Agent of Heaven

Chapter 77 Blind Date Storm

Chapter 77

Looking at the back of the golden-winged roc eagle, Mu Feng knew that even if he used the supernatural power of "heaven and earth escape method", he would not be able to catch up with him.He shook his head and said thoughtfully: "Even this guy has appeared, what exactly is the Yaozu wanting to do?"

He stepped out and returned to the street where he was before.Seeing Mu's father and Mu's mother holding a bunch of candied haws to play with Xiao Qingsu, the "Old Su" who came with Daji disappeared.

"Mom and Dad, where's Uncle Su?" Mu Feng walked over, checked his parents' aura, and asked after finding that they were all fine.

Papa Mu said: "Old Su! He said he had something urgent and left first."

Xiao Qingsu sent a voice transmission to Mu Feng: "That man is a demon incarnation, but he didn't hurt grandpa and grandma, he left by himself just now."

Mu Ma asked, "How is your chat with Su Wei going?"

Mu Feng could only make up nonsense: "Well, we had a good chat, but we feel that the other party is not suitable for us. So there is no plan to further communicate."

Mu's mother frowned: "Why don't you have any plans for further dating? I don't think you two are quite suitable?"

Mu Feng said with a smile: "Mom, it's about feelings, it can't be forced. The girl said she doesn't like me, what can I do?"

Mu Ma said: "Oh, since that's the case, forget it. What a pity! I really like this girl Su Wei."

Mu's father said with a dark face: "Hmph, I knew that you would not be able to make it in one go. Fortunately, I arranged a few more groups this time."

Mu Feng broke down and said, "Dad, did you arrange another blind date for me?"

Mu's father said: "Find someone to take care of you earlier, so that you don't have to do your job all the time."

Mu Ma said: "Okay, it's not early today, let's go to your place for a night first."

Mu Feng's expression was strange: "Are you going to stay at my place tonight?" He was not mentally prepared for this matter. The distance between Jiangzhou and the county is not far, and the two elders have never been used to living outside. He thought that after dealing with the blind date, they The two of them will go straight back to the county seat.

The point is, does Jiang Xiaoyue still live with him?

Seeing Mu Feng's wonderful expression, Mu's father snorted coldly: "Huh, what's the matter? Can't we even go to your place if we want to have a look?"

Mu Feng saw that Lao Mu was going to get mad, so he quickly comforted his father with flattery, "Of course, but I'm not prepared, and the house may be chaotic." After all, this is his father, if he wants to beat him For me, let alone being an agent of breaking heaven, even if I am the Jade Emperor now, it is useless.

Mu's mother said: "I know that your place is very messy, and I will clean it up for you when I go."

A family of three, um, now including Xiao Qingsu, they are four, they got into Papa Mu's dilapidated Santana together, and drove bumpily all the way to the suburbs.

After driving for more than half an hour, seeing that the crowds became less and less crowded, Mu's father frowned: "Why do you live in such a remote place?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "Isn't it that the houses in the suburbs are cheap, and the environment is good."

Mu Ma sighed: "It's not easy for you to be alone in Jiangzhou."

Mu Feng smiled and said: "It's okay." He thought in his heart: If there were not so many monsters and ghosts to make trouble for me, I guess I would have an easy life.

Mu's father still had a straight face: "If you are short of money, tell your family, you are still young, neither your mother nor I need you to make money."

Mu Feng felt warm in his heart. Although the old man was usually a bit rigid, he really cared about himself: "No, I'm fine, and I'm not short of money."

All the way to the edge of the villa, the sun was already setting.

Mu's father got out of the car and looked around, and praised: "Don't tell me, although you live in the suburbs, this house is not bad. How much is it a month?"

Mu Feng said: "This is arranged by the unit, no money is required."

This is a girl turning out from the edge of the lawn behind, watering the flowers with a sprinkler in her hand.She has slender legs, a well-proportioned figure, bright eyes and white teeth, gentle and charming.

"Hey, Mu Feng, you're back?" Jiang Xiaoyue raised her head and saw Mu Feng looking at her with a smirk on her face. Apart from Xiao Qingsu, there was also a middle-aged couple standing behind him.

Mu Feng said awkwardly: "This is my parents, they will stay with us tonight."

Only then did Jiang Xiaoyue recover from her bewildered state, she blushed and said, "Uh, uncle, auntie."

After Mu Ma recovered from her daze, a bright light flashed in her eyes, and she asked with a smile, "Who is this beautiful girl?"

Mu Feng said: "This is Jiang Xiaoyue, my... roommate."

Papa Mu coughed, indicating that Mu Feng's lie was too childish, and it was too easy to be exposed.

Xiao Qingsu rushed out, looked at Jiang Xiaoyue with big watery eyes and said, "Sister Xiaoyue, I'm hungry."

Jiang Xiaoyue remembered it now, and said to everyone: "I've already prepared the meal. My uncle and aunt came from afar, so they must be hungry. Come in quickly."

Everyone pushed open the door and walked in, seeing that several dishes of side dishes had been set on the dining table.

Mu Ma walked over, looked at the pot full of rice and said, "How do you make so much rice?"

Jiang Xiaoyue smiled and said: "Not much, just enough." She was telling the truth, it was because Lao Zhu and Yang Jian were not here, so she only had to cook these meals.

Mu Feng called everyone to sit down, and Mu's father looked at the dishes on the table.Soaked jellyfish in vinegar, cucumber in cold salad, fried pork with bamboo shoot tip, braised carp in braised sauce, pork ribs with yam.The dishes are diverse and full of color, fragrance and taste. This girl is good at cooking.

Everyone began to eat, and Mu Ma nodded from time to time, looking at Jiang Xiaoyue with the eyes of a daughter-in-law.Seeing her lower her head and blushing, she only dared to eat the rice with chopsticks in small mouthfuls.

She used her power to transmit sound to Mu Feng: "Why didn't you tell me in advance that your parents are coming?"

Mu Feng said: "I don't know either. I thought they would leave as soon as they came. I didn't even have time to stop them."

Jiang Xiaoyue complained quietly: "You can call me in advance, I am not prepared at all."

Mu Feng said: "I'm not prepared at all..."

The big pot of rice lived up to everyone's expectations, and all of them were eaten. Mu Feng ate five bowls by himself, so now Mu's father looks at his son with the eyes of a rice bucket.

"Son, come out with me." Father Mu said something to Mu Feng, and then walked towards the door.

Mu Feng had no choice but to follow.

It was still early spring at this time, and the weather was very cold. After Mu's father came out, he couldn't help wrapping his coat around his body.

Mu Feng looked at his father's gradually thinning figure, and the white hair that was occasionally visible, and his eyes felt a little sore for a moment.This man, who was once strong and rigid, seemed to be old now.

Papa Mu lit a cigarette and said, "Boy, this girl is not bad, you should cherish it, you know?"

Mu Feng looked at Jiang Xiaoyue, who was being dragged by Mu's mother in the room, and said with a smile, "I know."

Mu's father looked at Jiang Xiaoyue with deep eyes and said: "This girl is beautiful and intelligent, with outstanding temperament. I'm afraid she didn't come from an ordinary family."

Mu Feng thought to himself: This old man's eyes are really poisonous!The dignified young lady of the Jiang family is naturally not an ordinary person
"His father was born as a civil servant, and he was also a bureau chief." Mu Feng didn't lie to his father.

Mu's father frowned, and then let go: "As long as you like have grown up, no matter what decision you make, Dad will support you."


"Okay, it's cold outside, let's go in first. Since you already have Xiaoyue, your mother and I will stop trying to find someone for you."

(End of this chapter)

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