Agent of Heaven

Chapter 55 Xiao Yan's Revenge

Chapter 55 Xiao Yan's Revenge

On October 23rd, when the frost falls, it is advisable to break ground and avoid traveling.

Early this morning, the Xiao family held a large banquet, saying that they would hold a reception ceremony for Mu Feng and the three of them.

The three of them tried their best to refuse this. After all, last night Mu Feng told Chu Nan and Jiang Xiaoyue about the unsuccessful pursuit of Xiao Yan after encountering Xiao Yan. What clues.

But under the warm invitation of the elders of the Xiao family, they couldn't shirk it, so the three of them could only go to the banquet.

The hospitality banquet of the cultivator's family is naturally very different from that of ordinary people. There is no chicken, duck, fish or delicate food on the table.

After all, for a cultivator, those who have reached the foundation-building stage can live without food and no longer eat whole grains.For them, exquisite food is also a desire to eat and drink.

Most of the tables are filled with spirit fruits, spirit wine, and many pills that can improve one's cultivation.

"Haha, Mr. Mu came from a long way, and he came here to make the humble house luxuriant! I am here to worship Mr. Mu first." Xiao Zhiyuan, the patriarch of the Xiao clan, was the first to stand up and toast to Mu Feng.

Mu Feng picked up the wine glass and said: "Patriarch Xiao is too polite." He drank the spiritual wine in the glass.

This wine is extremely strong, and it tastes like a strong medicine. To be honest, it doesn't taste very good.But the moment the wine was drunk, Mu Feng actually felt a burst of heat rising from his lower abdomen, and his limbs felt extremely comfortable.After a little luck, I found that my mana had actually increased a little.The spiritual wine brewed by this cultivator really has something extraordinary.

The elders of the Xiao family started to line up to toast Mu Feng. Mr. Mu was long, and Mr. Mu kept saying all kinds of flattering words.And Mu Feng is not afraid of those who come, as long as someone comes to toast, he will drink it all in one gulp.

Sitting on the side, Jiang Xiaoyue pouted, rolled her eyes at Mu Feng and said, "Hmph, drunkard!"

Chu Nan was sitting here, and only a few people came to toast with him. Everyone only knew that he was also a member of the Ninth Bureau, but they didn't know his specific identity.If he wasn't the person who came with Yu Mufeng, he probably wouldn't have even come to talk to him.

Xiao Zhiyuan sat for a while, frowned and told Manager Xiao next to him: "Why hasn't Yicai come yet? What's the matter with him today? Hurry up and ask him to toast Mr. Mu!" Mu Feng is now in His reputation in the cultivation world has risen, and there are even rumors that his supernatural powers are not under the heads of the two sects of Shushan and Kunlun.Being able to establish a relationship with a person of this level, in the past, the Xiao family didn't even dare to think about it. How could my grandson, who is usually thoughtful and thoughtful, be late for such an important banquet today?
After a while, Manager Xiao stepped forward recklessly. At this time, the usual kind smile was no longer visible on his face, but there was only anxiety and panic.

"Master, it's not good..."

Seeing his appearance, Xiao Zhiyuan turned dark: "Hmph! You are the manager of Xiao's family, how can you be so flustered?"

Butler Xiao said anxiously: "But the patriarch, the young master..."

Xiao Zhiyuan asked: "What happened to him?"

Butler Xiao said with an ugly expression, "The young master is dead!"

Xiao Zhiyuan's wine glass fell directly on the ground and broke into pieces: "What did you say!"

Mu Feng and others, who were still drinking around, and the elders of the Xiao family also stood up from their seats upon hearing this.


Within Xiao Yicai's courtyard, this courtyard was extraordinarily decorated, in stark contrast to Xiao Yan's simple courtyard.At this time, more than a dozen servants and beautiful maidservants were kneeling in the courtyard, their heads bowed, not daring to say a word.

Xiao Zhiyuan directly pushed open the door of the main room and walked in. Mu Feng and the other three followed closely behind, but as soon as they entered, they could smell a burnt smell.

Jiang Xiaoyue couldn't help covering her nose: "What's this smell?"

Xiao Zhiyuan suddenly wailed bitterly: "My grandson! Who caused you to be like this?"

