Chapter 67

Mu Feng learned from the pilots of the military base that he is now in the Shenbei Military Region of our country, which is still far away from Jiangzhou.

But fortunately, he has already learned the supernatural power of "Escape from Heaven and Earth". After thanking several soldiers, he transformed the golden crow cassock on his body into the appearance of ordinary clothes in the world, and then used the supernatural power of shrinking the ground into inches, With one step, he disappeared into the military base.

"Instructor, where is the Ninth Bureau?" the young pilot asked.

The old pilot said: "That's the legendary existence, and it's the first time I've seen this department!"

Winter, the first snow, and silver clothes everywhere.

Mu Feng looked up at the villa by the lake in front of him. When he left, the autumn leaves were just beginning to fall, but when he returned, the auspicious snow had already fallen.The door of the villa was not locked, so there must be someone inside.

He stretched out his hand in front of the door, but he didn't dare to push it away for a moment.The people I usually miss are among them, but when I come close, I feel a little timid.

With a "squeak", the door opened from the inside.Jiang Xiaoyue's face, which was not all over the country, but made Mu Feng feel so touching and unforgettable, finally appeared in front of him.

In fact, before coming back, Mu Feng had imagined goodbye to Jiang Xiaoyue countless times in his heart, imagining what he should say at that time.

But when they actually met, Mu Feng found that he couldn't speak.

The two stared at each other for a moment, then avoided each other's eyes.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I'm back."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled sweetly: "Welcome back."

With such a beautiful smile, how can people stop missing her?
At this time, another sweet girl's voice came from the room: "Brother Feng!"

A petite figure rushed out, hugged Mu Feng's thigh, tugged at his sleeve and said, "Brother Feng, you haven't come back for several months, Qing Su misses you so much!"

Mu Feng smiled and pinched Xiao Qingsu's face, then lifted her up high and said, "Brother has been away for so long, are you naughty at home?"

Xiao Qingsu who was lifted up laughed straight: "Qing Su is the most obedient, and listens to Sister Xiaoyue the most. If you don't believe me, ask Sister Xiaoyue!"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Stop making trouble, come in first."

Walking into the villa, it was still spotlessly tidied up, except that Lao Zhu and Yang Jian were missing from the sofa.In the kitchen, there was a burly figure washing dishes by the sink.

Mu Feng looked at the back and said in a daze: "This is not a magic gift... What is a magic gift?"

The big man turned his head and said, "Moliqing!"

Mu Feng patted his forehead and said: "Yes, Mo Liqing! Who are you here?"

Mo Liqing said: "The third child!"

Mu Feng said: "Hey, you four brothers look almost the same, and your names are so hard to remember! It's really hard for people to recognize you."

Mo Liqing lowered his head and continued to wash the dishes, ignoring Mu Feng.

Mu Feng quietly approached Jiang Xiaoyue, and whispered in her ear: "What's going on? He's one of the Four Heavenly Kings! How could he wash the dishes for you here? And his temper seems to have improved a lot. "

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Is there anything strange about this? Now they are responsible for the sanitation and cleaning of the house, and I only cook every day."

Mu Feng was surprised: "How did you do it?" He remembered that when he first met the Four Heavenly Kings, these four guys were so proud.What method did Jiang Xiaoyue use to make them so obedient?
Jiang Xiaoyue said with a smile: "The Four Heavenly Kings are nothing but, I naturally have a way to deal with them!"

Mu Feng said: "What method?"

Jiang Xiaoyue pointed to something hanging on the wall and said, "Use that thing!"

Mu Feng looked, but found that it was the magic whip!Back then, Jiang Ziya gave this thing to himself to let him restrain the gods of heaven and earth in the world, but the gods who came down to earth were more cooperative, except for the celestial killer who was killed by Yang Jian, there was nothing wrong with it, so Mu Feng also It is rarely used.

"Can you use the magic whip?"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said: "Of course you can. The magic whip is a psychic artifact. Have you forgotten whose descendants our Jiang clan are?"

now it's right!The Jiang family is all descendants of Jiang Ziya, but Jiang Ziya is the original owner of the whip.It is reasonable for Jiang Xiaoyue to be able to drive the whip to make the four heavenly kings submit.

