Agent of Heaven

Chapter 60 The Four Heavenly Kings Who Bring Bad News

Chapter 60 The Four Heavenly Kings Who Bring Bad News
The two outfits Huode Xingjun gave to Mu Feng also have their own names.

The golden crown is called Zijin Youlongguan, and it is refined from the horns of real dragons.

The clothes are called the Immortal Golden Crow Robe, which is also made of interwoven Golden Crow feathers.
Although they are not considered rare spiritual treasures, they are also two good magic weapons of the immortal family.With a thought in Mu Feng's mind, the two artifacts recognized their owners and put them on Mu Feng's body.

As the saying goes, people rely on clothing, and Buddha depends on gold clothing.Mu Feng, who put on this immortal casket, also lost all his dickish temperament, and looked like a fairy.

Mu Feng walked to the edge of the lake and took a look at the water surface, only to see a young Taoist priest appearing on the lake surface, although he looks ordinary, but he exudes a kind of return to basics and get the appearance of a master.

"So I can be so handsome!" Mu Feng looked at himself left and right, but then sighed: "It's a pity that it looks like a Taoist robe, so I can't usually wear it out." Became a simple shirt.The purple gold crown disappeared from the top of his head.

"My dear, it still has this effect!" Mu Feng kept imagining the appearance of various clothes in his mind, and the Taoist robes on his body would change with his imagination.

"With such a good baby, I have to save a lot of money on buying clothes! From now on, when I go shopping on Taobao, I only need to look at the pictures, and I will become the one that looks good!" Mu Feng was secretly happy with a dick mentality.

If Lord Huode Xing heard these words, he would probably fall from the clouds in anger.His two magic weapons are infinitely useful, but Mu Feng is only happy to save himself the money to buy clothes.

Mu Feng was still showing off, but suddenly he saw the rays of light shining in the sky, and an auspicious cloud descended from the sky.

"Someone is coming from the sky again?" Mu Feng was a little dizzy. He had just completed the task of Huode Xingjun, and people started to fall from the sky.

When the auspicious cloud fell, four big men in golden armor stood in front of Mu Feng with their heads held high and their chests held high.Each of them is more than two meters tall, and their arms are as thick as Mu Feng's thighs.Each one has a majestic face and does not squint.All of them were holding magical instruments of different shapes in their hands.They are an umbrella, a sword, a pipa, and a giant purple and gold python coiled in one hand.

"May I ask who the four are?" Mu Feng greeted first.

The four spoke at the same time, and said in unison: "We are the Four Heavenly Kings!" After speaking, they held their magic weapons and posed together.

Mu Feng patted his head and laughed: "I've heard of the Four Heavenly Kings! You are Jacky Cheung, Andy Lau, Liming, and Aaron Kwok!" He pointed to the four big men and said separately.

In fact, he had recognized these four guys a long time ago. After all, these four guys were quite well-known among the people, but seeing their domineering appearance, he just wanted to tease them.

The four heavenly kings were all taken aback, and the one holding the umbrella shouted angrily, "What nonsense!"

The one holding the pipa said: "I am the heavenly king of Chiguo, Molihai."

The one holding the sword said: "I am the Heavenly King of Growth, Mo Liqing."

Holding a big umbrella, he said, "I am the Heavenly King who has heard a lot, Mo Lihong."

Holding the giant python, he said: "I am the Heavenly King of Broad Eyes, and I live a long life."

Mu Feng nodded and said: "The four of you brothers all look similar in clothes, and I can only identify them through weapons." He bowed and said, "I don't know why the four descended to the mortal world?"

Mo Lihai said: "We are here to proclaim the will of the Jade Emperor! Mu Feng, the agent of the Heavenly Court, quickly set up the incense table and knelt down to listen to the order."

Mu Feng was taken aback for a moment, he was born under the red flag and grew up as a good socialist young man in the new era after the reform.How can there be such superstitious things as censers and altars at home!Although logically speaking, he deals with gods and ghosts every day...

With an idea, Mu Feng lit three Double Happiness cigarettes, stuck them on the ground and said with a smile, "I don't even have an incense table here, so let's just make do with it."

Mo Lihai was furious when he heard the words: "Presumptuous!" Mo Liqing beside him stopped him and said, "Brother, calm down, let's pass on the decree quickly so that we can go back to heaven." The elder brother made a weird expression.

Mo Lihai also seemed to have thought of something, so he ignored Mu Feng's powerlessness, opened his hand, and a bright yellow scroll appeared on it: "Mu Feng, the agent of the lower realm heaven, stepped forward to accept the Jade Emperor's decree!"

Mu Feng ignored him, but lit another cigarette for himself: "Say what you have to say." In his whole life, he has never knelt down to anyone except when his grandfather died.Asking him to kneel before a so-called decree, he resisted very much in his heart.

Mo Lihai said angrily: "You little fairy from the lower realm, you are too presumptuous!"

Mu Feng didn't speak, and Qing Mingjian slowly floated by his side.

