Chapter 148 Waking up

Lu Yunyao didn't touch the mobile phone as expected, but touched a solid object.

Instead of becoming curious about the solid object, she continued to grope for the phone on the solid object, but she groped for a while, but couldn't find the phone.

Duan Yixing held the finger that he had turned off the alarm clock, and stared blankly at Lu Yunyao's hand, which was wandering around on his strong and well-defined abdominal muscles, like a lost lamb, falling into the wolf's teeth at any time.

Lu Yunyao still didn't know that she was groping in the wrong place, but her determination to find the mobile phone did not weaken, and she continued to grope.

Duan Yixing pretended to be calm and watched Lu Yunyao's actions, but the degree of dyspnea had increased a lot.

Already he felt slightly that his lungs needed more oxygen.

Lu Yunyao still didn't open her eyes, and didn't even realize that she had been groping for the wrong place.

Duan Yixing originally thought that if Lu Yunyao couldn't find the phone after holding on for a while, he would give up, but Lu Yunyao didn't give up, and even the scope of his involvement became wider and wider.

Lu Yunyao, who had been confining her eyes all this time, suddenly felt that someone had covered her with a quilt, a big winter quilt, and she almost couldn't breathe.

Duan Yixing looked down at Lu Yunyao, stared at the eyelashes of her closed eyes, stirred them a few times, but still had no intention of waking up.

Duan Yixing possessed himself, leaned against Lu Yunyao's ear, and called softly: "Get up."

Lu Yunyao, who closed her eyes, replied in a daze.


But Lu Yunyao still didn't open her eyes, and continued to look like she was sleeping, which made Duan Yixing couldn't help but choose the second method to wake Lu Yunyao up.

An itchy feeling spread on her neck, making Lu Yunyao subconsciously want to scratch it with her hands, subconsciously afraid that a mosquito or ant would bite her, or crawl up.

Fearing that it might be an insect, Lu Yunyao opened her eyes suddenly in fright, only to see Duan Yixing took a feather from nowhere and was tickling her nose.

Lu Yunyao asked blankly: "What are you doing?"

Just as the words were spoken, another bell rang in the quiet bedroom.

Duan Yixing took the phone over, and found that there was a name displayed on the screen of the phone—Big Brother Nan, so he naturally pressed the answer button for Lu Yunyao.

After Duan Yixing pressed the answer button, he put the phone next to Lu Yunyao's ear.

As soon as the phone was connected, there was a roaring voice.

"Miss Lu, what time is it now, where are you?"

Fei Nanmei's voice was so loud that even Duan Yixing, who was not close to the phone, could hear it.

Duan Yixing looked at his phone deliberately, and after confirming the time, he said softly to Lu Yunyao, "9:[-]."

Before Lu Yunyao realized what was going on, she dumbfoundedly repeated Duan Yixing's words to Fei Nanmei.


The person on the other end of the phone was probably too angry and didn't care that there seemed to be a male voice coming from Lu Yunyao's cell phone. After receiving the reply, he continued to curse: "You know it's 09:30? We'll wait downstairs at your house. It’s been more than half an hour, when will you open the door? The variety show starts at 10 o’clock! There’s no time.”

variety show? !
Lu Yunyao, who was belatedly aware, suddenly screamed. She quickly pushed Duan Yixing away, took the mobile phone that Duan Yixing held for her, sat on the bed, and asked in a panic: "Then what should I do? I'm not at home now, what should I do?" Why don't you give me an address, and I'll go there by myself?"

When Fei Nanmei heard Lu Yunyao say that she was not at home, she couldn't help rolling her eyes angrily.

"I came here specially to pick you up today, Lu Yunyao, did you do it on purpose?!"

(End of this chapter)

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