Chapter 137
Sure enough, Duan Yixing let go of Lu Yunyao without punching her a few times, took her little hand instead, opened the door, and went out.

Without saying a word, Duan Yixing pulled Lu Yunyao away, causing Lu Yunyao to turn pale with fright. She tried to pull Duan Yixing's arm, trying to make a useless struggle.

"Duan Yixing, where are you taking me? Let go, if you don't let go, I'll call the police!"

Hearing this, Duan Yixing really stopped, but after he stopped, he looked at Lu Yunyao very seriously and said, "I'm your husband, even if the police come, it's useless."

What Duan Yixing said, Lu Yunyao was unable to refute. After all, Duan Yixing didn't do anything to her. What's more, kissing is between husband and wife, which is a normal etiquette.

After Duan Yixing finished speaking, he planned to pull Lu Yunyao to continue going out, but Lu Yunyao was unwilling, she tried to pull on the door, trying to make a useless barrier.

"Come on, I'll take you to our new home."

"Our? New home?"

Duan Yixing picked up Lu Yunyao who was in deep thought, and sure enough, this woman doesn't like walking by herself.

Suddenly being hugged by the princess, Lu Yunyao was so scared that she couldn't help screaming on the spot.

"Ah! Duan Yixing, put me down quickly! I want to divorce you bastard!"

Duan Yixing hugged Lu Yunyao, he had no hands to close the door of Lu Yunyao's house, so he asked Lu Yunyao to close the door, but Lu Yunyao, who was in the rebellious stage, refused very much.

"I do not want!"

"If you want burglars in your house, I don't mind leaving it open."

As soon as Duan Yixing's words fell, Lu Yunyao quickly closed the door of her house, after all, no one wanted a thief in the house.

Duan Yixing was very satisfied with Lu Yunyao's behavior, and carried her to the elevator.

"That's good."

When Duan Yixing said this, Lu Yunyao blushed immediately, she bit the bullet and retorted: "You are the one who is good, your whole family is good!"

Duan Yixing was quite satisfied with what Lu Yunyao said, after all, the whole family included Lu Yunyao.

After realizing it, Lu Yunyao found out that she said the wrong thing again. She originally wanted to scold Duan Yixing, but in the end she realized that she had scolded herself.

When Lu Yunyao was annoyed, Duan Yixing gave another order lightly.

"Press the elevator!"

Without the slightest rejection, Lu Yunyao reached out and pressed the elevator button.

After pressing the elevator button, Lu Yunyao felt that the way was wrong. How could she be so obedient and press it? !

Also, such an exaggerated princess hug will definitely attract attention, and at that time, it will definitely be embarrassing to death.

"Put me down now."

Lu Yunyao pulled Duan Yixing's shirt and asked Duan Yixing to put her down, but Duan Yixing made an inaudible gesture, which made Lu Yunyao anxious immediately.

Because the display of the elevator is about to arrive, what if there are other people inside when the elevator door opens?How will everyone look at her?
The more Lu Yunyao fantasized, the more anxious she became, and hurriedly beat Duan Yixing's chest a few times and said, "Put me down quickly, how embarrassing it would be if I was seen by others!"

"Call me husband, and I'll let you go."

Duan Yixing raised his eyebrows and made a condition.

Seeing that the elevator door was about to open, Lu Yunyao couldn't wait to say: "Honey, let me down."

Duan Yixing was very satisfied with Lu Yunyao's title, and obediently put Lu Yunyao down.

As soon as Lu Yunyao landed and stood up, the elevator door opened. Fortunately, there was no one else in the elevator, and it was empty.

(End of this chapter)

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