Agent of Heaven

Chapter 70 Investigation in progress

Chapter 70 Investigation in progress

At a noisy intersection, cars of various styles sped by, and pedestrians on the street chatted and laughed.Nobody remembers that not so long ago a car accident took the life of a young girl here.

Jiang Xiaoyue walked beside Mu Feng wearing a moon-white scarf and said, "This is the scene of the car accident."

Mu Feng looked at the shops around and said: "There are quite a few shops here. There should be many witnesses to the car accident at the intersection."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I have a list of witnesses dropped from the police station here, we will go and ask them one by one later."

Suddenly, a childish voice came from behind: "Brother, do you want to buy flowers?"

Mu Feng turned his head and saw a timid little boy standing behind him, holding a bunch of flowers.

"Brother, buy a flower and give it to the beautiful sister next to me. It only costs ten yuan a flower." The little boy said pitifully.

Mu Feng smiled and took out ten yuan from his pocket and handed it over, then took a flower from the boy's hand and handed it to Jiang Xiaoyue.

Jiang Xiaoyue blushed pretty, but she still accepted it silently, thinking: Has this idiot enlightened today?He even sent me flowers.

Mu Feng touched the little boy's head and asked, "Are you selling flowers here every day?"

The little boy nodded and said, "Yes."

Mu Feng took out 100 yuan and said, "I'll ask you a few questions. If you answer well, the 100 yuan will be yours."

The little boy curled his lips and said, "One question costs 100 yuan."

Mu Feng said: "Hiss~ why are you so greedy, kid?" He thought that when he was so young, if someone offered him 100 yuan like this, he probably wouldn't dare to take it.

The little boy's eyes lit up and said, "Is this the first question?"

Jiang Xiaoyue suppressed a smile and said, "First question, there was a car accident here a few days ago, did you see it?"

The little boy thought for a while and said, "Is it a week ago? I saw it!" After speaking, he snatched the 100 yuan from Mu Feng's hand.

Mu Feng sighed helplessly, took out another 100 yuan card and said, "Describe the situation at that time."

The little boy said: "At that time, there was a man and a woman standing at the intersection. They were young and friendly. They should be students from a nearby school. I wanted to go up and sell flowers, but the man seemed to be arguing with the woman. I She dared not go up. Later, the woman looked back, as if she saw something, and rushed to the opposite side of the road regardless. It was a red light, and she was hit by an approaching car."

Jiang Xiaoyue took out a photo of Liang Fei: "Take a look, is this the boy who was with her at that time!"

The little boy looked carefully and confirmed: "Yes, it's him!" Then he took 100 yuan from Mu Feng, and Fei seemed to run away.

Mu Feng rubbed his chin and said, "She was with Liang Fei when the accident happened?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said with a sullen face: "Liang Fei's confession to the police is not like this. He said that he didn't go out at home at that time, and he pretended not to know about Huang Shirui's car accident."

Mu Feng said: "It seems that Liang Fei has some suspicions, let's go to a nearby store to investigate."

They walked towards a milk tea shop, which happened to be on the side of the intersection where the incident happened.Most of the students in the schools near this point are in class, so there is no long queue for milk tea at the door as in the past.

Jiang Xiaoyue said to the salesperson: "I want two cups of kumquat and lemon." Then she took out the wallet from Mu Feng's arms, counted 20 yuan and handed it over.

Mu Feng smiled and greeted the salesperson's sister: "Girl, I heard that there was a car accident on your side a few days ago, did you see it?"

The salesperson girl said: "I see, it was around this time. We also know that girl. She is a student of the nearby Xinyuan High School. She often comes to our place to buy milk tea."

Another girl who was making milk tea next to her said, "Yes, I saw this too. It is said that the little girl was pregnant when she died. I don't know if it's true or not."

The salesperson girl said: "Of course it's true. When I came out of the school at this point, I probably sneaked out and went to the opposite hospital."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "The opposite hospital?"

The salesperson's sister said: "There is a small private hospital opposite. There are many schools in this area. Many girls accidentally become pregnant. They all go to that hospital."

Mu Feng pulled Jiang Xiaoyue and said, "Go, go to the hospital opposite."

The two crossed the road together and walked to the opposite street. After several inquiries, they saw a small dilapidated hospital with the name of Ruikang Hospital on it.

When a middle-aged nurse saw Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue walking in together, she immediately showed joy and said, "Are you two here for an abortion?" She also secretly looked at Jiang Xiaoyue's stomach.

Mu Feng had just taken a sip of the kumquat and lemon, and almost spat in the face of the old woman opposite.

Jiang Xiaoyue had a pretty face, and took out a police officer from her purse to testify: "Call your leaders! We are here to investigate the case!"

The middle-aged nurse saw that it was not for business, so she walked into the elevator with an unhappy face: "Wait, I'll call our leader."

Jiang Xiaoyue snorted coldly: "Who is this! There are people who talk like that."

Mu Feng said: "Exactly! We will give birth to a child when we have a child. How could we come to such a place to have an abortion?"

Jiang Xiaoyue pinched Mu Feng's ear: "Bah! Who is going to have a child with you?"

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Mu Feng quickly resorted to the magic skill of diverting attention: "Where did you get your police officer's card, get me one too?"

Jiang Xiaoyue snorted coldly: "Don't try to change the subject, I've issued a fake certificate." Many times, among ordinary people, a police officer's certificate is much more useful than a certificate from the Ninth Bureau.

This is, a middle-aged man in a white coat came down from the elevator: "Who wants to see me?"

Jiang Xiaoyue took out her police officer ID and waved it in front of him: "We are the police station, and we want to investigate the car accident that happened at the intersection that day."

The middle-aged doctor said: "The car accident is not a medical accident, why did you come to me to investigate?"

Mu Feng said: "We want to investigate the patient records of your hospital, please cooperate!"

The middle-aged doctor said angrily: "Do you know that my brother-in-law is..."

Mu Feng waved his hand and interrupted him like chasing away flies: "It doesn't matter who your brother-in-law is, hurry up and cooperate with the investigation!"

The middle-aged doctor was suppressed helplessly, and said to the nurse next to him, "Take them to see the patient's records!"

The two followed the nurse to an office, turned on the computer and called up the hospital's records: "Our hospital's records for this year are all here."

Sitting in front of the computer, Mu Feng directly entered Huang Shirui's name, but two records really jumped out:
The first is that three weeks ago, she came to this hospital for an examination and found out that she was pregnant.

The second is two weeks' money. He made an appointment for abortion service, and the appointment time was the day of his accident.

Mu Feng took out Huang Shirui's photo and asked the nurse, "Do you have any impression of this girl?"

The nurse looked at the photo and thought for a moment: "I seem to have a little impression. When she found out that she was pregnant, she lost control of her emotions. It was our head nurse who persuaded her for a long time before she agreed to come to have an abortion. When she came to make an appointment for an abortion for the second time, she Together with my boyfriend, also a young boy, the two still quarreled in the hospital."

Mu Feng took out Liang Fei's photo and asked, "Take a look, is this the boy who came with him?"

The nurse nodded and said, "Yes, that's him."

Mu Feng pondered and said: This Liang Fei seems to be very suspicious, it's time to investigate him.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "The school is about to end at this point, we need to hurry up to investigate!"

(End of this chapter)

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