Agent of Heaven

Chapter 79 Fighting Black Bear Spirit

Chapter 79 Fighting Black Bear Spirit

At noon, people in the sun are warm.

Mu Feng was sitting with Jiang Xiaoyue in the McDonald's, talking and laughing, and teasing Xiao Qingsu who was eating ice cream next to him from time to time.Drink coffee and enjoy the warm afternoon sun.

Such a day is really likable, warm and relaxing.

In fact, Mu Feng is a person who hates trouble very much.But trouble just likes to find him.

Mu Feng suddenly felt a huge evil spirit attacking along the street.The three of them looked towards the northeast together, and saw a man wrapped in a yellow robe walking through the crowd.

His attire naturally attracted the attention of passers-by, but he did not receive the onlookers.After all, there are so many cosplayers and performance artists nowadays, his outfit can only be regarded as reserved among them.

The man in the yellow robe ignored the gazes of passers-by, and only cared about walking step by step, like a solitary boat in the sea.

"What a monster!" Jiang Xiaoyue showed a worried look.

Mu Feng said: "The magic power of this monster is probably higher than the two horns of gold and silver."

Jiang Xiaoyue sighed and said, "It's rare that Jiangzhou has been calm for such a long time without any monsters, but now a big guy came directly."

Mu Feng said: "This monster is definitely not something ordinary cultivators or people from the Ninth Bureau can deal with. You go back first, and I will leave it to me."

Jiang Xiaoyue has always been a sensible girl, knowing that when she encounters a monster of this level, staying nearby will only be a burden to Mu Feng, so she hugged Xiao Qingsu and said: "We will wait for you at home."

Mu Feng gave Jiang Xiaoyue a confident smile and said, "Be sure to come back before dinner." After speaking, he left the McDonald's and followed closely behind the yellow-robed man.

The man in the yellow robe kept walking with his head down, and he seemed to feel that someone was following him behind him.The pace became faster and faster, and it began to turn into afterimages among the crowd, and then it was like a gust of wind, galloping away towards the distance.

Ordinary people walking on this street today can't see these things clearly. They just feel a sudden gust of wind, and then they don't feel anything anymore.

Mu Feng looked at the back of the yellow-robed man going away, smiled slightly and said: "Small tricks!" Then he used the heaven and earth escape method and followed closely.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Mu Feng was just walking normally, but every time he took a step, his figure changed back and disappeared.

Not long after, the two appeared in an abandoned factory, which was the place where Mu Feng saw Jinjiao and Yinjiao last time.

Then look at the man in yellow robe standing in the open space of the factory, standing next to him are Golden Horn, Silver Horn and Daji.

Mu Feng said: "You really belong to the same group, did you want to capture me by bringing me here?"

The man in the yellow robe spoke loudly and said, "How dare we disrespect Master Long, I just want to invite him to stay here for a few days." Mu Feng laughed and said, "I've always been in love with beds, and the conditions here are so low. Poor, I’m afraid I’m not used to it.”

The man in yellow laughed and said, "What's the difficulty?" After speaking, he waved his hand, and a yellow light flashed, and the entire abandoned factory turned into a palace, with carved beams and painted buildings, and glazed jade tiles on it.

Mu Feng was in the palace, and saw a big bed in front of him. Daji was lying in the light gauze tent, looking at Mu Feng charmingly, and said with a charming smile, "It's okay for the slave family to serve General Yinglong for a few days." it is good."

The "Longevity Dixuan Scripture" was directly circulating in the body, making Mu Feng hold back the evil fire that rushed up now and pressed Daji under him.

"Daji's coquettish technique has no effect on you at all! Have you practiced Buddhist exercises, or have you obtained the true inheritance of Longevity Mountain?" the man in yellow asked.

"Great Immortal Zhenyuan is the tutor." Mu Feng laughed.

The pupils of the man in yellow shrank for a moment, then raised his head and said to Mu Feng, "No matter what, I will keep you here."

Mu Feng smiled and said, "You mean, do you want to fight? The four of you can fight together. I need to finish the fight quickly so I can go back to eat."

