Agent of Heaven

Chapter 78 Confession

Chapter 78 Confession
Spring is getting warmer and a hundred flowers are blooming.

Early this morning, Mu Feng took advantage of Jiang Xiaoyue to send Mu's father and Mu's mother away together.

Mu's father sat in the car after telling Mu Feng a few words, and before Mu's mother left, she still dragged Jiang Xiaoyue to talk.

"Get ready to go, don't keep dragging the girl." Papa Mu finally couldn't help it after waiting for an hour, and poked his head out of the car window.

Mu's mother stared, and the old man quickly shrank his head back in fright.

"Come on, girl, take this, don't look outside." Mu Ma took out a white jade necklace from her bag.

Jiang Xiaoyue felt like she was declining and said, "Auntie, I can't accept this."

Mu's mother smiled and said: "I really like you girl, it's all a meeting gift for you."

Jiang Xiaoyue was not willing to ask for it, but she was the worst at dealing with such occasions, so she looked at Mu Feng.

But Mu Feng said to her: "This is my mother's wish, you can take it if you give it to you!"

Jiang Xiaoyue was helpless, she blushed and gave up.

Only then did Mu's mother sat on Mu's father's old Santana with satisfaction, and the car roared and drove away into the distance.

Mu Feng waved his hands at the back of his parents going away, lowered his head and looked at Jiang Xiaoyue with a smile.

Jiang Xiaoyue blushed and said, "What are you doing looking at me?"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I'll help you wear the necklace my mother gave you."

Jiang Xiaoyue nodded in agreement, and put the necklace on Mu Feng's hand.

Mu Feng quietly tied the necklace on her back, and found a faint fragrance wafting from the girl's hair.He couldn't help but kissed her forehead lightly.

Jiang Xiaoyue turned her head, blushing and about to explode: "You... are taking advantage of me again!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "This is not taking advantage of you. From now on, you will be my future wife."

Jiang Xiaoyue was ashamed and angry: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Mu Feng laughed loudly: "You think my mother's necklace was taken for nothing. It was passed down to her by my grandmother before. It has been passed down for four generations. This is the fifth generation for you. You will be my Mu family from now on. For the daughter-in-law who passed the door!"

Jiang Xiaoyue hurriedly wanted to take off the necklace, but when she touched the warm white jade, she put it down again, snorted coldly, and was about to turn into the house.

"Xiaoyue!" Mu Feng called to stop her.

"I like you! Be my girlfriend." Mu Feng looked at Jiang Xiaoyue with a smile.

Jiang Xiaoyue turned her head and said arrogantly: "Let Miss Ben think about it."

Mu Feng stepped forward, took the girl's hand, and kissed her on the lips.Soft and delicate, sweet and sweet, but their heads went blank together.

After a long time, Mu Feng recovered first, and said softly, "Promise me."

In fact, Mu Feng has never been an impulsive man, he is a little bored, he likes to look ahead and take into account the overall situation.But he is never impulsive.

But today, he was impulsive.

Jiang Xiaoyue's eyes met Mu Feng's. She saw responsibility and gentleness in this man's eyes.She stood on tiptoe, and their lips approached again.

"Wait a minute! Delicious sunshine pulp! It comes from Minute Maid oranges!" Xiao Qingsu took a bottle of oranges and ran between Mu Feng and Jiang Xiaoyue.

The two hurriedly separated. A child bumped into this kind of thing, and Mu Feng hurried back to the room with a blushing face.

Mu Feng looked at Qing Su who was holding the juice with black lines all over his head: "What are you doing?"

Qing Su opened her big innocent eyes: "I learned it on TV. When I see men and women, uh~ah, I will show up with juice." She pointed to the TV.

The Minute Maid ad shot by Eason Chan was showing on TV, he suddenly appeared when a man and a woman were about to kiss, and spoke the ad with juice.

"Who came up with this stupid advertising idea?" Mu Feng roared in his heart, and he said to Xiao Qingsu with a dark face: "In the future, you are not allowed to imitate things on TV!"

Xiao Qingsu looked at Mu Feng's serious expression, pouted her small mouth, and bean-sized eyeballs flowed out of his big black and bright eyes: "Woooo~ Brother Feng is so fierce."

