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Chapter 147 You Give Me A Baby

Chapter 147 You Give Me A Baby

Regarding this question, Duan Yixing felt a little strange.

"Didn't we talk about it when we were in the bathroom just now?"

Duan Yixing closed the hair dryer, casually placed it on the dressing table, and let Lu Yunyao continue to lean against him.

Lu Yunyao's tone was slightly angry: "Be serious! Otherwise, don't touch me in the future."

Although Lu Yunyao said so, she still leaned her head on Duan Yixing's shoulder, feeling a heavy feeling in her head, and her heavy eyes almost couldn't be opened.

After Duan Yixing heard Lu Yunyao's last few words, he hurriedly asked flatteringly, "Then what else do you want, my wife?"

Lu Yunyao was really tired, she tilted her head, leaned on Duan Yixing's shoulder, closed her eyes and said, "Don't let outsiders find out about our relationship."

The relationship between her and Duan Yixing cannot be announced for the time being.

Duan Yixing looked through the mirror at the woman on his shoulder who was too tired to speak.

He rubbed Lu Yunyao's small head, purposely approached her ear, and said softly, "Then when can it be?"

Lu Yunyao continued to close her eyes, and said in a daze, "When? Not for now."

Duan Yixing clearly knew that Lu Yunyao was sleepy, so he deliberately continued to ask her: "But paper can't cover fire. Our relationship will be exposed sooner or later."

"Don't... expose it, if someone finds out... I will divorce you."

Although Lu Yunyao was very tired, she still only cared about this topic.

Judging by the sound alone, Duan Yixing felt that Lu Yunyao had almost fallen asleep, so he boldly said: "As a condition, you give me a child.

Duan Yixing didn't believe that if Lu Yunyao was pregnant, he could still keep it a secret.

That must be the rhythm of the official announcement.

Lu Yunyao was really tired, and her consciousness was very vague, she didn't even hear what Duan Yixing said, but subconsciously replied: "Okay."

Duan Yixing did not know when he was holding a mobile phone, and the recording function was displayed on the screen. After Lu Yunyao answered the last word, he turned off the screen with satisfaction, and then placed it on the dressing table at will.

Everything went well beyond words.

Lu Yunyao's eyelids were heavy, as if there were thousands of catties on them, making her unable to open her eyes no matter what.

What's more, she didn't know that Duan Yixing recorded the words just now in front of her.

If Lu Yunyao found out that Duan Yixing deliberately tricked her, he would definitely be mad.

Because she was so sleepy, her thinking was not clear at all, and she didn't even know what she said. After all, in her opinion, being able to respond to Duan Yixing was already a miraculous thing.

The miraculous Lu Yunyao finally gave up the fight to keep up with her eyelids, she tilted her head, and in the next second she leaned against Duan Yixing's arms and fell asleep soundly.

Duan Yixing carefully picked up Lu Yunyao and sent her to the bed in the bedroom.

The tiredness on Lu Yunyao's face made Duan Yixing feel distressed subconsciously, so he quickly covered her with a quilt.

Lu Yunyao was already too sleepy to open her eyes again, and when she opened them again, it was already the next morning.

Lu Yunyao opened her heavy eyelids and kept searching for the mobile phone, but she couldn't find the alarm device after searching for a long time.

It was Duan Yixing who woke up the alarm clock set by Lu Yunyao, because according to the people present, only Duan Yixing managed to find the phone and turned off the alarm function.

Lu Yunyao groped for a while with her eyes closed, but found nothing. In the end, she even gave up and continued to have a date with Zhou Yue without moving.

(End of this chapter)

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