Chapter 136 This Rope...

Although Fei Nanmei was a little stunned by Lu Yunyao's reply, she still told Mo Miaomiao to come to the company when she was free, so they could meet and take the contract back for Lu Yunyao to sign.

Because she really couldn't believe what Lu Yunyao said, she promised her to come back several times before, but what happened in the end?No one was seen.

After Mo Miaomiao and Lu Yunyao briefly explained tomorrow's itinerary, they left.

"I'll pick you up at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, go to bed early tonight, and be in good shape for the show tomorrow."

"Well, goodbye Miaomiao."

Lu Yunyao sent Mo Miaomiao away with tears in her eyes. She didn't expect Fei Nanmei to be so heartless and accept so many notices for her. Didn't she tell her before that there were no notices?
Just as Lu Yunyao sent Mo Miaomiao away, an unexpected visitor came to the house out of nowhere, not so much an unexpected visitor as her husband who had just gotten married.

As soon as the door was closed, Lu Yunyao just turned her head and saw Duan Yixing appearing in her house, and she was shocked.

Lu Yunyao couldn't believe what she saw with her own eyes, how could everyone still be able to enter her house when she came to lock the door?

Could it be that her home is a vegetable market where anyone can come in and out at will?

"Duan Yixing, how did you get in here?! It seems that I'd better move."

Duan Yixing smiled and took out the hand hidden behind his back, and what came into view was a rope.

This rope looks so familiar.

Holding the rope, Duan Yixing said slowly: "I climbed up from the lower floor, and your rope should be put away, or it will be very dangerous."

this rope...

The memory couldn't help but go back a long time ago, Duan Yixing used this rope to take her away, and now the rope has become a tool for Duan Yixing to steal into her house.

Lu Yunyao suddenly felt that even if the door locks were changed, the home would still be very unsafe. It seemed that she had to change her home.

And this husband of unknown origin is also very suspicious. On the way back, she kept thinking why Duan Yixing suddenly appeared at her door, and she happened to just go out.

"Tell me! What do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to see you."

After Duan Yixing threw the rope on the coffee table, he stepped forward to approach Lu Yunyao, but was stopped by Lu Yunyao.

As long as Duan Yixing takes a step forward, Lu Yunyao will take a step back.

"Don't come close to me, what's your purpose in trying to get close to me?"

Women are easily lost by the current gentleness, and Lu Yunyao was the same not long ago. It just so happens that she is still a soft-hearted woman.

"Purpose? What do you think? The only daughter of the Lu Group, you said that I approached you, what is the most likely purpose?"

Duan Yixing stepped back without fear of Lu Yunyao, forcing her to the corner.

Lu Yunyao was forced to lean her back against the wall, with no way to retreat, she said angrily, "Duan Yixing, what on earth are you trying to do? What do you want to do to me? I have no grievances or enmities with you."

"I told you at first sight."

Wow!What a sultry, earthy love story!

wrong!She needs to calm down.

Lu Yunyao forced herself to suppress her nervous heartbeat, and it was difficult to breathe. It seems that the woman has no resistance to love words, especially the handsome guy.

"You're talking nonsense! A man's mouth is deceiving..."

Before Lu Yunyao could finish speaking, Duan Yixing suddenly lowered his head and blocked Lu Yunyao's words, making her swallow everything she wanted to say.

Being kissed suddenly, Lu Yunyao was dumbfounded, her eyes widened, and after she realized it, she kept pounding Duan Yixing's chest with her fist, trying to get Duan Yixing to let her go.

(End of this chapter)

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