Seeing this, the four heavenly kings all laughed back in anger, each took the magic weapon, and surrounded Mu Feng: "Boy, our four heavenly kings are going to teach you a lesson today!"

A clear voice came from a distance: "Four Heavenly Kings, what a majestic official!" Yang Jian and Lao Zhu appeared not far away at some point.

Mo Lishou's head was sweating: "Er...Erlang is a holy and true king!"

Mo Lihong said: "Shen Erlang, why are you here?"

Yang Jian snorted coldly: "Where am I, do you need the approval of your four heavenly kings!"

The four heavenly kings were at a loss for words for a while, and the four of them together were no match for Yang Jian, so they dared not speak.

The old pig smiled and came up to smooth things over: "Brother Four Heavenly Kings, are you here on business?"

Mo Liqing nodded and said: "That's right, we are here to announce the decree of the Jade Emperor."

Mo Lihai took the decree and said to Mu Feng: "Agent of the heavens, Mu Feng accepts the decree!"

Mu Feng was indifferent, as if he hadn't heard anything.

Yang Jian said: "Quickly read!"

Mo Lihai was helpless, so he took the decree and read it: "The Jade Emperor, the sage and benevolent man, the heavenly god, the high god, the decree said: The Zhenwu Palace was destroyed by demons, and thousands of demons entered the world. The agent, Mu Feng, can't make mistakes in suppressing the evil spirits in the lower world. I respect this."

Mu Feng was astonished: "The Temple of Fumo has been destroyed?"

Yang Jian and Lao Zhu looked at each other. They had learned about this not long ago and were preparing to report it to the Heavenly Court. Unexpectedly, the Heavenly Court already knew about it.

The old pig asked, "How did Heaven know about this?"

Mo Lihai said: "When Fumo Palace was destroyed, Daoyan, the boy of Emperor Zhenwu, happened to be no longer in the palace. After returning to the mountain, he saw a mess and could not find the emperor. He went to the Nantian Gate and reported the matter to Lingxiao Palace. .”

Mu Feng thought, in this way, Fu Mo Temple was destroyed just when he met Dao Yan, and it was only half a year ago.

Yang Jian frowned and said, "At this moment, we already know that the demons who have escaped from Fumo Palace, I and the messenger of the Pure Altar will deal with them. The Four Heavenly Kings don't go up, stay and guard Jiangzhou."

The four heavenly kings all showed reluctance when they heard the words, but they didn't dare to say anything.They were afraid of being left as strong men, so they wanted to run away after the decree was announced, but unexpectedly met Mu Feng who was a thorn in his head and refused to accept the decree, so they were forced to stay by Yang Jian in the end.

Coincidentally, at this moment, a Hummer drove up to the front of the villa, and Jiang Xiaoyue jumped down holding Qing Su, and the two of them carried a lot of snacks in large bags.

"Is there a guest?" Jiang Xiaoyue looked at the strangely dressed Four Heavenly Kings, and smiled at Mu Feng: "Is your friend still a singer?"

Mo Lihai was furious: "Stop talking nonsense, we are the Four Great Heavenly Kings." After speaking, the four brothers took the magic weapon and posed together.

Xiao Qingsu had a lollipop in her mouth: "There are four strange sorghums here."

Yang Jian looked at Jiang Xiaoyue: "It's time to tell you something."

Jiang Xiaoyue: "What is it?"

Yang Jian said: "Do you know our real identity?"

Jiang Xiaoyue shook her head.

Yang Jian pointed to the Four Heavenly Kings and said, "They are really the Four Heavenly Kings!"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said: "Don't talk nonsense, the four heavenly kings are Jacky Cheung, Andy Lau, Liming, and Aaron Kwok. I have seen all these people on TV."

Yang Jian:"……"

The old pig said: "We are not joking with you, they are indeed the Four Heavenly Kings!" He pointed to himself again: "Do you know who I am?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "You can eat so much, you wouldn't call yourself a Zhu Bajie."

The old pig nodded and said, "I'm really Zhu Bajie." The Buddha's light flashed on his body, revealing his fat head and big ears.

Jiang Xiaoyue was stunned for a long time and didn't speak.But Xiao Qingsu climbed onto the old pig's shoulder and began to pull his big ears: "Pig head, it's fun."

The old pig took Xiao Qingsu off and put it on Mu Feng's neck.Then he pointed to Yang Jian and said, "Do you know who he is?"

There were stars in Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes: "If you are Zhu Bajie, then he must be Monkey King."

Yang Jian's head was full of black lines: "Where do I look like a monkey?" After speaking, the eyes of the sky opened on his forehead, releasing a bright divine light.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "You are Erlang God!"

Yang Jian nodded with a smile.

Jiang Xiaoyue said angrily, "Why did you press Sanshengmu under Mount Hua?"

Yang Jian:"……"

The old pig smiled and said: "Yang Jian is the only son, there is no San Shengmu, and there is no aloes."

(End of this chapter)

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