Agent of Heaven

Chapter 72 Special Excellent Teacher

Chapter 72 Special Excellent Teacher
Early the next morning, Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue came to the classroom office of Xinyuan High School.

After asking, the two found Liao Na who was about to go to class.She looks close to 40 years old, with thin eyelids, small eyes, and protruding cheekbones. The way she looks at people always gives others a mean feeling.

Jiang Xiaoyue showed the police officer and said: "Mr. Liao, please cooperate with our investigation."

Liao Na frowned and said, "Who agreed for you to come to the school to investigate? Have you greeted the school? Why didn't I receive the notice before?"

Seeing her evasive words, Jiang Xiaoyue felt more and more suspicious about this person, so she said coldly, "Please cooperate with our investigation!"

Liao Na glanced coldly, and put the textbook in her hand on the table: "There are still 5 minutes before class, if you have any questions, please hurry up."

Mu Feng sneered and said, "Teacher Liao, we have a lot of questions, and five minutes may not be enough."

Liao Na squinted and said, "You are taking up my time without the school's approval, which will slow down my teaching progress."

"What kind of teaching progress are you talking to us at this time?" Mu Feng said: "Mr. Liao, it seems that you really haven't figured out the current situation! We suspect that Huang Shirui died of murder, and you are our suspect!"

Liao Na panicked: "You're talking nonsense! I didn't kill Huang Shirui!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Then why do you force Huang Shirui to have an abortion?"

Liao Na said coldly, "That delinquent boy Liang Fei told you all?"

Mu Feng said: "You have no right to ask us about the source of evidence."

Liao Na patted the table and said, "Who else but him? You can't believe his words! He is a very bad student. He smokes and fights, violates school rules, delays in homework..."

Mu Feng interrupted her directly: "We are asking why you forced Huang Shirui to have an abortion? Please answer my question directly!"

Liao Na's voice became sharper: "Why did I force her to have an abortion? Does it need a reason? He is a female student who is undisciplined, dirty and obscene, and has disgraced our entire class. She is pregnant. Do I Do you still want him to be born?"

Mu Feng said: "Since ancient times, mothers who gave birth to children have never been dirty! Those who are dirty are those who wear tinted glasses."

Liao Na said angrily, "You!"

Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes were bright and she said, "Are you forcing Huang Shirui to have an abortion just because of the reasons you mentioned? Is there any other reason? For example, who is the biological father of the child?"

"Who else could it be? Of course it's Liang Fei, that little rascal. The two of them are the black sheep of the school! They have tarnished the reputation of our key high school!" A panic flashed in the depths of Liao Na's eyes, but she was caught by Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue's sharp attention. caught.

Mu Feng said: "We have already investigated, the child in Huang Shirui's stomach is not Liang Fei's, the child's father is someone else!"

Liao Na shouted: "Why do you ask me this kind of question? It's none of my business who is the father of her child! I can't control a shameless student like her, and I don't know!"

Mu Feng frowned and said, "Teacher Liao, I want to remind you! Be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist! If you know something..."

A deep voice came in from outside the door: "Two police officers came to our school to investigate, why didn't they say hello to our school?" A man in a suit came in. Slightly gray, but it can be seen between his brows that he must have been a handsome guy when he was young.

"I am the principal of this school, my name is Tang Jianjun." He extended a hand to Mu Feng.

Mu Feng shook hands with him, feeling a little guilty, his police ID is fake.Although their own status is very high, in principle, criminal investigation is not under their control.

Tang Jianjun said: "If you two have any questions, you can ask me. I am the plenipotentiary representative of the school."

Mu Feng said that he was here to investigate Huang Shirui's death, and asked to ask students at school for further investigation.

Tang Jianjun nodded and said, "If you want to ask students, I can call them over from class. As for Mr. Liao, please let him go back to class first."

Mu Feng saw that he was polite and cooperated with himself and others in the investigation. Although Liao Na was very suspicious, but he didn't have enough evidence, he agreed to his request: "Then Teacher Liao, go back to class. We will still find you in the follow-up investigation."

With a cold face, Liao Na picked up two books from the table and walked out the door.

Tang Jianjun smiled at Mu Feng: "I'm sorry, this teacher Liao is a super-excellent teacher in our school! She puts all her thoughts on education and has a relatively withdrawn personality, so please forgive me if I offend you." Forgive me."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Then does your school know about her forcing female students to have abortions?"

Tang Jianjun said in surprise: "There is such a thing? We don't know!"

Mu Feng said: "Huang Shirui was forced to have an abortion by her! And her death is vaguely related to this outstanding teacher of your school."

Tang Jianjun said in a cold sweat, "This... how do you say this?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Huang Shirui wanted to run across the road because she noticed that Teacher Liao was following her from behind, and because of this, she ran into a moving vehicle."

Tang Jianjun patted the table, stood up and said angrily: "She! How could she do such a thing! This is too much!"

Mu Feng said: "Now we want to find some students to ask about the situation of Teacher Liao."

Tang Jianjun nodded and said, "Okay! I'll help you find it right away!"

Mu Feng said: "No need, we can handle this matter ourselves."

Tang Jianjun said: "Students are all in class now, so it's not good."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Don't worry, we won't occupy them for too long."

The three of them walked together to the edge of the classroom where Liao Na was teaching. Through the window, they could see forty or fifty students listening to the lecture.

When the students saw the principal walking by the window with two people, they quickly straightened up and pretended to be studying hard.This made Mu Feng smile, thinking that he himself was like this back then.

Mu Feng pointed to a crooked boy sitting in the back row and said, "That's all for them, let them come out and accept the investigation." This kind of students are thorns who don't obey discipline at first sight, and they can often be fished out of their mouths. to more useful information.

Tang Jianjun knocked on the students in the classroom and shouted into the classroom: "Xia Dong, come out!"

Liao Na walked out of the classroom with a displeased expression on her face, and said to Mu Feng, "How can you take the students away during class! Do you know that the college entrance examination is about to come! Now we are nervous in the third year of high school." Time! If you disturb their studies now, they will not be admitted to a good university, and then they will not be able to find a good job, and then..."

Tang Jianjun said seriously: "Mr. Liao, please cooperate with the police investigation!"

Seeing that Tang Jianjun didn't support her anymore, Liao Na said angrily, "Teacher Tang!"

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at Liao Na and said, "No matter what reasons and excuses you have, laws and morals can be easily violated."

Liao Na wanted to say something more, but Tang Jianjun said first: "Okay, please go back to class."

Liao Na had no choice but to go to class angrily.Everyone could vaguely hear him roaring at the students in the classroom.

Mu Feng smiled at the boy named Xia Dong: "Come with me, I have a few questions for you."

(End of this chapter)

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