Agent of Heaven

Chapter 54 Xiao Yan Appears

Chapter 54 Xiao Yan Appears
In fact, Mu Feng and the three of them felt very strange about that strange crazy woman, so they discussed it together in the soundproof formation.

Mu Feng said bluntly: "People don't go crazy by themselves for no reason. I don't believe in the saying of a lone star."

Jiang Xiaoyue nodded slightly: "According to my examination, she should have suffered damage to her soul."

Mu Feng was puzzled: "Is the soul damaged?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "The soul of a person is the main soul, which is in charge of intelligence. Judging from her injuries, most of the soul should be scattered by the magic power of a master."

"Who would harm a servant girl's soul?" Chu Nan put his hands on the table and tapped a few times, "And what you can find out in such a short time, I don't believe the Xiao family can't find out. Or ... they just don't want to check."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Then why don't they want to investigate that crazy woman?"

Mu Feng stroked his chin and said, "Is it because of Xiao Yan?"

Chu Nan said: "Probably not, Xiao Yan at that time was probably not as good as a servant in their eyes."

Mu Feng said: "Then it can only be because of the murderer! I'm afraid the identity of the murderer is extremely special."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Back then when Xiao Yan was in a sea of ​​anger, the Xiao family didn't investigate the real culprit who killed Xiao Yan's parents! Could it be that the two murderers were the same person?"

Mu Feng said: "Back then, Xiao Yan's parents had a high status among the Xiao clan, and Xiao Yan himself was known as a genius. The murderer committed such a big case, but the Xiao family didn't pursue it, so he chose to swallow his anger. Then People are not the leaders of some big forces."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "The only one who has such power in the realm of comprehension is the head of Shushan Kunlun, and my father."

Chu Nan said: "None of these three people is possible. Daoist Xuanling seldom walks around the rivers and lakes. The former head of Shushan Mountain is also a person of high morals. As for Lao Jiang, based on what I know about him, he would not do such a thing." things." He directly referred to Jiang Quan, director of Bureau Ninth Bureau, as Old Jiang.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Then what is the reason why the Xiao family dare not track down the murderer?"

Mu Feng said: "Forget about these things, if all the murderers are the same person, then this person seems to be particularly targeting Xiao Yan!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "When Xiao Yan Qihai was deposed, he was just a ten-year-old child. How could a child offend such a powerful person?"

Chu Nan said: "There are too many doubts about all this, and we still have too few clues. It is difficult to come up with an answer in a short time. Let's go to bed today, and investigate slowly tomorrow."

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue nodded when they heard the words, and the three went back to their rooms to sleep.

At night, the wind is cool and the moon is covered by dark clouds.

Mu Feng tossed and turned on the bed, but couldn't fall asleep no matter what.I have tracked down "Heaven's Wrath and Fire Lotus" so far, but I haven't even seen Xiao Yan's shadow.

It's hard for anyone to predict what a dangerous person like that will do after obtaining such a destructive magic weapon as the "Heaven's Wrath Fire Lotus".

But the clues I got now are too few.It is difficult to infer what Xiao Yan's next action will be based on this.

"Yes!" Mu Feng turned over and sat up on the bed. He had a faint feeling that there must be something hidden behind that crazy woman, which they didn't know.So he decided to investigate the crazy woman again.

Mu Feng transformed into a bat and flew towards Xiao Yan's courtyard.

He landed lightly on a big tree in Xiao Yan's courtyard. It was already late at night, and most of the Xiao family had already fallen asleep, and the surroundings were completely silent.Only in Xiao Yan's small courtyard, there would be bursts of crying from time to time.

It was the mad woman who was crying!She curled up and hid in a corner of the courtyard, holding a burning candle in her hand.

She seemed to be particularly afraid of the dark, looking at the surrounding night from time to time she let out miserable and sharp cries.Only when she looked at the flickering flame on the candle, her crying would stop a little, and a sweet smile appeared on her face.

She just cried from time to time and laughed from time to time.

"It seems that she is really insane. In this case, it is difficult to get any clues from her." Mu Feng thought disappointedly, and now he had the idea of ​​turning around and flying away.

But at this moment, a person wearing a black cloak landed in the courtyard.He stepped up and walked towards the crazy woman.

Mu Feng held his breath and was ready to strike at any time.

The crazy woman looked extremely terrified when she saw that someone was coming.Holding the candle tightly with both hands, he raised it forward, as if trying to expel it with the faintly beating flame.

"Sister Zhen'er, it's me." The man in black spoke, his voice was extremely soft.

The crazy woman was taken aback when she heard the voice, but soon showed a look of extreme fear.

The man in black took off the hood of his cloak, revealing a delicate face. He was a young man of at most 20 years old.

Seeing his face, the crazy woman seemed to be no longer afraid, but instead showed a gentle look: "Little... Yan."

Mu Feng has also recognized this boy, he is Xiao Yan!

Xiao Yan walked over, gently took the crazy woman into his arms, and said softly: "Sister Zhen'er, don't be afraid, Xiao Yan is here, Xiao Yan already has a strong power, and can already protect you. We, we I will never be bullied by anyone again!" When he said the last sentence, he couldn't help but shed tears.

The crazy woman leaned against Xiao Yan's arms, showing a foolish smile: "Xiaoxuan... also...protect me!"

Xiao Yan nodded: "I know, I will definitely protect Xiaoxuan too! When I have avenged my revenge, I will take you and Xiaoxuan far away. To a place where no one knows us, to establish a real A home of our own."

Mu Feng thought from the tree, this Xiao Yan is really a flag!Generally speaking, the person who said this sentence in the movie, and the person who said "after this battle, I will go back to my hometown to get married." will not end well.

"Who is it!" Just as Mu Feng was thinking about it, a flame suddenly shot towards Mu Feng!It was Xiao Yan who made the move!
It's too late, so fast!Mu Feng flapped his wings and flew up.That blow of flame hit the big tree he had just landed on, turning the whole tree into ashes in an instant, but it didn't ignite any weeds around it.

"What a strong ability to control fire!" Mu Feng turned back to his real body and looked at Xiao Yan.

Unexpectedly, when Xiao Yan saw Mu Feng's appearance, he immediately turned into a streamer and fled to the distance.

Naturally, Mu Feng would not let him go, so he cast Tiangang 36 changes on the spot, turned into a swift and chased after him.But Xiao Yan's speed was so fast that Mu Feng couldn't catch up with him for a while, so he could only try his best to keep a distance from him.

The two chased after each other, and it didn't take long before they left Xiao's house and came to Yunyin Mountain.Xiao Yan suddenly stopped his figure, turned around and punched Mu Feng.

Mu Feng quickly turned back into his real body to meet the enemy, and he also punched right.

The two fists collided, and an invisible energy filled the air.Mu Feng, bang bang bang, took three steps back.But Xiao Yan turned into an afterimage and crashed into the distant mountain wall.

"This kid's strength is not small!" Mu Feng sighed inwardly.When he fought with Xiao Yan just now, he actually felt nine kinds of dark energy rushing towards his body in one punch. Fortunately, he didn't suffer any internal injuries because of the strong mana in his body.

Mu Feng jumped up and flew towards the mountain wall that Xiao Yan crashed into, but after careful observation, he couldn't find Xiao Yan's figure again.

It turned out that Xiao Yan escaped just now with the help of Mu Feng's punch.

(End of this chapter)

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