Agent of Heaven

Chapter 59: Huode Xingjun's Thank You Gift

Chapter 59: Huode Xingjun's Thank You Gift

Let's say that the disaster came out of Yunyin Mountain and fled all the way north.Mu Feng's sword really hurt him a lot, and the almost complete soul that had been condensed had dissipated again.And it fled too quickly, and it didn't dare to get involved in the sky's wrath and fire lotus.

This time I need to find a cauldron to recover my mana, I'm afraid it won't work in 20 years.

When it was flying away in the sky, it suddenly heard the sound of singing from a barren hill below. When I looked closely, it turned out that it was a big fat monk who was reciting poems and composing songs below. say:
The time of a hundred years is like water, and the career of a lifetime waits for retting.The peach blossoms on the face yesterday, and the snow flakes float on the head today.

The termite Chen Canfang is an illusion, Zigui wants to turn back.In ancient times, yin squid can prolong life, and it does not ask for mercy from heaven.

Huo Dou is overjoyed, although the monk below is a little ugly, but he is also a good cauldron!Save yourself and go to the town to find someone possessed.Immediately, he straightened his body to reveal his real body, and rushed towards the monk.

Unexpectedly, the fat monk seemed to have been aware of it, looked up at Fu Dou and smiled, "Nie Zhan, do you recognize me?"

Fu Dou was stunned for a moment, the voice seemed familiar, but when he took a closer look, the monk had already revealed his true colors.There is a circle of Buddha light behind the head, and a lotus platform under the feet.Ears are like cattail fans, long mouth and fangs.Who is it if it's not an old pig?

Huo Dou was shocked and said: "Purification Altar Messenger Bodhisattva!" He immediately turned around and ran away.

Just as it was in a panic, it suddenly saw an auspicious cloud descending in front of it, and the mountain was full of lightning and thunder.Above the clouds stood a black-robed and silver-armored general, holding a three-pointed and two-edged spear, and a god's eye on his forehead.He yelled sharply: "Bastard! Where are you running? Hurry up and catch him with nothing."

Fu Dou saw who it was, and knew that there was no hope of escape, so he immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed, "Master Zhenjun, spare your life! Master Zhenjun, spare your life!"

Yang Jian snorted coldly: "Do you know what crime you committed?"

Fu Dou said: "Xiao Yao already knows his mistake, but all of this is not my original intention."

Yang Jian said angrily, "You still want to argue?"

Huo Dou said: "Master Zhenjun, please listen to me, all of this is not the little demon's intention."

Yang Jian pointed at Huo Dou's head with a three-pointed and two-edged gun in his hand, and said, "Needless to say, you escaped from Fumo Temple privately, and even burned and killed hundreds of mortals. I can't keep you today!"

The old pig came up from behind and said: "Wait a minute, Zhenjun. I think this fight is strange. Besides, he was the mount of the great god Zhu Rong after all. We might as well listen to him."

Fu Dou kowtowed to the old pig and said, "Thank you, Bodhisattva, the messenger of the altar!" Then he hurriedly explained: "Since I was thrown into the Temple of Fumo by Emperor Zhenwu 4000 years ago when I made trouble in the mortal world, I decided to change my past. A while ago, the two horns of gold and silver teamed up to break the demon palace, released all the monsters like me, and ordered us to do harm to the world together." He was different from Huapi and other little monsters, he used to be the mount of the ancient Vulcan, but Know the true identities of the man in the gold robe and the man in the silver robe.

The old pig turned pale with shock: "What! The Temple of Fumo was broken?"

Yang Jian said: "Where is Emperor Zhenwu? Didn't he make a move? How dare you act recklessly in front of him with the magic power of the gold and silver Erdaotong?"

Huo Dou said: "When the little demon came out, he saw that the Zhenwu Palace was destroyed, but he didn't see the emperor. He presumably went to other places and was not in the palace, so that the two horns of gold and silver had a chance to take advantage of."

The old pig said: "The Fumo Palace has been destroyed, and Emperor Zhenwu has disappeared! This is not a trivial matter. We must return to Jiangzhou to contact the Heavenly Court as soon as possible."

Yang Jian nodded, looked at Fudou and said, "I'll spare your life for the time being, and go to Guanjiangkou to receive the punishment on my own within three days! If you dare to delay or escape, you will definitely be knocked out of your wits!"

