Agent of Heaven

Chapter 71 Liang Fei's Confession

Chapter 71 Liang Fei's Confession

When Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue came to the gate of Xinyuan High School together, the students had already finished school.At the beginning, a large number of students left the gate of the school one after another.

"Is it still a step late?" Mu Feng lit a cigarette.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at her watch: "Exactly! Let's come over, they are after school."

Mu Feng said: "Then what should we do? Should we investigate this boy named Liang Fei tomorrow, or go to his house to investigate?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Come back to the school tomorrow to investigate. By the way, you can also investigate Huang Shirui's teacher and other students."

"Do you think that isn't Liang Fei?" Mu Feng pointed to a tall boy in the distance.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked, and she saw a male student who looked exactly like Liang Fei in the photo.

Liang Feizheng walked with a group of students. They formed a circle at the school gate. Everyone lit a cigarette for themselves, talking and laughing in a lively manner, and some of them even dyed their hair in colorful colors.

Mu Feng stepped forward and said, "I'll find Liang Fei."

The group of students stopped playing, and all turned their heads to look at Mu Feng coldly.

"What do you want from me?" Liang Fei asked with his head tilted.

The other students chattered, "What are you looking for, Brother Fei?"

Mu Feng frowned and said, "I'm only looking for Liang Fei, the others can leave!"

These few students laughed loudly when they heard the words, each of them was very exaggerated, and surrounded Mu Feng with crooked mouths and squinting eyes.

"Who are you, uncle? You look so badass? Where are you from?" Liang Fei poked Mu Feng's chest with his finger while smoking a cigarette.

Mu Feng sneered, reached out and squeezed Liang Fei's hand.

He only heard the creaking sound, Liang Fei became miserable, his face twisted and said: "It hurts! Let go!"

Seeing this, a few students next to them were eager to make a move. Mu Fengfei kicked all over his body, using the Foshan Wuying kick from Huang Feihong's movie, and kicked all the students to the ground.

"Get up and stand in the corner!" Mu Feng looked at the students who were crying on the ground and snorted coldly.

They all struggled to get up and stood obediently in the corner.

Mu Feng let go of Liang Fei's wrist, and said coldly to him, "You go and stand there too!"

Liang Fei also stood over obediently.

Mu Feng said: "What grade are you all in?"

A dark-skinned person replied: "We are in the third year of high school."

Mu Feng said: "You are a senior in high school, don't you study hard and fool around?"

Liang Fei said, "We..."

Mu Feng said: "You guys! Each of you will copy the teacher's list before and after for me, and you will not be allowed to go back until you have finished copying!"

Several students were also carrying schoolbags, and each of them took out their notebooks and pens, and began to copy the list of teachers on the nearby chairs.

Jiang Xiaoyue came over and said with a smile: "Why do you still have such a bad taste?"

Mu Feng whispered: "I used to be punished by the teacher for copying texts when I was a child, which caused my childhood shadow. Today I finally have the opportunity to be punished by others."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Then do you feel the pleasure of getting revenge?"

Mu Feng shook his head and said, "If there is a chance to catch a teacher to copy it, it will be a pleasure."

Jiang Xiaoyue stood on tiptoe, scratched Mu Feng's nose and said, "Go and investigate the case!"

Mu Feng said: "Liang Fei, come here! The others continue!"

Liang Fei came over cautiously and said, "Brother, which road are you on?"

Mu Feng patted it on the scalp, squinting and said: "Have you ever seen a gangster ordering you to copy the text?"

Liang Fei shook his head: "This is really not there."

Jiang Xiaoyue took out the fake police officer ID again: "We are the police, and I want to ask you some questions."

Liang Fei hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Is it related to Huang Shirui? I have answered all those questions!"

Mu Feng said coldly: "But we found out that you lied! The day Huang Shirui's accident happened, you were at the scene of the accident! And you also knew about her pregnancy a long time ago."

Jiang Xiaoyue threatened: "If you don't tell the truth, we will have to list you as a criminal suspect and take you back for investigation!"

Liang Fei said: "Don't! Did I say it's okay?" He paused, looked at Mu Feng and said, "Actually, the child in Huang Shirui's belly is not mine!"

