Agent of Heaven

Chapter 73 Teacher Liao's Suicide

Chapter 73 Teacher Liao's Suicide
Mu Feng led the student named Xia Dong to a deserted place, and then asked, "What kind of person is your teacher Liao?"

Xia Dongdao: "Diligence and devotion are like candles, burning themselves to illuminate us?"

Mu Feng covered his forehead and said, "Can you show some face? Do you believe it or not?"

Xia Dong sneered and said, "It doesn't matter whether you or I believe it or not, the rules above can only say this."

Mu Feng said: "Tell me the truth from now on. I'm a policeman. Your teacher is involved in something. I'll ask a few other students later. No one will know that you said it."

Xia Dong's eyes lit up and said, "Really?"

Mu Feng said, "Of course it's true."

Xia Dong then waved her fingers and said, "That old woman is bitter, mean, and eccentric. She always likes to make things difficult for the students, and anyone who talks back to her will end badly. Those who have poor grades, she will do everything possible to get rid of them." She kicked out of the class..."

Mu Feng looked at her eloquent appearance and smiled, "I didn't ask you to talk about this, but I asked you to tell me, is there anything weird about your teacher Liao recently?"

Xia Dong said: "Is there a weird place? There are also! In the past few days, she has been particularly manic, and she has lost her temper with us more often. Maybe it's menopause."

Mu Feng said: "I heard that she has never been married."

Xia Dong said: "Yes! She is a famous old maid of ten thousand years in our school! But to be honest, with her appearance, she is not willing to marry anyone! She seems to have enmity with men, even most of the school Male teachers are afraid of her."

Mu Feng frowned and said, "Is she indifferent to all men?"

Xia Dong said: "Except for Principal Tang, she has no good looks towards any man. I heard that this is because Principal Tang was her former teacher, so she respects him more."

Mu Feng said: "Principal Tang is Tang Jianjun?"

Xia Dong said: "Yes! I also heard from people that he has been working in our school for more than 30 years. And Liao Na's high school is also in our school. It was Principal Tang who recommended her to a key university. So She has always regarded Principal Tang as her mentor."

Mu Feng said: "How much do you know about Huang Shirui?"

Xia Dong sighed and said: "She was the goddess of our class when she was alive, and her academic performance was also good, but some time before her car accident, she was often called to talk by Lao Liao, and she was not in the right mood every time she came back. "He suddenly rolled his eyes, and whispered: "You ask me so much? Was Huang Shirui forced to death by that old maid?"

Mu Feng pretended to be fierce and said: "Don't guess blindly, and you are not allowed to talk nonsense after you go back! Otherwise, you will be arrested!"

Xia Dong said: "Sir, I'm sure I'm not talking nonsense!"

After a while, Jiang Xiaoyue brought a handsome girl to Mu Feng's side and said, "This girl is Huang Shirui's deskmate."

Mu Feng asked seriously: "What's your name?"

The girl replied: "My name is Yang Yun."

Mu Feng asked: "Did Huang Shirui do anything special before he died?"

Yang Yun said timidly: "During that time, she would only cry alone, and occasionally quarreled with her boyfriend, and would come to me every time to complain."

Mu Feng asked: "Did you know about her pregnancy at that time?"

Yang Yun said: "I know, she is my best girlfriend, and I only found out about this when she slipped her mouth once."

Jiang Xiaoyue asked: "Did she show any desire to commit suicide during that time?"

Yang Yun shook his head and said, "No, she is a very strong girl!"

Mu Feng asked: "Did she have any unusual behavior before?"

Yang Yundao: "Probably not. Before she found out that she was pregnant, she was still optimistic after all, and she still had a place to recommend to Jiang University. If this kind of thing hadn't happened, she should have a good future."

Mu Feng asked: "Apart from Liang Fei, is there any other boy she is particularly close to?"

Yang Yun shook his head and said, "There shouldn't be any of this."

Mu Feng scratched his head, he couldn't think of who else could have the child in Huang Shirui's stomach.

Jiang Xiaoyue asked: "How is her family situation?"

Yang Yun sighed and said: "It's very bad. Her father likes to drink and play cards very much, and he relies on her mother to open a small convenience store to make ends meet and pay her tuition. In fact, the reason she and Liang Fei got along well was also because Liang Fei was on her birthday. He gave her an iPhone that day, and was willing to bear her living expenses at school in the future."

Jiang Xiaoyue shook her head with a wry smile, and let the girl go back.She walked out of the school with Mu Feng and walked on the nearby streets.She said: "I thought that schools would be like ivory towers, but I didn't expect that there would be such a thing."

Mu Feng said: "The school is originally a pure place, but once a hooligan or bastard gets mixed into this pure place, it will have a great impact."

Jiang Xiaoyue asked: "The key point of the case now is, whose child is in Huang Shirui's belly? Where should we go to investigate next?"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Go to eat first, then go home to sleep, it's already very late today, let's go to Huang Shirui's house tomorrow to ask about the situation. We can't be so tired all the time, we have to combine work and rest!"

The sun sets and rises again, and each day seems to be the same as the one before.There will always be some studious students who come to the classroom earlier than other students, and Yang Yun is a person who is used to arriving early.When he came to the classroom today, he was so frightened by the scene in front of him that he almost fainted.

A woman was hanging above the electric fan in the classroom. Her face was blue, her eyes were protruding, and her tongue was sticking out very long.Obviously dead for a long time.Yang Yun could still vaguely recognize that this woman was his homeroom teacher Liao Na!

After Mu Feng got the news, he hurried to the scene of the crime with Jiang Xiaoyue, and called the police station, saying that the case was completely taken over by Bureau Nine.All police officers just need to be nearby to assist.

When they arrived, Liao Na's body had been untied and laid flat on the ground.

Mu Feng stepped forward to observe carefully for a while, and then said to Jiang Xiaoyue: "This is not suicide, but a murder."

Jiang Xiaoyue came to the corpse, clutching her nose, looked at it for a while and said: "That's true, there are two strangle marks on her neck. It should be strangled first and then hung on the electric fan, making a false appearance of suicide. "

Mu Feng said: "Not only that, but the visiting positions of the surrounding desks have been moved. It is obvious that the deceased had a fight with the murderer before."

The surrounding police officers said: "The death time of the deceased was about eight hours."

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at her watch and said, "In other words, she was killed between 12:1 midnight and [-]:[-] am."

Mu Feng frowned and said, "She probably wouldn't have come to the school alone at that time, that is to say, she was invited to the school to kill her."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "The murderer was able to invite her to the school alone, it seems that she is also someone with whom she usually has a lot of relationships."

The corner of Mu Feng's mouth slowly raised an arc: "If I guessed correctly, the person who asked her to come to the school was also the person who ordered her to kill Huang Shirui. Because of our series of investigations yesterday, he was worried that he would be killed by Liao Shirui. Na was exposed, so I killed her right here."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Liao Na didn't find her mobile phone on her body. The murderer probably took it away because she was afraid of revealing her identity."

Mu Feng smiled slightly: "It's okay, I already have a rough guess about his identity in my heart, but there is still a lack of evidence. He can't run away." After speaking, he turned around and walked out of the house.

Jiang Xiaoyue caught up and said, "Where are we going?"

Mu Feng pulled a policeman over and asked, "Take us to the victim's house, hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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