Chapter 74

Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue got into the police car and came all the way to the community where Liao Na lived.This community is not far from the school, even if it is on foot, it can be reached within 15 minutes.

I have to say that the environment in this community is actually quite good. After all, Liao Na is a high school teacher, and she is alone, without a family. Her income can completely allow her to live a wealthy and petty bourgeois life.

Liao Na lives in front of Room 204 in Building [-], and the door is locked.

The police officer nearby said, "I'm going to find someone to unlock it now."

Mu Feng said: "No need." Then he stretched out his hand and pushed, a surge of mana poured into the keyhole, and the door opened automatically.

This is a single apartment with a layout of one bedroom and one living room, and the interior is organized very well.

Near the living room wall is a desk with a few books and a laptop on it.Mu Feng stepped forward and clicked on the computer, only to find that the computer was only in a sleep state.There is still an open word document on it, which is a teaching plan that has not been edited, and there are lesson preparation notes.

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "The deceased was still at work, but was suddenly asked out by the murderer."

Mu Feng remained silent and walked into Liao Na's bedroom.There is a large double bed inside, and the cups on the bed are neatly stacked.

Jiang Xiaoyue opened the bedside table, blushing instantly.Mu Feng stepped forward to watch, but found a box of condoms in the bedside table.

Mu Feng frowned: "It seems that Teacher Liao is not single."

The police officer on the side smiled and said, "It's not necessarily true, maybe it's because she likes to go outside to have fun?"

Mu Feng shook his head: "No, under normal circumstances, that kind of person would carry the condom with him instead of putting it in the bedside table, and you can see that this box has been unsealed, obviously it was used some time ago." In a flash, I walked to the shoe cabinet when I entered the door. After I opened it, I found two pairs of slippers neatly placed inside!

And the two pairs of slippers are not the same size!The small pair should be worn by Liao Na herself, while the big pair should be worn by a man.

"It seems that she really has a lover! I'm afraid this lover is the murderer who killed her." Mu Feng said calmly.

Jiang Xiaoyue nodded and said: "Indeed, it is possible to ask a woman out at around midnight, but only her lover can do it."

Mu Feng said: "Her lover must have some reason to kill her, for example, Liao Na knows some secrets about him."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "You mean that Huang Shirui's murder was also related to her lover."

Mu Feng said: "I'm afraid that the child in Huang Shirui's stomach also belongs to Liao Na's lover. This is why Liao Na forced Huang Shirui to abort like crazy."

Jiang Xiaoyue tried hard to recall the vicious eyes that flashed across her face when they mentioned Huang Shirui's name to Liao Na yesterday.And her abnormal excitement about Huang Shirui's pregnancy.

"It seems that as long as we find out who Liao Na's lover is, all the mysteries can be solved." Mu Feng's eyes flashed with a strange light: "Let's find the murderer."

The police officer followed behind with a blank face: "Ah! Sir, do you already know who the murderer is?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Go to school! Let's go together to make that scumbag a prototype."

In Xinyuan Middle School, the school officials urgently opened a meeting regarding the murder that occurred in the school.In the conference room, Tang Jianjun was delivering a speech with a sad face: "Ms. Liao has passed away. Every colleague in our school will never forget this painful day, her hard work, and her friendly relationship with students... "

"Sorry, just pause!" A policeman opened the door and walked in: "Principal Tang, please cooperate with our investigation."

Tang Jianjun said: "We are in a meeting now!"

The policeman said with a serious face: "Please cooperate with us in carrying out official duties."

Tang Jianjun had no choice but to follow the police into a room.As soon as he entered, the door was closed with a "bang"!He pulled the doorknob again, but it couldn't be turned.

Suddenly, Tang Jianjun discovered that there was actually another person in the room!A person who should have been dead was standing in front of him intact at this moment!

Tang Jianjun was so frightened that he fell to the ground, his voice trembling: " do you..."

"Liao Na" turned her head and looked at Tang Jianjun with the sinister eyes she usually used to look at students: "Why am I still alive?"

Tang Jianjun didn't speak. He timidly crawled to a corner of the room, stretched out his hand and raised a bench: "You! Are you a human or a ghost?"

"Hehe...Of course I'm a ghost!" She floated up and flew in front of Tang Jianjun.

