Agent of Heaven

Chapter 75 Blind Date Storm

Chapter 75

In early spring, the rain is lingering.

Mu Feng was sitting upright practicing calligraphy when he suddenly felt upset, feeling that something was going to happen.The written words became crooked.

Jiang Xiaoyue came over with a cup of milk tea: "What's wrong? I see you are restless."

Mu Feng threw the brush on the table: "I don't know why, I'm upset today, and I always feel that something is going to happen."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Could it be that Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao are going to do something again?"

When Mu Feng heard the words, he felt that it made sense, so he sat up in meditation immediately, using the way of calculation, trying to see the secret of heaven.But he found that there was a confusion ahead, and he couldn't see through it with his own cultivation.

Jiang Xiaoyue asked: "How is it?"

Mu Feng said: "I can't figure anything out, but I have a vague feeling that a disaster is imminent." As soon as he finished speaking, the mobile phone beside him rang.On the caller ID, it turned out to be Mu's father.

Mu Feng pressed the call button, and Papa Mu's roar came from inside: "What's the matter with you, brat! It's fine if you don't come during the Chinese New Year, and you don't even call home!"

Chinese New Year?At that time of the Chinese New Year, he was still practicing Taoism in Longevity Hill, so how could he call home.

"Well, Dad, I'm busy with work..."

"Get busy!" After Mu's father roared angrily, Mu's mother snatched the phone: "Son, why don't you come back to see your mother during Chinese New Year."

"Mom, I really don't have time during Chinese New Year. I'm free recently, so I'm going to go back to see you guys,"

"You don't need to come back. Your dad and I have already bought tickets, and we are almost arriving in Jiangzhou now! My son is not talking about you, you are not young, and your job is stable. It's time to think about your own affairs ..."

There was a roar in Mu Feng's head, he finally knew why he felt uneasy today!
He said with difficulty: "Mom, you and my dad didn't come to take me on a blind date, did they?"

"That's right, this time I came with your dad, and I also found someone for you by the way. It was the daughter of the old Su family next door. You used to hold her hand every day when you were young. She is also working in Jiangzhou now. I also bought a house in Jiangzhou, and the conditions are good..." Mu Ma chatted like a bomber.

"Mom, you should say hello to me in advance about this matter." Mu Feng sweated profusely.

"Isn't your father and I afraid that you will be embarrassed? Son, don't worry, it's fine. I also saw the picture of Su Wei, and she has grown up and down in the past two years. We are also familiar with the old Su and his wife. We know each other well. You Boy, do you want..." (five thousand words are omitted below)
Finally, Papa Mu couldn't help it, snatched the phone back, and said to Mu Feng, "It's nine o'clock in the morning, and you must show up at Jiudao Coffee before eleven o'clock." Then the phone was hung up with a beep up.

Mu Feng was dumbfounded, holding the phone without moving, his eyes flashed with a broken light.

Jiang Xiaoyue asked nervously: "What's wrong? Could it be that some big monster has been born with your expression?"

Mu Feng swallowed and said, "Something more terrifying than this has happened."

Jiang Xiaoyue had never seen Mu Feng's expression of such fear, so she asked anxiously, "What is it?"

Mu Feng turned his head and looked at Jiang Xiaoyue with unlovely eyes: "My parents came to Jiangzhou, and they found me a blind date by the way."

With a "poof", Jiang Xiaoyue sprayed a sip of milk tea directly on Mu Feng's face: "Are you going on a blind date?"

Mu Feng picked up a napkin and wiped his face, "Can you stop shouting so loudly?"

Upstairs, Xiao Qingsu came down sleepily in her pajamas, holding a plush bear in her arms that was bigger than her: "Brother Feng is going on a blind date? What is a blind date? Is it delicious?"

Jiang Xiaoyue rolled her eyes, picked up Xiao Qingsu and smiled, "It's delicious! Can you go eat with brother Mu Feng?"

Xiao Qingsu looked at Mu Feng with bright eyes: "Brother Feng, take me with you~"

Mu Feng sighed and hugged Xiao Qingsu, with a heroic expression on his face: "Let's go, accompany brother to meet the terrible blind date!"

Jiang Xiaoyue didn't hold back, she rolled on the sofa with laughter, and took Xiao Qingsu to go on a blind date. Mu Feng will definitely be very exciting this time.

Jiudao Coffee is an old-fashioned coffee shop in China. Before Xinbucks entered the domestic market, it was called the "New Bucks" in China.But now there is a new Buck in China, so its status has become awkward.

At eleven o'clock, Mu Feng walked into the coffee shop on time, and found the seats for Mu's father and Mu's mother.

Xiao Qingsu called out softly after seeing Mu's mother and Mu's father: "Hello, grandpa and grandma!"

"Grandpa?" "Grandma!" The two elders were startled.

Mu's mother looked at little Lolita and said, "You have already had such a big child without telling us?"

Mu's father was full of black lines and said: "Look carefully, this child is probably ten years old, and our son only entered junior high school ten years ago!"

Mu Ma nodded and said: "That's right, I was shocked, I thought I had already upgraded to become a grandmother." But she also liked the cute Xiao Qingsu very much, so she asked, "Whose child is this?"

Mu Feng made up: "My colleague's family, he has nothing to do today, I will take care of him for a day while I rest. Your two elders also came suddenly, so I was not prepared, so I had to bring her along."

Xiao Qingsu is also a smart kid, he doesn't speak, but concentrates on dealing with the steak on his plate.

Mu's father said: "Just take it with you, I think this little girl is so cute, and she is quite likable."

At this time, a middle-aged man came in with a young girl. When Mu's father and Mu's mother saw it, they quickly got up and said, "Old Su, here it is!"

The two walked over and sat opposite Mu Feng and the others.

Mu Feng looked at the two of them carefully, but suddenly fell into an occupational disease.I began to reason: the middle-aged man has dark circles under his eyes. He is about the same age as his parents, but his temples are already graying.There are deep smoke marks on the nails, which should be due to staying up late for a long time.The movement of him sitting down is very awkward, obviously he has a lumbar disease.His occupation should be that of a taxi driver.

The girl is very beautiful, with big eyes and a pointed chin, which is more in line with the aesthetics of today's people.She wore only light makeup and a simple white shirt.The nails were neatly trimmed, his hands were as white as jade, and he was wearing a small watch.It is difficult to directly guess her occupation, but it is likely that she works in a hospital as a nurse, so she has higher requirements for personal cleanliness.

Mu's father smiled and exchanged greetings with Lao Su: "Old Su, since you came to Jiangzhou, we old brothers have not seen each other for almost 20 years."

Old Su smiled and said, "Yes, I'm getting old before I know it. You see, in the blink of an eye, our children have grown up so much, and they've all reached the age to talk about marriage."

Mu's mother looked at the beautiful girl and smiled at Mu Feng: "Xiao Feng, do you still remember your sister Su Wei? You used to play the best with her when you were young."

"Uh, remember, hello Su Wei." Mu Feng said hello to Su Wei, but he sneered at his mother's question in his heart. When he played with Su Wei, he was probably only one or two years old. There will be ghosts.

Su Wei also smiled gracefully, looked at Mu Feng and did not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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