The man in yellow said angrily: "Hugh is crazy, I can deal with you alone!" Said that his body energy exploded, and the yellow robe all over his body was shattered, revealing his real body.But seeing that he is more than nine feet tall, the black hair all over his body is like steel needles.A pair of eyes like copper bells turned out to be a black bear spirit.

Holding a red tasseled spear in his hand, Black Bear Spirit glared at Mu Feng and said, "Do you know who I am!"

Mu Feng thought for a moment, then clapped his hands and laughed: "You are the black bear spirit who stole the cassock back then!" He was smiling on the surface, but he was already shocked in his heart. , the latter is the mountain god of Guanyin Bodhisattva.These three people are all demons in the world, don't the Laojun and the Bodhisattva know about it?Or is there some other reason?By the way, Tathagata's uncle also appeared last time!

The black bear spirit was yelled by Mu Feng angrily, and stabbed at Mu Feng with a spear.The so-called beating does not slap people in the face, and swearing does not reveal faults.He has practiced at Nanhai Avalokitesvara for many years, and anyone who sees him will call him the Great God of Keeping the Mountain.People like Mu Feng who directly mention black history when they see him are really too hateful.

Mu Feng also had the intention of deliberately angering the black bear spirit, seeing him attacking, he was naturally prepared for it.He conjured up the Black Iron Overlord Spear and fought the black bear spirit. The two of them had a good fight, sparks shot out and rocks flew all over the place.

One is the Goddess Guanyin sitting down to guard the mountain, and the other is the proud disciple of the ancestor of the Longevity Mountain Immortal.This Overlord Spear was a gift from the True Monarch, and the Red Tasseled Spear had once fought against the Great Sage.Mu Feng Tiangang has 36 changes, and the changes are endless.Heixiong Jingshan has practiced for thousands of years and has rough skin and thick flesh.The two fought like this for more than a hundred rounds, but they were still tied.

Mu Feng was really aggrieved, there was no other reason, this black bear was too fleshy, no matter what kind of ghosts and monsters he encountered with his black iron overlord gun, he would be stabbed in the front tube and his flesh would be ripped apart.With a weight of three thousand catties, it can be used as a sledgehammer at ordinary times.

But he stabbed the black bear 72 times back and forth, but he was like a normal person, leaving at most one red spot on his body...

Although this black bear's moves are a bit clumsy, it is indeed very powerful.Mu Feng's arms are as strong as ten thousand catties, but after taking a few shots from the black bear, his mouth would feel numb. In desperation, he had to use some clever moves instead of fighting him head-on.

Seeing that Mu Feng was at a disadvantage, Black Bear Spirit laughed and said, "There are another [-] rounds, and I will discipline you to lose!"

Mu Feng sneered, and the Qing Ming Sword appeared in his hand with a dragon cry, and stabbed out like a shooting star piercing the sky, directly stabbing the black bear spirit's chest, bringing out a flower of blood.It is the "Zhuxie style" among Yinglong's seven styles!
The black bear spirit was shocked, and hurriedly retreated.

But it's too late!

"Liufeng Style!" Mu Feng struck another sword, and with Qingfeng's low moaning voice, it directly cut through the shoulder of the Black Bear Spirit. If it wasn't for his body's toughness far surpassing that of ordinary people, I'm afraid this arm would have to be confessed here.

"Brother Black Bear, run quickly, this is the Seventh Form of Yinglong. Back then, the demon god Chi You died under this kind of martial skill, you are no match!"

Black Bear Spirit hurriedly ran towards the place where Jinjiaoyinjiao was, and Mu Feng chased after him with his sword in hand.

At this time, Jin Jiao took out a fan and threw it at Mu Feng.Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, and Mu Feng was lucky and mana stabilized his figure.

But when the strong wind passed, Black Bear Spirit, Jinjiaoyinjiao and Daji had already started to fly into the sky.

At this moment, a flash of Buddha's light flashed, and the old pig appeared in the air, blocking the retreat of the four.

(End of this chapter)

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