr. Mu, that little traitor Xiao Yan has already been expelled from the gate by our Xiao family. If we find him, we will definitely be the first!" Time will tell the Ninth Bureau, and we will never cover it up."

Under Mu Feng's strong request, the group of old men finally agreed not to call Mu Feng Senior Mu, but they didn't dare to call him by his first name directly, so they collectively called him Mr. Mu.

Xiao Zhiyuan nodded, and looked at Mu Feng sincerely: "Xiao Yan has fallen into the evil way by killing mortals. This kind of behavior is punishable by everyone in the cultivation world. Although our Xiao family has nothing to do with him But he was born in Xiao's family after all, we are obliged to do our best to help Ninth Bureau capture him and bring him to justice."

He specially said, "Our Xiao family has nothing to do with him" very loudly.Fearing that Xiao Yan's crimes would involve the Xiao family, he is trying his best to distance himself from it.

Mu Feng smiled slightly, and bowed his hands to the elders of Xiao's family present: "In that case, I will thank you all."

Xiao Zhiyuan returned the courtesy and said: "Mr. Mu, you don't need to be polite, these are what we should do. Sigh! There is such a rebellious person as Xiao Yan

, It really shamed the whole family! "

Mu Feng sighed slightly, the Xiao family's attitude towards Xiao Yan made outsiders feel chilled when they saw it.It can be seen how much pain and blame Xiao Yan suffered when growing up in the family.At this time, he had obtained the magic weapon of the fairy family like "Heaven's Wrath and Fire Lotus", so he didn't know what method he would use to take revenge on the Xiao family.

But these Xiao family members still didn't know it, thinking that even if Xiao Yan got some adventures, he couldn't deal with them as cultivators.Perhaps Xiao Yan's weakness and bullying had left a deep impression on their hearts.

Mu Feng told Xiao's family that the three of them wanted to stay in Xiao's house for a while to investigate Xiao Yan's whereabouts.Naturally, Xiao Zhiyuan could only agree, and ordered his servants to clean up the guest room for the three of them.

Mu Feng and others followed the manager of the Xiao family all the way to the guest room.When they passed the small courtyard where Xiao Yan used to live, they stopped and asked to go in and have a look.

The able-bodied head of Xiao's family had a look of embarrassment on his face, but he glanced at Mu Feng who had a firm gaze, and reluctantly stepped forward to open the gate of the courtyard.

It's hard for Mu Feng to imagine that there is such a dilapidated small courtyard in the Xiao family mansion.The yard seemed to have been unoccupied for a long time, and the grass was overgrown, and there were many old furniture piled up in the vacant places.

"After Xiao Yan left, this yard was used as a utility room by the servants to store some discarded things." Xiao Butler explained.

Jiang Xiaoyue shook her head. This Xiao Yan's status in the Xiao family is probably not as good as that of a servant.

"Someone!" Chu Nan yelled suddenly, quickly took out a huge revolver from his pocket, and pointed it at a corner of the yard.This revolver is engraved with mysterious runes, and there are faint lights flashing on it from time to time. It is obviously not an ordinary pistol.

Could it be that Xiao Yan is back!Mu Feng spread his five fingers, and the Qing Ming Sword appeared in his hand.

"Come out!" Chu Nan sternly shouted towards the corner.

A person emerged from the weeds in the corner.

To Mu Feng's disappointment, it was not Xiao Yan who got out of it, but a woman.

The woman's hair was disheveled, and there were a few withered and yellow grass leaves on it, and her face was covered with dust, making it difficult to see her face clearly.She yelled indistinctly: "Xiao...xuan...hehe" and suddenly giggled.

Chu Nan put down his gun and asked, "Who are you?"

"Hey... who am I?" She still just smirked.

Manager Xiao sighed and said, "She is a lunatic, and everyone laughed at her."

"Crazy? Why is there a lunatic living in Xiao Yan's yard?" Mu Feng asked.

Mr. Xiao said: "Oh, this girl is called Xiao Zhen, and she was originally Xiao Yan's personal servant girl."

Xiao Yan's status in Xiao's family was not low when he was a child, and it was normal to have a personal servant girl.

Housekeeper Xiao went on to say: "Then Xiao Yan's fate is too evil. He killed his parents when he was ten years old. Later, only this maid was willing to stay with him to take care of him. But when Xiao Yan was 19 years old, this maid He is also inexplicably crazy. Hey! He is really a harmful lone star."

Jiang Xiaoyue stepped forward and put her finger on the mad woman's forehead.An emerald green light began to emanate faintly from her fingertips.

The crazy woman didn't dodge either, she still looked at Jiang Xiaoyue and smirked: " you want to take me to see Xiaoxuan?"

Jiang Xiaoyue put down her hand and asked Butler Xiao, "Who is Xiaoxuan?"

Butler Xiao hesitated for a moment, but said nothing.

Mu Feng stared at him, and said coldly: "Say!"

Butler Xiao said slowly: "Not long after Xiaozhen went crazy, her belly got bigger day by day."

The three of Mu Feng looked at each other but didn't speak.

Housekeeper Xiao said: "It's normal for her to be pregnant with Xiao Yan all those years. After the patriarch learned about it, he punished Xiao Yan and allowed Xiao Zhen to give birth to the child. After the child was born He was named Xiao Xuan, and because of his high talent for cultivation, he was handed over to the young master to be raised." The young master he was talking about was Xiao Yicai, the eldest grandson of the Xiao family.

After hearing this, Mu Feng couldn't help but look at the crazy woman a few more times, and sighed: "Take us back to the room first."

The Xiao family arranged for Mu Feng and the three to live together in the same courtyard.It was getting late at this time, Jiang Xiaoyue set up a sound-proof circle around her, and sat opposite Mu Feng and Chu Nan.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple about the crazy woman." Chu Nan spoke first.

(End of this chapter)

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