Chapter 61

Under the demonstration of Yang Jian and Lao Zhu, Jiang Xiaoyue finally believed in their identities.

She turned her head and looked at Mu Feng sadly: "Then who are you? You are so wordy, you can't be Tang Seng?"

Sweat broke out on Mu Feng's forehead: "You can see clearly, I have hair, and I'm not so long-winded!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Then who are you?"

Mu Feng replied: "I am nobody, I am Mu Feng."

Jiang Xiaoyue said happily: "So, you are not a fairy anymore."

Yang Jian said: "Mu Feng is our heavenly court's agent in the world."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "It's fine if you're not a god. I heard that you can't get married when you're a god. Otherwise, you'll be crushed under the mountain by God Erlang."

Yang Jian's head was full of black lines: "Let me say one last thing, I don't have a younger sister, and I don't like to put people under the mountain."

The old pig said to Jiang Xiaoyue: "Let's get down to business. There has been some trouble in the Heavenly Court recently, and many monsters have been put down in the mortal world. This is how the painted skins and troubles you encountered came about."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I said why it's so chaotic recently, there are frequent big monsters haunting the world, we are almost overwhelmed in the ninth game, so it's all your fault."

Yang Jian said: "This is Heaven's fault, but I don't care about it."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "The fault of the Heavenly Court is your uncle's fault. You say you don't care about your affairs." Yang Jian's uncle is the Jade Emperor. Although he and his uncle did not get along, strictly speaking, he is also a princeling.

Laozhu smiled and said, "It's really not his uncle's fault for what happened this time. But we will also be responsible for collecting all the big monsters who fell into the world, so we have to leave Jiangzhou for a while." He pointed to four Great Heavenly King: "They came down to help you in Bureau Nine. After we leave, they will be responsible for guarding Jiangzhou."

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at Mu Feng: "Are you going too?"

The old pig said: "Mu Feng wants to come with me, and it may take a while to come back."

Mu Feng said: "Where are you going? Why didn't you tell me about this?"

The old pig smiled and said, "Go and find you a good master."

Mu Feng said: "Find me a master? Who is it?" He probably already knew that he might be the reincarnation of a certain ancient monster, and he also had a rather awesome background.So the proposal to worship Lao Zhu and Yang Jian as teachers was rejected by them.Now that Laozhu actually offered to find a master for him, it was indeed beyond his expectation.

The old pig smiled and said: "Come with me, you will know, I will definitely not disappoint you." After finishing speaking, a wave of auspicious clouds was brought out with a wave of his sleeves, and they flew up to the sky with Mu Feng, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. between the sky.

Mu Feng looked at the gradually blurred ground under his feet and said: "Why don't you give me the art of driving clouds, every time I want to fly in the sky, I have to change into a bird or something, which makes me feel like Drew Same as Yi."

The old pig smiled and said, "Although you have magical powers, your realm is still far behind. Only your master can give you the skill of Xia Ju's ascension."

Mu Feng tentatively said: "Will you find me that master, can you do somersaults?"

The old pig smiled and said: "Don't think about it, my monkey brother never accepts apprentices."

Mu Feng curled his lips and said disappointedly: "So it's not Monkey King." As a boy who grew up watching the [-] edition of Journey to the West, Monkey King's status in his heart is infinitely lofty.

The old pig said: "I found this master for you, his ability is not inferior to my monkey brother."

Mu Feng was surprised and said: "Really? Who is it?" Is he more capable than Monkey King?Apart from the Buddha, such people are probably very limited.Yang Jian is just a tie with Monkey King.

The old pig said: "When you arrive, you will know."

Mu Feng knew that the old pig was trying to trick him, so he didn't ask any further questions, and began to speculate about his future master.