Tang Jianjun screamed and dodged, smashing the locked door with the chair in his hand, and said in fear: "You! Don't come here! I can kill you once... I can kill you a second time!"

"I don't come here. I only came back because I died for no reason. I don't want to be a fool. What is your reason for killing me!" She fell to the ground again and looked at Tang Jianjun quietly.

Tang Jianjun said with bloodshot eyes: "Why did I kill you, don't you know? The police have already investigated you. If they know my relationship with you, and my relationship with Huang Shirui, I will be ruined!" "

"You actually want to kill me like this? Have you abandoned our relationship for many years?"

His emotions began to get a little out of control: "I have been in love with you for many years? Haha, what kind of relationship can I have with you! Back then, you were just like Huang Shirui, coveting to get a place in a key university, so you just slept with me! You come back After working, you want to use my rights to help you find a job, so you became my lover, what relationship do I have with you?"

He smashed the chair in his hand to "Liao Na", but was dodged lightly.He didn't seem to be afraid anymore at this time, and said hysterically: "You shameless old woman! You are already old and decrepit, but you still pester me and want me to divorce and stay with you. If you hadn't been Obedient as a dog, I wanted to kill you a long time ago. What's more, I just asked you to force Huang Shirui to have an abortion, but you actually forced her to death!"

"Liao Na" suddenly smiled strangely, and transformed into Mu Feng's appearance.

Tang Jianjun said in surprise: "You!"

Mu Feng sneered and said, "What are you? You committed murder!"

Tang Jianjun said angrily: "You know sorcery! You are a demon!"

Mu Feng said coldly: "Anyone is stronger than a beast!"

Tang Jianjun said: "You are fishing law enforcement!"

Mu Feng said: "No matter what law enforcement is, everything is over for you. You can pray for the death penalty as soon as possible, so that you can spend less time in prison, otherwise you will be punished by your fellow murderers with your weak appearance." The inmates are very loving."

Tang Jianjun roared angrily: "I'll fight with you!" Then he rushed towards Mu Feng.

Mu Feng sneered, and slapped him across the face!Tang Jianjun flew up on the spot and smashed into the closed door.A bunch of policemen surrounded him and checked his injuries.His jaw had been knocked off by Mu Feng, and he couldn't even speak at this moment, with a distorted expression on his face.

A young policeman said to Mu Feng: "Sir, our law enforcement officers are strictly not allowed to hit people."

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said, "Whoever said we beat someone, he fell by himself."

The winter snow gradually melted, and the grass began to show a light green color.Under the moonlight, everything is no longer lonely.

Mu Feng put a white flower in front of a grave.With a wave of his sleeve, Huang Shirui's soul flew out.At this time, she no longer has the appearance of a ghost, her whole body is no different from a normal person, except that her figure is somewhat transparent, and she holds a baby the size of a civet cat in her arms.

"Thank you to the two immortals for avenging me. For this kindness and virtue, I will definitely repay you in the next life."

Jiang Xiaoyue waved her hand and said with a smile: "You go to reincarnation, we don't need your repayment."

Huang Shirui knelt down and kowtowed, her figure gradually turned into a little bit of starlight, and she went into reincarnation.

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at Mu Feng and asked, "Actually, there is one more thing I don't understand."

Mu Feng said: "What is it?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Why didn't Teacher Liao turn into a ghost after his death?"

Mu Feng sighed and said, "I'm afraid she really loves that Tang Jianjun. Besides, forcing a pregnant female student to death may be a conservative torture in her heart. Death is actually a kind of relief for her."

Time goes back to 20 years ago.

Liao Na was still a girl in a plaid shirt, with a ponytail, walking around the school with a book in her arms.At that time, she was also full of vigor.

She falls in love with a handsome, bespectacled teacher who is personable and knowledgeable.His name is Tang Jianjun.

After Tang Jianjun took possession of her body, he sent her to the best university.But she didn't regret it, even though she knew he already had a family, she still loved him deeply.

Liao Na aspires to be a teacher too, to become an excellent teacher like Tang Jianjun.

Later, she did...

Time is like running water, which can kill everything, but what really changes us is always only ourselves.No matter what kind of excuse, it cannot be a reason for depravity.

(End of this chapter)

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