Agent of Heaven

Chapter 76 Blind Date Storm

Chapter 76

Mu Feng looked at Su Wei and suddenly felt something was wrong.When I looked around, I found that it was Xiao Qingsu who had disappeared!Hurry to find it.

Seeing Mu Feng's appearance, Old Su asked strangely, "Xiao Mu, what's wrong with you? Did you lose something?"

Without even thinking about it, Mu Feng replied, "The child is lost."

Old Su looked confused: "Child?"

At this time, Mu's father also found that Qing Su was gone, so he said, "It's a little girl, my son helped a colleague take care of her."

It was Su Wei who screamed and stood up.Several people looked at it, but found a cute little loli crawling from under the table to Su Wei.

Mu Feng said awkwardly: "Xiao Qingsu, don't make trouble, come back quickly!"

Only then did Xiao Qingsu crawl back, slipped into Mu Feng's arms, and said softly, "This elder sister doesn't smell bad at all."

Mu Feng smiled and pinched Xiao Qingsu's tender face: "Don't make trouble, eat well."

Xiao Qingsu held up the empty plate and said, "It's over."

Mu Feng smiled helplessly, and ordered another steak for her.

Su Wei sat down, looked at Xiao Qingsu and said, "This little girl is so cute." After speaking, she reached out to pinch her cheek.

Xiao Qingsu avoided it directly, and said unhappily: "You don't smell good at all, Qingsu doesn't play with you."

Both Su Wei and Lao Su were embarrassed.

Papa Mu reacted quickly, got up and said, "Old Su, we haven't seen each other for so long, let's go out and have a chat together."

Old Su nodded and said, "Okay, let's go play cards for a while."

Mu Ma said: "I'll go too." After speaking, she led Xiao Qingsu and smiled, "Girl, come out and I'll buy you something delicious."

Xiao Qing agreed bluntly: "Okay." After finishing speaking, he swallowed most of the steak in one gulp, puffed out his cheeks, and went out with Mu's father.

As soon as they left, only Mu Feng and Su Wei were left here, and the atmosphere suddenly became more awkward.

Su Wei took the lead to break the deadlock: "We haven't seen each other for many years, it's hard for you to remember me."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "Actually, I really don't remember. I was only three years old when you left, and you were only two years old."

Su Wei covered her mouth with a chuckle and said nothing, just looked at herself with bright eyes like autumn water.

Mu Feng felt in a trance when he saw this beauty secretly looking at her.The "Longevity Dixuan Sutra" circulates in the body, making one's body and mind as peaceful as the earth.

"What's wrong with you?" Su Wei asked softly, stretching out her slender hands.

Mu Feng thought in his heart: This woman is weird, she is definitely not an ordinary person!I'll do whatever I can to see what she wants.

He immediately pretended to be fascinated, and stared at Su Wei in a daze.

Su Wei got up and said with a smile: "Good brother, come with me."

Mu Feng stood up and followed Su Wei in a daze.

The two walked for a long time, until there was no one there.Su Wei picked up a gust of evil wind, picked up Mu Feng and went away.I didn't know how many miles I traveled in an instant, and stopped at an abandoned factory.

The two entered the room and saw Jinyin Erdaotong standing in it.

Seeing the two people coming in, Jin Jiao and Yin Jiao clasped their hands together and said to Su Wei: "I'm sorry for this trip, Fellow Daoist."

Su Wei smiled and said: "It's okay, they are all doing things for my demon clan, so why not thank you." After speaking, her brilliance flickered, and her figure changed into a coquettish woman in palace clothes. Looking at her appearance, it is amazing :
Seeing dark clouds on the temples, apricot face and peach cheeks, light spring mountains, delicate waist willows, it is really like a begonia drunk in the sun, pear blossoms with rain, no less than nine heavenly fairies going to Yaochi, and Chang'e leaving Yuque in the moon.Daji Qizhu, like a little cherry, on the tip of the tongue is full of beauty and kindness, her eyes are like double curved phoenix eyes, and the corners of her eyes are full of charming and charming.

