Agent of Heaven

Chapter 58 Demon Slaying 1 Sword Defeats Misfortune

Chapter 58
Huo Dou let out an angry roar, and the demonic aura flew in all directions, and a ferocious power emanated from it, like the Yangtze River, rushing endlessly.

Jiang Xiaoyue and Chu Nan, who were standing aside, were affected by Fudou's fierce power, and they all stepped back a few steps, looking at Fudou with extremely frightened eyes.

"This monster is so powerful with only its soul left! Mu Feng, you have to be careful." Jiang Xiaoyue looked at Mu Feng and said anxiously.

Mu Feng, on the other hand, looked confident, pointed Qingming sword obliquely at the sky, and an equally powerful force emanated from him, even stronger than Huo Dou's fierce force.

"Huh? Why do you have the fierce power of my demon clan on your body?" asked in a deep voice, the shadow of Huo Dou behind Xiao Yan.

Mu Feng didn't answer, but just dragged the Overlord Spear, and smashed it down on the head of Huo Dou with a mighty force.

Hearing a "bang", Mu Feng's figure turned into a ray of light and flew out backwards, knocking down countless earth, trees, mountains and rocks. Finally, he thrust the Overlord Spear into the ground to barely stabilize his figure.

"Mu Feng!" Jiang Xiaoyue exclaimed tenderly, her body turned into a streamer and flew towards Mu Feng, the Soul Falling Bell was already in her hand.

Mu Feng coughed up a mouthful of blood, and stretched out his hand to stop him: "Cough, don't come over!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "But you are already injured!"

Mu Feng said firmly: "Trust me, I'm sure!" He straightened his body and held the Qing Ming Sword across his chest.

Jiang Xiaoyue nodded when she heard the words, and retreated to Chu Nan's side. She was never a girl who would cause trouble for others.

Fu Dou looked at Mu Feng, and said with a strange smile: "I still think you have so much ability, but it turns out that it's just a superficial appearance! Your cultivation level can barely be compared with those low-level loose immortals. But if you want Fighting with me is still too far away!"

"Then see if I can fight you with this move!" Mu Feng stood holding the sword, his eyes suddenly turned cold.Qing Mingjian let out a groan, and stabbed towards Huo Dou.

As soon as the sword is released, the sword energy is magnificent. With this piercingly cold sword energy, the cold light on the blade is so terrifying that it cannot be resisted.

This sword flew straight, like a mad dragon sailing out of the sea, as if shocking the world.

This sword made the gods and demons tremble, and made the ghosts worship him!

This is the demon-slaying style!
The demon-slaying style slashed at Fudou's body with a sound of breaking the wind.It's not that it doesn't want to block or dodge.It's because it has no power to stop or dodge.

Xiao Yan's body knelt down on the ground, and with a scream, Huo Dou's phantom turned into a red light and flew away from his body.

"Boy, you wait for me. If you don't take revenge, you are not a gentleman! After your grandpa Fudou has recovered, he will find a cauldron and come and smash you into pieces!" The red light fled towards the sky, leaving only He said a harsh word.

Mu Feng looked at the distant red light coldly, and when it completely disappeared into the sky, he breathed a sigh of relief, his body shook for a while, and he was about to fall down.A pair of gentle jade hands supported him, Mu Feng looked up, Jiang Xiaoyue was smiling sweetly at him.

Chu Nan walked towards Xiao Yan who was lying on the ground, sniffed his breath: "This man is still alive."

Jiang Xiaoyue asked Mu Feng: "What should he do?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Wake him up first, and then we'll find out the cause and effect of the matter."

Jiang Xiaoyue stroked Xiao Yan's forehead with her jade hand, and a soft mana penetrated into his body.

Xiao Yan woke up leisurely, looked at Mu Feng who was standing in front of him intact, and said in surprise: "Even that guy was defeated by you?"

Mu Feng smiled wryly: "It's not a defeat, at most it's a loss for both sides. It was still escaped by that guy."

Xiao Yan sighed and said: "That's fine, anyway, I have avenged my vengeance, and I don't need the power that doesn't belong to me anymore." He took out a fire lotus from his bosom and threw it to Mu Feng: "This I'll give you something too."

