Agent of Heaven

Chapter 69 Pregnant female ghost

Chapter 69 Pregnant female ghost

Night, moonless, cloudy and rainy.

Suddenly, two people appeared on the teaching building of Xinyuan Middle School, a man and a woman.The girl is petite and cute, with bright eyes like water, and the boy is plain in appearance, but has an extraordinary bearing.They were Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue who came to investigate the case.

"Can you find the trace of the female ghost?" Jiang Xiaoyue asked.

Mu Feng nodded, luckily with mana, stretched out his hand and drew a talisman in the air: "Ghost-hunting talisman, go!" The magic talisman turned into one direction and slowly floated away.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "You can even draw symbols! It seems that you really learned a lot during the time you left. It turned out that when you only turned into animals, I always felt like you were a druid."

Mu Feng smiled wryly and shook his head: "Follow the talisman to find it." There is a saying in Taoism called "Taoism is self-contained", which means that when a person has cultivated to a certain level and has a certain understanding of Taoism, he can Learn some little magical powers by yourself.This ghost-seeking talisman is one of the supernatural powers that Mu Feng comprehended by himself.

The two followed the ghost-seeking talisman all the way, went down to the top of the building, and came to a classroom.

Class 2, [-]rd year was written on the door sign of the classroom, and it was pitch black, only the faint light of street lamps shone in from the window, just enough for Mu Feng to clearly see that there was a girl sitting by the window!
She was wearing a red dress, and her long hair covered most of her face, making it difficult to see her face.

Mu Feng made a silent gesture to Jiang Xiaoyue, then walked to the seat next to the girl and sat down.

"What's your name?" Mu Feng asked with a smile.

She turned her head around, what Mu Feng saw was a pale and bloodless face, there were no pupils in the eyes, it was all the whites of the eyes, and a large piece was sunken into the forehead.

Mu Feng was not as scared as the female ghost, but chuckled lightly and said, "Before you died, you should have been a very beautiful girl. But you shouldn't stay here now!"

The female ghost slowly floated up from the seat, screaming strangely, and rushed towards Mu Feng.

"Humph! You're stubborn!" Mu Feng's face turned cold, and he stretched out a finger to touch the female ghost's forehead, and the female ghost could no longer move forward.

"Be careful behind you!" Jiang Xiaoyue's voice came.

Mu Feng looked back, and saw a black shadow the size of a wild cat pounced towards him.He was also not afraid at all, stretched out his hand and grabbed the black shadow in his hand.If you look closely, it is a ghost baby!Looking at the female ghost again, she found that her abdomen was split open, obviously she was a pregnant woman before she died!

Jiang Xiaoyue stepped forward and said, "He is an earth-bound spirit, and he died in vain! And because he was a pregnant woman before his death, he has great resentment. With my ability, I'm afraid I can't get over it."

Mu Feng looked at the female ghost and said, "Can you hear me?"

The female ghost was still struggling desperately, trying to break free from Mu Feng's shackles.

Mu Feng sighed: "The resentment has completely blinded her sanity, such a ghost can't even communicate with people." I am afraid that only the old pig's boundless Dharma can save a ghost with such a great resentment.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at Mu Feng and said, "What should I do?"

Mu Feng said: "They have no blood on them, obviously they haven't hurt anyone's life, besides, they were the ones who died unjustly, it's already very pitiful. We can't kill any more."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "But we can't save her, we can't keep her here."

Mu Feng said: "This girl seems to have died not long ago, but I have another way."

A flash of inspiration flashed in Jiang Xiaoyue's mind: "It's likely that someone killed her like this. You want to find the person who killed her and bring her to justice, so that her resentment will dissipate by itself."

Mu Feng nodded and said: "Exactly, and in my opinion, a person who is determined to kill a pregnant woman is more vicious and hateful than a ghost."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Mu Feng finished speaking, two blood-red tears rolled out of the female ghost's eyes, and the resentment on her body dissipated a little.

Mu Feng resorted to the universe in his sleeves and involved both the female ghost and the ghost baby.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Since we want to avenge this female ghost, we must at least know her identity first."

Mu Feng said: "This female ghost's mind is weak now, no different from a wild beast, we can't get any news from her, so we can only check everything by ourselves."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Fortunately, there are no clues at all. For example, this school is the biggest clue."

Mu Feng nodded and said, "She should have been from this school before she died."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Tomorrow, I will ask Cheng Liang to check the people who have died in this school recently and then we will know."

Mu Feng scratched his head and said, "Then what are we doing now?"

Jiang Xiaoyue pinched Mu Feng and said, "Now let's go back to sleep! It's already two o'clock in the morning, no matter what happens, we'll check tomorrow!"

Mu Feng used the method of escape from heaven and earth and brought Jiang Xiaoyue back to the villa by the lake. The two fell asleep separately and had nothing to say all night.

Early the next morning, Mu Feng was dragged out of bed by Jiang Xiaoyue to have breakfast.

I have to say that Jiang Xiaoyue does feel like a good wife and mother, she will always make a variety of breakfasts for her family in different ways.For example, today there is a large bowl of Su-style noodle soup in front of no one, and a small plate of vinegar-soaked shredded ginger and a small plate of flat-pointed shredded pork are placed beside Mu Feng.Xiao Qingsu, who loves meat and dislikes, is served with a plate of fried chicken cutlets.Jiang Xiaoyue put a plate of shredded eel and a poached egg beside her.

Mu Feng thought: the three of us sat and ate together, and it felt like a family of three.I am the father, Xiaoyue is the mother, and Xiaoqingsu is the daughter.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at Mu Feng and said, "What are you smirking at?"

Mu Feng hurriedly ate his noodles and said, "No, no!"

After eating, Jiang Xiaoyue put her computer in front of Mu Feng: "Cheng Liang has already investigated the information in front of that female ghost, and it's all here."

Mu Feng opened the file on the computer, and the first thing that came into view was a photo of a beautiful girl. From her face, it was indeed somewhat similar to the female ghost I saw last night.

Her name is Huang Shirui, and she is a student in Class 2 of the third year of Xinyuan High School. She has good academic performance at school, her family background is ordinary, and her parents are working class.The cause of death was a car accident not far from the school gate!After her death, her parents learned that she was pregnant through an autopsy.

After reading the document, Mu Feng pondered for a moment and said, "Has the driver investigated?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "After investigation, it is also an ordinary truck driver. And through the surveillance video, we found that the car accident happened when Huang Shirui suddenly ran to the middle of the road."

Mu Feng said: "Suddenly ran to the middle of the road?"

Jiang Xiaoyue nodded and said, "According to the traffic video, it is indeed the case. So one of her students was pregnant, and the police investigating the case once suspected that she committed suicide."

Mu Feng shook his head and said, "It can't be suicide, otherwise she wouldn't have such a big resentment!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "That's right, so we need to clarify a question first, why did she suddenly run across the road?"

Mu Feng said: "There is another question, whose child is in her stomach?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "There is also a conclusion in the files of this police station. She had a boyfriend before her death, who was her classmate, named Liang Fei."

Mu Feng said: "Then let's go to the scene of the incident first, and then investigate that Liang Fei."

(End of this chapter)

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