At this moment, he was kneeling in front of a scorched black corpse, the body part of which had been burned like charcoal.The reason why Xiao Zhiyuan could recognize this was his grandson was because only his head was very intact, not even a single strand of hair was burnt.

Great fire control ability!
The reason why the murderer left Xiao Yicai with this intact head was probably to make it easier for Xiao Zhiyuan to identify him.

"The murderer should be Xiao Yan." Mu Feng walked up to the charred corpse and said.

"'s impossible. Xiao Yan is just a waste that can only stay at the first level of Qi Refining forever! And my grandson is the first genius of our Xiao family, and the youngest Jindan stage in the family for a hundred years. Cultivator!" Xiao Zhiyuan said with dull eyes.

"Nothing is impossible. I met Xiao Yan last night and fought him, but I couldn't catch him." Mu Feng said.

Xiao Zhiyuan looked at Mu Feng, speechless in shock.Who is Mu Feng?In the battle of Shushan, they defeated the elder Qingyang Daozun of Shushan!
Not everyone in the cultivation world can be called Daoist!Only those who have reached the peak of breaking the baby and turning into a god can be called Dao Zun!

But Mu Feng, who lightly defeated Daoist Qingyang, actually said that he failed to capture Xiao Yan?What kind of adventure did this Xiao Yan get?
"Xiao Yan! I don't care how strong you are now, but you dare to kill my grandson! I will definitely make you pay with blood!" Xiao Zhiyuan raised his head and looked at the sky with firm eyes.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.The originally blue sky suddenly turned fiery red, and a fire lotus appeared in the sky,

The fire lotus burned more and more vigorously, and soon turned the entire sky into a sea of ​​flames. The flames rushed down and turned into a huge wall of fire, enclosing the huge Xiao family mansion within the wall of fire. .

A cold and stern voice echoed in the surroundings: "Blood debts are paid in blood, right? It is indeed time to settle the account. My wise patriarch, you should pay back everything you owe me!"

Mu Feng said: "This is Xiao Yan's voice!"

"Xiao Yan, you little bastard!" Xiao Zhiyuan roared towards the sky.

"From today onwards, the Xiao family must not leave the Xiao family, otherwise they will be reduced to ashes by my wall of fire!" Xiao Yan's voice became weaker and weaker. When he said the word "ashes", everyone was listening. Not very clear.Obviously, Xiao Yan had already left.

A servant ran in and shouted: "Patriarch, it's bad. Young Master Xiaoxuan is gone too!"

Xiao Zhiyuan laughed back in anger, and slapped the servant on the forehead.The man was bleeding from all seven orifices, and the stone floor under his feet was completely cracked, spreading hundreds of meters away.The last thing he wants to hear now is the word "not good".

Mu Feng frowned and coughed.This Xiao Zhiyuan is really too cruel.

Only then did Xiao Zhiyuan realize that Mu Feng and the others were still here, and immediately bowed to the three of them: "I'm sorry, the three of you, I still have some family matters to deal with."

Jiang Xiaoyue snorted coldly, Mu Feng and Chu Nan looked at Xiao Zhiyuan coldly and did not speak.They obviously didn't want to pay any attention to this seemingly benevolent, but actually cruel patriarch of the Xiao clan.

However, Xiao Zhiyuan didn't have the time to pay attention to whether Mu Feng was dissatisfied with him at this time, he quickly ordered Manager Xiao: "Go and see if that crazy woman is still there."

Manager Xiao bowed his head, sweating profusely and said, "I just sent someone to look at it, and it's gone, I'm afraid it was taken away by Xiao Yan."

"Trash!" Xiao Zhiyuan roared, but this time he noticed Mu Feng's dissatisfaction with him, so he didn't do anything.

A jade talisman suddenly emerged from Xiao Zhiyuan's sleeve, and was crushed by him.This is an emergency jade talisman that his only son Xiao Dingjun contacted him alone.

Xiao Dingjun's initial Yuanying cultivation base is currently the number one master of the Xiao family. He devoted himself to the Luoyun sect that the Xiao family was attached to, and became an elder with real power.

Xiao Zhiyuan has always kept this jade talisman by his side, and it can only be used when the Xiao family is at the final juncture of life and death.As soon as the jade talisman is crushed, Xiao Dingjun will bring a large number of Luoyunzong masters to rush to rescue his family.

(End of this chapter)

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