Following the old pig driving the clouds for a long time, he suddenly saw a high mountain in front of him. Mu Feng looked intently, but saw that the mountain was extraordinary:
The mountains are extremely high and the situation is towering.The root is connected to the Kunlun vein, and the top is in Hanzhong.Every time the white crane comes to perch on the juniper, when the black ape hangs the wisteria again.The sun shines on the clear forest, surrounded by thousands of red mist;

Mu Feng said: "The scenery of this mountain is unique and very interesting, but it really looks like a blessed land of immortals."

The old pig smiled and didn't answer, just dropped the cloud head.

When Mu Feng looked up, he saw a cluster of pines and bamboos and several floors of pavilions.It turns out that there is a Taoist temple standing in this inaccessible place.

The old pig said to Mu Feng: "Come in with me."

Mu Feng took a few steps forward, only to find that there is a stone tablet on the left side of the mountain gate, with ten large characters written on it, "Longevity Mountain is a blessed place, Wuzhuang Guantian."

I also saw a couplet in front of the door, which read: Immortal Mansion of Immortality, a family with the same longevity as the sky.

This couplet is so grand!But this also allowed Mu Feng to roughly guess who the master Lao Zhu wanted to find for him!

Walking into the door on the second floor, only to find two little boys walking out of it. When they saw the old pig, they giggled and said, "Where did the envoy of the altar come from? This time my master is at home, and I won't let you steal the ginseng fruit again." .”

Old Zhu blushed, and said with a little embarrassment: "Stop messing around, I'm here to find your master this time, go and report it quickly."

The two boys smiled and invited Lao Zhu and Mu Feng into the main hall to serve tea, and then went out to report to their master.

Mu Feng looked carefully, and saw the word "Heaven and Earth" hanging on the front wall, and an incense burner and a table for offerings were placed below.

The old pig smiled and said, "Do you know who the master I am going to find for you is?"

Mu Feng said: "But the Great Immortal Zhenyuan?"

The old pig nodded and said, "Exactly!"

Mu Feng was overjoyed at the moment, who is Zhen Yuanzi?The awesome character known as "the same king as the world" and "the ancestor of the earth immortal"!According to the legend, the characters who existed since the beginning of the world, the Three Qings and the Four Royals are friends of others, and Jiuyao Yuanchen can only be regarded as their juniors.

It was Sun Houzi, who was making trouble in Tiangong and lawless back then, when he met Zhen Yuanzi, he took all four of his master and apprentice with him.Definitely one of the rare gods who has seniority and can fight at the same time.

What's even more amazing is that there is a ginseng fruit tree planted in his backyard. It is said that it takes 9000 years to bloom and bear fruit, and eating one can live for 7000 years!Even if you just smell it, you can live to be 16 years old.Thinking of this, Mu Feng couldn't help swallowing.While he was thinking, he saw a person walking slowly from outside the hall. He had three beautiful beards, looked like a child, and had no weapons in his hands, only a jade dust stag.

The old pig stood up and said, "I've seen the Great Immortal Zhenyuan!"

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said, "Bodhisattva, the Messenger of the Purification Altar, don't come here without any harm."

The old pig pointed to Mu Feng and introduced: "This is Mu Feng, the agent of the Heavenly Court."

Mu Feng saluted Zhen Yuanzi and said, "I've seen the Great Immortal."

Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said, "It turns out that he is also an old friend."

The old pig said to Zhen Yuanzi: "I came here to ask for something, so I went straight to the point." Then he slowly told the story of the gold and silver second Taoist boy he met in the world, and the destruction of the Fumo Temple.

After hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi laughed and said, "No matter how courageous that Jinyin Ertong is, I'm afraid he wouldn't dare to pay that Jianmu's attention, I'm afraid there are other people behind him."

Laozhu nodded and said: "We also guessed the same way, so we sent Xiaomu here, hoping that he can worship the Great Immortal as his teacher, and learn some skills so that he can sit and guard Jiangzhou."

Daxian looked at Mu Feng and nodded slightly: "It should be so. Mu Feng, are you willing to enter my door?"

Mu Feng said happily: "The disciple is willing!"

(End of this chapter)

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