Fu Dou knew Yang Jian's prestige, and knew that he would always keep what he said, so he didn't dare to have other thoughts at the moment, turned into a red light, and went to Erlang Zhenjun Temple in Guanjiangkou.

The old pig looked at Yang Jian and said, "Can you guess what that gold and silver boy is trying to do?"

Yang Jian shook his head and said: "No matter what their purpose is, destroying Fumo Temple is already breaking the rules of heaven. Even if they have the support of Laojun behind them, I will definitely not spare him this time."

The old pig said: "Once the Temple of Fumo is destroyed, thousands of monsters inside may all come to the world, we can't let it go."

Yang Jian said: "Go back to Jiangzhou to contact Tianting first, and then I will go back to Guanjiangkou to gather [-] Caotou Gods and the Six Sages of Meishan. You will be able to capture all these monsters in the shortest possible time if you act together with me."

The old pig said: "I'm afraid it won't be that easy. What if this is a plan by the two boys of gold and silver to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and their goal is Jiangzhou?"

Yang Jianfeng opened his eyes wide and said: "They dare! How dare two Taoist boys pay attention to that Jianmu Sacred Tree!"

The old pig looked deeply and said: "I'm afraid that the gold and silver Erdaotong is just someone else's pawn. The people behind them are the ones who really plan to build the sacred tree."

Yang Jian took a deep breath and said, "Who the hell? Have such courage?"

The old pig shook his head and said, "I can't guess it either! But once you and I leave, Jiangzhou will be empty. Xiaomu is too weak now to stand alone."

Yang Jian said: "You and I have already taught him everything we can teach him, but the time is too short, and his current strength can only be regarded as a high-level loose immortal at best."

Lao Zhu suddenly laughed and said: "I think of one person. If Xiao Mu got his guidance, he would definitely be able to advance by leaps and bounds. At that time, let him sit and guard Jiangzhou alone, and we can rest assured."

Yang Jian said happily, "Who is it?"

The old pig didn't speak, just smiled and pointed to the ground where they were standing.

Yang Jian realized instantly: "So it's that person!"

In late autumn, the leaves fall one after another, and the vegetation is silent.

Jiang Xiaoyue and Chu Nan took Xiao Yan back to the Ninth Bureau together to settle the case that happened in the past few days.

But Mu Feng returned to the villa by the lake alone.Looking at the gate, there is actually a lock on it, obviously Laozhu and Yang Jian have also gone out.

"Where are these two going?" Mu Feng scratched his head, but didn't unlock the door to enter the house.Instead, he took out a piece of incense and burned it. This was given to him together with the fire-avoiding beads before Huode Xingjun took it away. Let him find the sky-wrath fire lotus and light the incense, and he will know immediately that the lower realm Come and fetch.

Mu Feng lit the incense with a lighter, and in less than a moment, Huode Xingjun came down from the sky on a cloud.

"Haha, brother Xiaomu, the matter that I asked you to do, but it's done?" Huode Xingjun laughed.

Mu Feng took out the Sky Wrath Huolian and said, "Brother Huode entrusted me with it, so naturally I dare not neglect it."

Lord Huode Xing took back the Sky Fury Fire Lotus from Mu Feng, and said with great joy, "Thank you, Brother Xiaomu."

Mu Feng said: "Thank you, thank you, everyone is your own."

Huode Xingjun smiled slightly, took out a brocade box from his sleeve and handed it to Mu Feng: "This is a small thing that my brother refined when he was bored in the Heavenly Court. Brother Xiaomu, please accept it."

Of course Mu Feng would not refuse, he stretched out his hand to the brocade box and said: "Brother Huode, you are polite, you are polite!" As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to open the brocade box.

When Huode Xingjun saw this, he let out a long laugh, and drove the cloud back to the sky.

The brocade box was opened, but inside lay a white Taoist robe and a purple gold crown.

This robe is embroidered with three-legged golden crows, the texture is flexible, and there is a lot of mana on it to restrain fluctuations. It is obviously a good magic weapon for self-defense.

There is a golden dragon coiled on the purple gold crown, which is lifelike, and it has the effect of calming the mind and preventing people from being invaded by foreign demons.

Both of them are extremely rare magic weapons, and this Huode Xingjun is really not stingy when he makes a move!

(End of this chapter)

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