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue looked at each other, and they both saw doubts in Du Fu's eyes.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Go ahead and tell me everything you know."

Liang Feidao: "The baby in her stomach belongs to someone else. She and I had the first time two months ago! But when we went for the checkup, he was already three months pregnant!"

Mu Feng said: "Do you know whose child is in her belly?"

Liang Fei shook his head and said, "I don't know. If I knew, I would definitely go back and find that guy desperately."

Mu Feng said: "You took her to the hospital to have an abortion?"

Liang Fei sighed and said, "I still have feelings for her after all. Although she is sorry for me, I also want to wait until this incident is over before never having any contact with her."

Mu Feng said: "What happened on the day of the car accident? Why did Huang Shirui suddenly run to the middle of the road?"

Liang Fei said, "She saw our head teacher, Liao Na."

Mu Feng said: "Your class teacher knows about the things between you?"

Liang Fei nodded and said: "She knew that Huang Shirui was pregnant, and she was the one who asked me to take Shirui to the hospital for an abortion. She said that if we don't abort the baby, she will tell our parents about it."

Jiang Xiaoyue frowned and said, "How can there be such a teacher?"

Liang Feidao: "Even the money for the abortion was actually given to us by her."

Mu Feng said: "Then why did Huang Shirui run away after seeing Liao Na?"

Liang Fei covered his face and said: "I don't know what kind of evil she got that day. She told me that this child is also a life, and she wanted to give birth to the child. I quarreled with her at that time because of this matter, and then He saw that Liao Na was actually following us, and Shirui ran up to get rid of her, but..."

Mu Feng said sharply: "Then why did you lie to deceive our police afterwards?"

Liang Fei burst into tears suddenly and said: "Liao Na forced me! After that, she talked to me and asked me to hide everything, otherwise he would reveal the matter between me and Shirui. He also said that Shirui's death is mainly my responsibility!" He seemed to have held this matter in his heart for a long time, and finally vented it today: "It was she who forced Shirui to death... Now he is forcing me again, let I pretended nothing happened, and let me hide the fact that she forced Shirui to have an abortion."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Okay, we will investigate the next thing. If Huang Shirui's death is indeed not directly related to you, we will not wrong you." After finishing speaking, she pulled Mu Feng out of here.

After walking a few steps, I saw the rogue students who were beaten up by Mu Feng just now came over, they all held notebooks in their hands and said to Mu Feng: "Brother, you asked us to copy the "List of Teachers" before and after. gone."

Mu Feng waved his hand and said, "Okay, I won't watch it. I'll ask you a few more questions."

"Brother, just ask! We know everything."

Mu Feng said: "Do you all know Liao Na?"

"Yes, our head teacher!"

Mu Feng said: "What kind of person is she in school?"

When the group of students heard the words, they said in a hurry, "She is very mean and weird! She likes to make things difficult for students."

"She is the most concerned about the relationship between male and female students!"

"As long as it falls into her hands, there will be no good end!"

"She's almost forty, and she's never married."

"He is particularly disgusted with handsome male students, and even has a bit of hatred! I am the object of his hatred!" A yellow-haired student lifted his long hair on his forehead and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

Mu Feng patted it on the scalp: "She hates you probably because you are mentally retarded!"

Huang Mao lowered his head and said with tears streaming down his face, "Why? The whole world is against me! Is it because I have a heart that shines like thorn gold, is as clear as bronze, and is as light as origami?"

Jiang Xiaoyue pulled Mu Feng and hurriedly fled this place. She laughed wildly and said, "In the future, we should advocate that high school students are not allowed to read Guo Jingming's books. This second grader is too scary!"

Mu Feng also laughed for a while, then stopped and said seriously: "According to what Liang Fei said, that teacher named Liao Na is too weird. I have never seen a teacher who forced students to have abortions!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Although I have seen quite a few teachers with such a psychopath, but there are not many who drive students to death like her."

Mu Feng said: "Maybe there will be some hidden secrets in it, and, who is the father of the child?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I have a vague feeling that that Liao Na may know who the father of the child is, and this may be the truth behind her forcing Huang Shirui to have an abortion."

(End of this chapter)

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