Agent of Heaven

Chapter 68 The Haunting of Xinyuan High School

Chapter 68 The Haunting of Xinyuan High School
Early spring, slightly cold, rain like silk.

At this time, the night was getting darker, there were no stars in the sky, and the cold wind was blowing drizzle on the branches that had just sprouted new green.On the edge of a small lake in the dark suburbs, there is a lonely house standing here, with warm light shining through the windows.

In the living room, Mu Feng is fiddling with the newly bought tea set, tearing open a package of good Wuyishan Dahongpao, putting it into the purple sand pot, treating the utensil, serving the tea, marinating the soup, brewing the tea, scraping the foam, pouring the soup, and scalding it. Cup, sprinkle tea, all in one go.

"Taste it." Mu Feng picked up the small teacup and handed it to Jiang Xiaoyue.

Jiang Xiaoyue sniffed the fragrant teacup and said, "You have really changed a lot this time, you even understand something as elegant as the tea ceremony."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "It's just arty."

Jiang Xiaoyue took a sip, put down the teacup and said, "The taste is mellow and the aftertaste is long. Your tea making skills are very good."

Xiao Qingsu, who was lying on the sofa watching TV, ran over, picked up a teacup and drank it down, and said with a small mouth: "It's a bit bitter, it's not as good as Coke!"

Mu Feng shook his head with a smile, and poured himself a cup.It has been more than a month since he returned to Jiangzhou, but his life is extremely leisurely.

"Is there any change in Jiangzhou recently?" Mu Feng put the teacup under his nose and smelled it gently.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "It's very strange to say that since you came back, all the ghosts and snake spirits in Jiangzhou have disappeared overnight. The leisure time of our Ninth Bureau is no different from the annual vacation."

Mu Feng said: "Don't take it lightly. I always feel that Jinjiao and Yinjiao seem to want to do something big. This time, a large number of monsters suddenly disappeared, maybe they have something to do with it."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Of course I know, but you don't have to worry too much. Even if the two of them call now, you should be able to handle it. What's more, Brother Yang and Lao Zhu have already called me and said that they can't use it." How long will it take to come back?"

Mu Feng said: "They're coming back soon? That's really great!" After returning to the villa, I found that these two people were missing, and I really felt a little deserted.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoyue's cell phone rang, and it turned out that Cheng Liang was on the caller ID.

"He still calls me at this point, I'm afraid something happened!" Jiang Xiaoyue frowned slightly and pressed the hands-free button.

"Miss, something happened!" Cheng Liang's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "What's the matter? Don't worry, speak slowly."

Cheng Liang said: "Several students from Xinyuan High School passed out inexplicably, and after being sent to the city center hospital, their eyes were all sluggish, as if they were in a vegetative state. He must have been fascinated by ghosts."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Okay, you can briefly deal with the situation over there first, we will be there soon!" After she finished speaking, she quickly hung up the phone, put on a piece of clothing and walked outside: "Let's set off now, I'll go Get ready to drive, too."

But Mu Feng shook his hand and said with a smile: "You don't need to drive, I'll take you there." He took a few steps forward and took Jiang Xiaoyue's hand.

Jiang Xiaoyue was suddenly held by Mu Feng, her face turned red: "Why are you taking me there?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Close your eyes, we'll be there soon!"

Jiang Xiaoyue closed her eyes obediently.

Mu Feng looked at her pretty face with her eyes closed, and suddenly, her brain twitched out of nowhere, and she kissed her on the forehead.

Jiang Xiaoyue opened her eyes, and said shamefully and angrily, "You!"

Mu Feng hurriedly used the Heaven and Earth Escaping Technique, Jiang Xiaoyue only felt a flash in front of her eyes, and the two of them were already standing at the gate of the Central Hospital.

Mu Feng said solemnly: "Let's go in first, the investigation is important." Then he hurried to the hospital.

Jiang Xiaoyue stomped her feet on the spot, but finally followed.

In several isolated wards, Mu Feng met Cheng Liang.

"How's the situation?" Mu Feng asked first.

Cheng Liang said: "Those students still can't wake up. I have tried to calm down their families temporarily. No one will come in to disturb us now."

Mu Feng nodded, and walked into a large ward for four people.

There were four boys lying on the bed, all with pale faces and dull eyes. When Mu Feng opened the door and came in, they didn't respond at all.

Jiang Xiaoyue stepped forward, carefully observed their physical conditions, and then turned to Mu Feng after feeling their pulses respectively: "These people are indeed bewitched by ghost energy, we must hurry up and treat them, it's too late I'm afraid it will cause damage to their bodies."

Mu Feng nodded, and with a wave of his hand, a light curtain enveloped the entire ward, and he said to Jiang Xiaoyue, "You cast a spell!"

Jiang Xiaoyue stretched out her hand and a flash of light flashed, the Luoba bell floated in the air, jingling and ringing continuously, and circles of ripples spread from above the bell, covering several students.

At this moment, streaks of black air began to emerge from the eyes, ears, and mouths of those students.After the black air came out, they wanted to fly outside, but after hitting the light curtain under Mu Feng, they could only circle around in this ward.Finally, all the black air fused together and became a large cloud of black air, which rushed towards Jiang Xiaoyue who was casting a spell.

"Presumptuous!" Mu Feng snorted coldly, and with a wave of his sleeve, he collected the cloud of black energy into the universe in his sleeve.

The students lying on the hospital bed, without the nuisance of the ghost, naturally recovered their sanity one by one.They all showed a look of waking up from a dream, and then shouted in extreme panic: "Help!"

Mu Feng shot four clear lights with his fingers, which injected into the bodies of the four students, making their expressions gradually calm down.These are the four mantras for clearing the mind, which can make people clear their minds and settle down.

Cheng Liang walked up to them and said, "I'm a policeman, tell me, what happened to you before you fell into a coma?"

"There's a ghost!" said a thin male student wearing glasses.

Another fatter said: "We really saw a ghost! You have to believe me!"

Mu Feng asked: "Okay, we believe you. But when and where did you see the ghost?"

The student wearing glasses said, "It was about ten o'clock at night, near the school's teaching building, there was a female ghost!"

Cheng Liang said: "It's so late, you don't sleep in the dormitory anymore, what are you doing in the teaching building?"

The student wearing glasses said: "We secretly want to sneak out to play games after self-study next night. After going through the dormitory door, we have to go through the school gate, and we will pass the teaching building in the middle."

Cheng Liang said: "Describe the appearance of the female ghost you saw!"

Several students recalled the appearance of the female ghost, and they all showed terrified expressions. The slightly fat student described: "Long hair and shawl, belly burst, wearing red clothes."

Cheng Liang recorded what they said in the notebook, and then said seriously: "Don't tell anyone what you saw today, not even your own parents, you know?"

Several students nodded in agreement.

The three walked out of the ward together, Mu Feng looked at Jiang Xiaoyue and said, "How about we go to the school where the accident happened?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Let's go, go now, lest that female ghost hurt others again!"

(End of this chapter)

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