Mu Feng smiled, and accepted the hard-won Heaven's Fury, Huo Lian: "Let's talk about the cause and effect of the matter."

Perhaps it was because of the revenge of the great hatred, or because he did not have the possession of Fu Dou. At this time, Xiao Yan had lost a lot of hostility, and he looked like an ordinary and quiet boy. Come slowly.

It turned out that since he left Xiao's house, he was possessed by Fudou on the way to Jiangzhou.At that time, Fudou was still very weak, as if he had just escaped from somewhere.After being possessed by Fu Dou, Xiao Yan's body began to be gradually transformed, and he gradually possessed a very high talent for practicing fire-type kung fu.During this year, he also regarded Fu Dou as a good teacher and helpful friend, asking him about cultivation matters from time to time, and went out to practice together.

Later, under the guidance of Fudou, he obtained the "Heavenly Wrath Fire Lotus" which was accidentally lost in the world by Huode Xingjun. With the help of this fairy artifact, Fudou's injuries began to recover quickly.But Xiao Yan's personality became more and more terrifying day by day, and sometimes he would do things that even made him terrified.

However, not long ago, Xiao Yan discovered that Fudou was quietly occupying his body!It turned out that his increasingly ferocious character was actually due to the influence of Fudou.

But at this time Fudou had become extremely powerful, Xiao Yan had no choice but to lose control and destroy his classroom and kill many mortals because he was temporarily suppressed by Fudou.

Later, Xiao Yan had no choice but to reach an agreement with Fu Dou, as long as Xiao Yan's vengeance was avenged, he would give his body to Fu Dou.

After everyone listened, they understood.Jiang Xiaoyue said: "So the many mortals who died in Jiangzhou University that day were all killed by Huo Dou?"

Xiao Yan nodded: "Even so, I can be counted as one of the murderers."

Mu Feng asked: "There is one more thing I don't understand. That day I turned into a bat and lurked in your small courtyard. How did you find out?" My own Tiangang 36 Transformation had never existed before meeting Xiao Yan. Having been seen through by others, does this kid have any other treasures that can see through the law of change?

Xiao Yan suddenly smiled: "I also discovered it by accident, because I have never seen a bat that squats on a tree like a sparrow."

Mu Feng slapped his head: "I was careless." Animals like bats should fall down on trees. Although he knows the way of change, he has forgotten the real habits of this animal.

Jiang Xiaoyue pinched Mu Feng with a smile: "You are so stupid."

Chu Nan said: "It's over here, let's go back to Jiangzhou." He looked at Xiao Yan and said, "No matter what, you have to go back to the Ninth Bureau with us to accept the investigation."

Xiao Yan nodded lonely: "I know, it's just that I can ask you one last thing."

Mu Feng said: "What's the matter?"

Xiao Yan took out a small medicine bottle from his bosom: "This is the 'Hui Ling Pill' I refined to treat damage to the soul." He handed the medicine bottle to Mu Feng: "My wife and children are here In a cave thirty miles to the south, they are all innocent, my wife was injured by Xiao Zhiyuan's old thief in the early years, and she needs to take this pill continuously to be cured."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Don't worry, Jiuju will take care of your wife and children for you."

Chu Nan opened the medicine bottle, put it up to his nose and smelled it: "It's really a sixth-grade elixir 'Hui Ling Dan'! You actually have such a high level of alchemy skills!" In the cultivation world, you can make a sixth-grade elixir There are very few people taking medicine, and it is unprecedented to see someone as young as Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan smiled wryly: "It's just a trick."

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at Chu Nan and said, "It seems that we don't have an alchemist who can refine a sixth-grade elixir in Bureau Nine, right?"

Chu Nan looked at Jiang Xiaoyue and nodded with a smile.He knew that this girl had already moved her heart of compassion.

Jiang Xiaoyue squinted her big eyes and looked at Xiao Yan: "Do you want to have a chance to redeem yourself?"

Mu Feng shuddered at the side, Jiang Xiaoyue also showed this kind of smile when she tricked him into working for the Ninth Bureau.

(End of this chapter)

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