Agent of Heaven

Chapter 56 The Despair of the Xiao Family

Chapter 56 The Despair of the Xiao Family

The sky is full in the middle of the month.

The autumn wind blows through the entire Yunyin Mountain with the fragrance of wild chrysanthemums.The scorching heat is gone, and the cool early autumn makes people feel extremely comfortable.

But the people of the Xiao family couldn't enjoy this comfortable feeling, because they had been surrounded by a huge blazing wall of fire for three days!

The patriarch once led all the masters of the Xiao family to bombard the wall of fire with spells, but it was useless!
Even Mu Feng admitted frankly that although he could freely enter and exit the wall of fire, he could not destroy it.

In the main hall of the Xiao family, the four elders with the highest cultivation bases of the Xiao family gathered here.Patriarch Xiao Zhiyuan sat on the main seat, while Mu Feng and others watched from the side.

Xiao Zhiyuan obviously hasn't fully recovered from the tragic death of his grandson, his voice is still a little trembling: "That little bastard Xiao Yan, although he used magical powers to besiege our Xiao family mansion, he didn't dare to act rashly." attack."

The second elder of the Xiao family nodded in agreement and said, "That's right, Xiao Yan must also be afraid of our Xiao family's strength."

When Mu Feng heard this, he couldn't help curling his lips. With Xiao Yan's current strength, would you be afraid of you?
The third elder sneered and said: "When Ding Jun rushes back from the Luoyun Sect with the masters, we will definitely capture that little bastard and make his life worse than death!"

The fourth elder looked at Mu Feng and said with a smile: "The family is unlucky, and Mr. Mu laughed."

Mu Feng waved his hand and smiled to express that it was all right.

Xiao Zhiyuan closed his eyes suddenly, and opened them a moment later, his eyes were full of joy: "I just received the sound transmission of Dingjun's mana, and he brought eighteen masters of the Falling Cloud Sect at the Golden Core Stage, and at this time they have already It's outside the gate!"

The four elders of the Xiao family were overjoyed when they heard the words, and they stood up together to congratulate Xiao Zhiyuan, as if they had seen the scene of Xiao Yan being unable to resist in front of many Jindan masters, and being captured by mistake.

The head of the Xiao family led the four elders out of the hall together, and walked quickly towards the gate of the Xiao family.The three of Mu Feng followed behind them, and secretly chatted with each other using voice transmission.

"The eighteen masters of the Golden Core Stage are already quite a force." Jiang Xiaoyue said.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "When will the Golden Core stage be called a master? When I was in Shushan, I saw that every elite disciple was at least at the Golden Core stage. No longer few."

Chu Nandao: "Not every force in the entire cultivation world is like Shushan, Jindanqi are just ordinary disciples. The Luoyun Sect has eighteen Jindanqi monks, and I'm afraid they are already half of their sect. power."

Jiang Xiaoyue asked Mu Feng: "In your opinion, whoever has a better chance of winning Xiao Yan's battle against these Golden Core stage monks?"

However, Mu Feng answered inappropriately and asked: "It only takes a few breaths for me to deal with these Golden Core cultivators, no matter how many come!"

Chu Nan asked, "Then how about you facing Xiao Yan?"

Mu Feng thought of Xiao Yan's punch that contained many kinds of dark power, and then glanced at the huge wall of fire all around him: "In three hundred rounds, I'm not [-]% sure that I can take him down."

The strength of Xiao Yan and the so-called "masters" of the Golden Core stage is self-evident.

Jiang Xiaoyue asked: "What about after the [-] rounds?"

Mu Feng replied: "Of course I won!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Are you so sure?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "If he can really fight me for three hundred rounds, then he is worth my 'that move'."

Chu Nan asked, "Which move?"

Mu Feng said: "When I fight Xiao Yan, you will naturally see it."

While the few people were talking, they had already arrived at the gate of Xiao's house, and saw Xiao Dingjun and the eighteen Golden Core stage masters he had brought back.

The smiles on the faces of the head of the Xiao family and the four elders froze.

Because at this time, Xiao Dingjun and the masters he brought had been burned into nineteen charred corpses, and were hung by ropes in front of the gate of Xiao's house.

Only Xiao Dingjun's face was left behind so that the Xiao family could recognize him.The other [-] scorched corpses were completely changed, but the purple Taoist robes that symbolized their status as the elders of the Luoyun Sect's Jindan stage did not show any trace of being burned.

Xiao Zhiyuan sat down on the ground with a dead look in his eyes, as if he had aged dozens of years in an instant.He muttered in his mouth: "Retribution...retribution..."

At the same time, he lost his only son and grandson, Xiao Zhiyuan was like no other.

The four elders took a few steps back inexplicably, as if deliberately keeping a distance from Xiao Zhiyuan.

Mu Feng looked at the Xiao family members around him, and he had a bold guess about the doubts that he had pondered for a long time.He looked at Chu Nan, and Chu Nan smiled and nodded to him, the two had already thought of being together.

Mu Feng looked at Xiao Zhiyuan and said: "Patriarch Xiao, if I guessed correctly, the person who abolished Xiao Yan's Qihai and killed Xiao Yan's parents back then should be you!"

Xiao Zhiyuan looked at Mu Feng, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes: "You can see it?"

Mu Feng said: "I just made a rough guess based on what happened in the past few days."

Chu Nan walked up to Xiao Zhiyuan and said, "Actually, we have suspected you from the very beginning, but we only confirmed it today."

Mu Feng said: "Yes, we obtained information about your Xiao family in the Ninth Bureau, and found that your patriarchal position was inherited from your eldest brother Xiao Zhice. And Xiao Yan is Xiao Zhice's grandson, he In fact, they are not the descendants of the Xiao family, but the direct descendants of the Xiao family who have the right to inherit the patriarch."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "The main reason why you abolished Xiao Yanqi Sea should be the 'patriarch's right of succession'!"

Xiao Zhiyuan still knelt on the ground without saying a word: "Yes, my grandson is talented. He has shown a very good cultivation talent since he was a child. However, Xiao Yan was the latecomer at that time. His cultivation talent It's too monstrous, and when he grows up, he will probably surpass Yicai and seize the position of the next patriarch's heir." His son Xiao Dingjun has already assumed the position of elder of Luoyunzong, and he can no longer concurrently serve as the Xiao family leader. The job of the head of the house.

Mu Feng said: "This also explains why the Xiao family didn't try their best to track down the murderer, because the murderer is the patriarch of the Xiao clan."

Xiao Zhiyuan took a deep breath, and then let out a long breath: "That's right, but Xiao Yan's parents are so ignorant that they kept chasing them all the way. The old man had no choice but to recall my son Dingjun from Luoyunzong. Father and son Join hands to kill them outside the gate of the Xiao family."

Jiang Xiaoyue sneered: "What you didn't expect is that your son will be killed by Xiao Yan in the same place ten years later."

Xiao Zhiyuan knelt on the ground, his eyes were bloodshot: "I have given everything for this family, and I just want to pass on the position of patriarch to my grandson. Is this also wrong? Why do you treat me like this?"

Mu Feng looked at the four elders of the Xiao family: "Even if you didn't participate in what your patriarch did, I'm afraid you are well aware of it."

The Great Elder was the first to speak: "We don't know! We don't know anything! Everything is done by the old man Xiao Zhiyuan." Other elders also nodded in agreement.

Mu Feng asked: "Then I'm curious, Xiao Yan's personal girl, Zhen'er, was hurt by someone and turned into a lunatic?"

(End of this chapter)

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