At this moment, the door of the villa was pushed open, and three big men in black windbreakers walked in from the wind and snow. Their figures were extremely burly, and their heads almost reached the door beam.There is also a top hat on his head, covering the upper half of his face, just like the underworld in the TV series Shanghai Beach.

"Miss Xiaoyue, the monster has been caught this time!" A big man walked in and threw a heavily tied man on the ground, but this man had a leopard's head on it.

Mu Feng looked at those big men and said, "Who are you?"

The three of them took off their top hats, revealing their faces respectively.

"Brother Xiaomu, long time no see." One of them cupped his hands to Mu Feng.

Mu Feng said: "I know! You are a magic ritual..."

The big man said: "Ma Li Shou!"

Mu Feng laughed and said: "Actually, I remember you, really! You are the fourth child, right?"

The big man on his upper left said: "I am the fourth child!"

Mo Lishou said: "I am the second child!"

Mu Feng said: "Then the fourth child, your name is Mo Li...Qing?"

Mo Liqing, who was washing the dishes beside him, said, "I am Mo Liqing, the third child!"

The fourth child said: "My name is Mo Lihong."

The big man standing on the far right said directly: "My name is Mo Lihai, and I am the boss!"

Mu Feng felt that his logic was in chaos, and his eyes had turned into circles.

Jiang Xiaoyue laughed tremblingly at the side: "Okay, I still can't tell the difference between these four brothers, so don't think about your IQ!"

Mu Feng rubbed his forehead and said, "I feel like my life is gloomy!"

Mo Lihai said: "We have already captured the leopard demon who made trouble this time, and he also escaped from Fumo Temple!"

Jiang Xiaoyue nodded and said: "Then let's put it here first, we will send it to the Demon Locking Tower tomorrow for suppression."

Mu Feng said: "Send it to the Demon Locking Tower?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "This is Second Brother Yang's idea. The Shushan Monster Locking Tower is bestowed by the heavens. The spiritual power of the seal inside it is extremely powerful, but it can temporarily suppress the demons that escaped from the Lord's Temple."

Mu Feng nodded. With Qing Su's relationship, the Shushan Monster Locking Tower will naturally be opened to Jiang Xiaoyue and others for free. It is also a good way to temporarily store the monsters of the Fumo Temple.He looked at the leopard demon on the ground. Although he had been tied up, there was already a ferocious aura in his body, and he looked at Mu Feng again with a look full of hatred.

Mu Feng frowned, waved his sleeves, and the leopard demon disappeared on the ground.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at the scene in front of her in surprise, and rubbed her eyes: "Ah? Where's the monster?"

Mo Lihai was surprised and said: "This is the 'Sleeve Cosmos' of Immortal Zhenyuan!"

Mu Feng nodded, smiled and said nothing.

Mo Lishou said: "Could it be that brother Xiaomu went to the five villages of Wanshou Mountain to study art during this period of time?"

Mu Feng replied: "Zhen Yuanzi is the teacher of the family."

Mo Lihong enviously said: "The Great Immortal Zhenyuan has not accepted an apprentice for a thousand years, Brother Xiaomu is really lucky."

Jiang Xiaoyue fiddled with Mu Feng's sleeves, like a curious baby: "What's in the sleeves? Did you really get that monster into your sleeves?"

Mu Feng smiled and opened his cuffs for Jiang Xiaoyue to watch.But seeing that there is no bottom to be seen in the cuff, a leopard demon tied up with five flowers is lying in it, like a speck of dust.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "What a supernatural power."

Mu Feng said with a smile: "What am I? My master has a small world directly hidden in his sleeve, and that is the real 'world in his sleeve'!"

Mo Liqing came over and said: "The Great Immortal Zhenyuan is the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, so his methods are naturally unpredictable."

Mo Lishou cupped his hands to Mu Feng and said, "Brother Mu has returned from his skills, and I should return to heaven." They were originally captured by Yang Jian to replace Mu Feng to guard Jiangzhou. When Feng came back, their merits and virtues would naturally be consummated.

Mu Feng bowed and said: "It should be like this, these four months really have worked for the four heavenly kings."

Mo Lihai waved his hand: "No need to be too polite, I'll wait!"

The four heavenly kings turned into four beams of light and went to the heavenly court.

Mu Feng looked at Jiang Xiaoyue and said with a smile: "These four coolies have left, it seems that we can only do housework together in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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