Now that social information is developed, all kinds of beautiful female stars are dazzling.But what Mu Feng can be sure of is that this woman is the most beautiful he has ever seen, bar none!What's more, there is a seductive charm in her eyes, which no man can resist.

Jin Jiao said with a smile: "Second brother, quickly put this Mu Feng into the purple gold gourd, lest he disturb my monster clan's affairs."

Yinjiao picked up the purple gold gourd and shouted at Mu Feng: "Mu Feng!"

Mu Feng still kept his eyes glazed over and didn't answer.

Su Wei smiled and said: "He has already planted my charm technique, now he may not be able to hear anything except my voice."

Yin Jiao said: "Then have Fellow Daoist Lao call him."

Su Wei winked like silk, and shouted at Mu Feng: "Husband~"

This sound was really ecstasy, and Mu Feng almost couldn't hold it back.It is simply because he has deep roots and has become a fairy body, so he remains free from temptation.

Seeing that Mu Feng didn't answer, Su Wei was amazed at the moment, stepped forward and blew softly in Mu Feng's ear: "Husband~"

With a "choke", the Qing Ming Sword appeared, and the sword light was like water, enveloping Su Wei in it.Su Wei was shocked, and hurriedly retreated, but was still cut on the shoulder by a sword, and blood gushed out in an instant.

Seeing this, Jin Jiao quickly came to help with the Seven Star Sword.

Mu Feng stabbed out with a sword again!Before Jin Jiao could react, he heard a gust of wind whispering.In an instant, blood burst from his chest, and he fell to the ground.

Yinjiao looked at Mu Feng with an extremely terrified look: "How is it possible! When I saw you last time, you were only a Sanxian cultivator, far behind me! In just a few months, you Where can I cultivate such a powerful ability?"

Mu Feng was afraid of being tricked by his gourd, but he didn't answer, just sneered, and slashed down with his sword again, the tens of feet long sword light brought the fiery sword energy and slashed towards Yinjiao.

Yinjiao turned pale with fright, and quickly mobilized mana to resist, and a layer of blue light shield surrounded him.As soon as he came into contact with Mu Feng's sword energy, it was already shattered inch by inch.He spat out blood and flew out backwards.

Holding the Qingming sword upside down, Mu Feng looked coldly at the three monsters lying on the ground and said, "You three are so courageous! How dare you pay attention to my family!" They can become Su Wei's father The girl's appearance contacted her parents, which made Mu Feng already murderous.

Su Wei said: "We have absolutely no such intention."

Mu Feng looked at Su Wei and said, "Who are you?"

Su Wei said sadly: "Little demon Daji."

It turned out that she was actually the peerless enchanting concubine Daji who caused troubles to all living beings at the end of the Shang Dynasty!

Jin Jiao said: "Master Ying Long clearly learned, no matter what, we dare not pay attention to your family. We tricked you to come here, just hoping to trap you for a while, and let you out after our monster race is over."

Mu Feng sneered: "Don't call me Ying Long, because I'm not him."

Yinjiao said: "You defeated Daji's 'Listening to the Rain Style', the one that wounded my elder brother was the 'Liufeng Style', and the last sword attack on me was the 'Xuanyan Style', even though the little demon is blind, he still recognizes Yinglong's Seventh Style Yes. It’s just that I didn’t expect Master Ying Long to be able to retrieve the memory of his previous life so quickly.”

Mu Feng knew that although he had learned the six forms of Yinglong, he had no memory of his previous life at all.He also didn't want to explain to Yin Jiao, but just asked: "What conspiracy do you guys have?"

Jin Jiao said: "We are only for the Yaozu to be able to..."

At this time, a ray of Buddha's light flew over, and a chirping sound rang out. Mu Feng's eyes blurred, and he saw that the three monsters on the ground had disappeared.Only a faint phantom of a golden-winged roc was left in the distant sky.

(End of this chapter)

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