Mu Feng was startled, why am I so fierce?Why is this girl crying?Hurry up and hug Xiao Qingsu: "Don't cry, Qing Su is good, don't cry. Brother will never hurt you again~"

Xiao Qingsu was still crying endlessly, her aggrieved face made people feel distressed.At this moment, Mu Feng felt that he was a sinner through the ages.

"Xiaoqingsu stop crying, brother will take you to KFC, okay?" Mu Feng said helplessly.

Xiao Qingsu changed her smile in three seconds: "Yeah! KFC!"

Mu Feng was speechless for a moment, and pinched Xiao Qingsu's face.Glancing at Jiang Xiaoyue's room, he called out, "Xiaoyue, do you want to go to KFC?"

Jiang Xiaoyue poked her head out of the room: "Who treats you?"

Mu Feng said: "I invite you!"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "I'll come out when I change my clothes!"

Mu Feng waited below for about half an hour, but Jiang Xiaoyue still didn't come out, and said in his heart: "I didn't see her so ink-stained when I went out with her before."

After a woman falls in love, it is often easy to change her appearance.

Jiang Xiaoyue came downstairs. She was wearing a denim skirt and a clean white shirt.The hair that was originally tied up was put down by her, and the long hair hung straight around her waist.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "You are so beautiful."

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Stop coming."

Mu Feng said: "I am an honest person, I always only love to tell the truth."

Jiang Xiaoyue also smiled: "Why can't I see that you are honest?"

Xiao Qingsu stomped her feet and said, "I want to eat KFC!"

Mu Feng smiled and said, "I'll go right away." After speaking, he kept holding Jiang Xiaoyue's hand and Xiao Qingsu's hand.Taking one step forward, the three of them quietly appeared in a deserted alley in the urban area.

Mu Feng led the two of them out of the alley, and saw a pedestrian street next to the corner, with a KFC on it.

Under the astonished eyes of the salesperson, Mu Feng ordered four family buckets and placed them on the table.

Xiao Qingsu directly turned on the binge eating mode, with a chicken leg in each of her left and right hands, as if she was filming Outlaws of the Marsh.

Mu Feng frowned and said, "Your eating looks so ugly, who did you learn from?"

Jiang Xiaoyue said: "Of course I learned from Lao Zhu! He's the only one who will lead Xiao Qingsu down."

Mu Feng nodded and said, "In the future, we must keep Xiao Qingsu away from Lao Zhu."

Soon, Xiao Qingsu wiped out four boxes of takeaway family buckets at an astonishing speed.Licking her fingers, she looked at Mu Feng with cute eyes.

Mu Feng clutched his wallet and said, "Children can't eat too much junk food."

Jiang Xiaoyue gave Mu Feng a blank look: "It doesn't matter how much she eats with her physique."

Xiaoqing Sudao pouted: "KFC doesn't taste good at all, I'm going to McDonald's!"

Mu Feng glanced at the family barrels whose four barrels had been completely wiped out, rubbed Qing Su's little face and said, "If Colonel Sanders (grandfather of KFC) heard you say that, do you know how sad he would be?"

Xiao Qingsu said: "I just want to eat McDonald's!"

Mu Feng had no choice but to hold her little hand and said, "Let's go, McDonald's is just opposite!"

Jiang Xiaoyue also stood up, and Mu Feng took her hand unconsciously and naturally.The three walked out of KFC together and entered McDonald's again.

After ordering, Jiang Xiaoyue asked Mu Feng, "You seem to dislike McDonald's, why?"

When Mu Feng was asked this question, his face flushed slightly, and he prevaricated: "There is no reason."

Jiang Xiaoyue looked at Mu Feng playfully, her big eyes bent into crescents and said, "What's the big deal, let's talk about it."

Mu Feng had no choice but to say: "It's all caused by Batman."

Jiang Xiaoyue wondered, "What's the matter with Batman?"

Mu Feng said: "The clown in the Batman cartoon is my childhood I don't like McDonald's with clowns in it."

Jiang Xiaoyue laughed tremblingly when she heard this.Mu Feng smacked his lips and said, "It's normal. I'm definitely not the only one who doesn't like McDonald's because of clown phobia."

(End of this chapter)

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