Chapter 62

Birds are singing in the empty mountains, people and white clouds live there, the gurgling spring washes my heart, and the fish play in the deep pool.

Let's talk about Mu Feng, since he entered the Wuzhuang Temple of Longevity Mountain, he practiced with many disciples of Zhen Yuanzi.The first thing to learn is to talk about scriptures and Taoism, practice calligraphy and burn incense.In his spare time, he also planted flowers and trees, swept the ground and hoeed the garden, looked for firewood for fire, and carried water.It was like this every day, and half a year passed before I knew it.He has never learned any supernatural powers.

One day, Master Zhenyuan opened an altar to sit high, and called all his disciples to open the altar and preach.But I saw flowers falling in disorder that day, and golden lotus springing up from the ground.All the disciples were fascinated by what they heard.Only Mu Feng scratched his ears and cheeks in it, but couldn't understand the true meaning.But Immortal Zhenyuan saw it and shouted: "Mu Feng, you are in class, why don't you listen carefully."

Mu Feng replied: "The Dao taught by the master is mysterious and mysterious, and the disciple is dull, so it is difficult to understand the true meaning."

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "It's true, among all your brothers and sisters, you are the only one with the shallowest knowledge. You only have magical powers, but you don't understand my wonderful voice."

It turns out that Zhen Yuanzi now has 48 disciples including Mu Feng, and most of them are immortals who have already obtained Quanzhen.Even the youngest, Qingfeng and Mingyue, although they look like boys, have more than 2000 years of Taoism.Only Mu Feng has been in the field for less than a year, and has not yet obtained his true biography.

Mu Feng said: "I have a word, I hope Master will forgive me."

Zhen Yuanzi said: "You tell me."

Mu Feng said: "The disciple was entrusted by the Bodhisattva, the envoy of the altar, to come here to learn the art, just to clear away the demons and quell the chaos in the Temple of Fumo after returning to the world." He looked up at Zhen Yuanzi, and found that he just smiled and said nothing. Then he said: "But this disciple has been in the mountains for half a year. Although he is happy and contented to practice scriptures and calligraphy with his brothers every day, he has not learned any supernatural powers. Therefore, he is anxious."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Mu Feng said this, the brothers around him all smiled lightly, and Qingfeng Mingyue and the two little brats even made faces at him.

Upon hearing this, Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile: "I know your intentions, but you don't need to worry too much. My Longevity Hill is a small world of its own, and the time is different from that of the human world. You have practiced Taoism here for a year and a half, and the world is no more. It’s just a flick of a finger. The Dao cannot be passed on personally! You can continue to practice with your brothers and sisters with peace of mind.”

Mu Feng was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately thanked Master, and sat down to listen to the sermon with peace of mind.Unexpectedly, his heart was quiet, and when he listened to the Tao again, he found that although the Tao Zhen Yuanzi taught was mysterious and mysterious, he could understand three points clearly.

From noon to dusk, Zhen Yuanzi just left, and all the disciples scattered to go to dinner.

"Junior Brother Mu, go slowly!" Mu Feng was walking when he suddenly heard someone calling him from behind.Looking back, it turned out that they were two Taoist boys of Qingfengmingyue.

Mu Feng was the latest to get started. It turned out that the two youngest disciples, Qingfeng and Mingyue, also became his senior brothers. Although he knew that they were both over 2000 years old, but looking at their childlike appearance, Mu Feng called them senior brothers. Really some psychological pressure.

"You two little brothers, why are you calling me?" Mu Feng smiled.

Qingfeng tugged at Mu Feng's sleeve and said, "Senior Brother is Senior Brother, can you remove that small word."

Mingyue was also tugging on Mu Feng's other sleeve: "Master brother, let's have dinner together."

Mu Feng smiled and hugged Qingfeng Mingyue one by one, and walked towards the dining hall.Although the two boys were frighteningly old, they lived with Zhen Yuanzi and the senior brothers in the Longevity Mountain since they were young, and had never seen the outside world, so they often pestered Mu Feng to tell them stories about the outside world.

Qingfeng filled the table with side dishes, all of which were pickled melons, pickled eggplants, pickled radishes, capers, pickled lettuce, and shepherd's purse. There were seven or eight dishes in total.Although they are not considered delicacies from mountains and seas, they are all very delicious dishes. Mu Feng can always eat three or four bowls in one meal.

"Little brother, actually I have a question that I've wanted to ask for a long time." Mu Feng asked Qingfeng while chewing pickled melon.

Qingfeng said: "You say so."

"I was in the realm of cultivation in the human world, and I saw that those who have some cultivation will fast and never eat whole grains. Our Longevity Mountain is a real blessed place for gods. Why do brothers and masters eat three times a day? Meals are never lacking."

Mingyue smiled and said: "You don't know, junior brother. The so-called cultivators in the mortal world are all dull and filthy people who only know how to practice the most trivial methods, but they don't know the principle of cultivating the mind first. Planting flowers, cultivating trees and practicing calligraphy are all practices.”

Mu Feng nodded, no wonder Yang Jian Laozhu and those who have become gods come to eat at his home, while those so-called human cultivators don't eat grains.

Qingfeng said: "In short, what they cultivate is emptiness, while we cultivate perfection. They cultivate small techniques, while we cultivate the great way!"

All the disciples finished their meal and went to the courtyard to enjoy the cool and watch the moon.There are no neon lights in this mountain, but under the bright moonlight, the surrounding area is quite bright.Standing in front of a square table, Mu Feng held a folding fan in his left hand and a gavel in his right hand, and said with a clap: "Last time we mentioned that Linghu Chong was punished on the cliff of Siguo, and the Lone Ranger Tian Boguang brought two The jar of good wine went to Mount Hua..." He imitated the appearance of a storyteller, telling the story of "Swordsman" to his disciples.

When he mentioned that Linghu Chong defeated Tian Boguang with Yufeng Qingyang's advice, all the brothers around him applauded.Qingfengmingyue and Qingfengmingyue blushed and danced with excitement, even happier than when they were listening to Zhen Yuanzi's sermon.

Just when Mu Feng and all his disciples were having fun, Zhen Yuanzi was standing behind the wall listening not far behind them, and after a while he started talking to himself: "I like Linghu Chong in "Swordsman" Unlike the "Legend of the Condor Heroes" I talked about last time, the Guo Jing in it was really stupid, and he became a generation of heroes only because he had a good wife."

After Mu Feng got acquainted with the disciples, he often gave them stories of martial arts novels and online novels in his spare time.Zhen Yuanzi passed by once in a while, and after listening to it for a while, he also found it very interesting, so he couldn't control it.But in his capacity, he was really embarrassed to squeeze together with many disciples to listen to Mu Feng's storytelling.So he often hid in a corner and eavesdropped alone.

"The chivalrous story told by Mu Feng is very interesting. Alas, it's a bit boring to stay in Longevity Mountain for a long time. It's time for the poor to go to the world." Zhen Yuanzi thought: "That's it. , take the time to go to the world."

Mu Feng and all his disciples were still only aware of it, and they were still narrating the story of "Swordsman" in full swing. After finishing a paragraph, Mu Feng picked up a bowl of wine by the table, and drank it all in one gulp. : "Heroes in the world come from my generation, and they are reminded of the time when they enter the arena. Huangtu Baye is talking and laughing, and he is too drunk in life. I will talk about this today. If you want to know what will happen next, let's listen to the next chapter."

After hearing this poem, Zhen Yuanzi smiled in his heart: "What a hero in the world is born in my generation! In the future, I will pass on your omnipotent ability as a teacher. Let's see what you will do then?"

(End of this chapter)

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