Chapter 150 Breakfast
Lu Yunyao never expected that just as she went downstairs, a woman came in front of her. She blocked Lu Yunyao's urge to leave.

Lu Yunyao was blocked and couldn't leave, so she said helplessly, "Who are you?"

The woman held a bag in her hand, handed it to Lu Yunyao, and said with a smile: "Young Madam, this is your breakfast, please take it easy."


Lu Yunyao took the bag handed over by the woman with a confused face, and instinctively said thank you.

The woman saw that Lu Yunyao was willing to take her breakfast, so she took Lu Yunyao out and continued: "If you don't like it, remember to tell Aunt Yu, I will change it for you tomorrow."

Lu Yunyao, who hadn't reacted yet, instinctively didn't think about the meaning of Aunt Yu's words. Now she only knew that she was going to be late, and she was extremely anxious.

As soon as he stepped out of the house, the low-key and luxurious Heizi car greeted his eyes, and the driver was still in front of the car.

The driver saw Lu Yunyao approaching, and hurriedly opened the door of the rear compartment, allowing Lu Yunyao to sit in.

Lu Yunyao nodded to the driver, then sat in the back seat with breakfast.

After the driver waited for Lu Yunyao to get in, he quickly closed the door.

While waiting for the driver quietly, Lu Yunyao fastened her seat belt and put the breakfast bag aside.

The driver returned to his seat, and when he was ready, he drove. Duan Yixing had already informed him of the address.

The driver had just driven the car out of the community, and found in the rear view mirror that Lu Yunyao hadn't eaten breakfast.

"Young Madam, there is a dining table in front, you can open it and have breakfast!"

The anxious Lu Yunyao was startled by the driver's sudden noise.

She looked ahead and found that the car was like an airplane, and there was a small board behind the front seat that could be opened to eat.

Lu Yunyao glanced at the bag, and immediately lost her appetite. After all, it is already [-]:[-], and she must be late.

Seeing that Lu Yunyao ignored him, the driver couldn't help but said again: "Not to your liking? Shall I take you to buy it?"

"No, I'm afraid it's too late, and I want to wait until it's over before eating."

Lu Yunyao said that she was worried that she would stop eating halfway through breakfast.

But I didn't expect the driver to say this: "There are about 25 minutes to the destination, enough time to eat, and the young master told you to have breakfast."

The driver's last two words seemed to be intentional, so that Lu Yunyao had no strength to resist.

It happened that Lu Yunyao felt a faint gurgling sound coming from her stomach, so she could only open the dining table obediently, then took the breakfast bag, and opened the thermos inside.

A burst of fragrant smell reverberated throughout the compartment after the lid was opened.

It turned out to be porridge!

Lu Yunyao looked at the porridge in the thermos, the smell was similar to what she smelled in Duan Yixing's other apartment before.

Lu Yunyao picked up the spoon and started to eat the porridge, while Fei Nanmei on the other end watched the time go by little by little, her heart was in a mess, and her footsteps kept wandering.

Looking at Fei Nanmei's wandering figure, Mo Miaomiao felt a little impatient, so she almost held down Fei Nanmei.

"Didn't Lu Yunyao just say that there are still about 10 minutes to arrive? What's more, the popular artist hasn't come yet, don't be afraid."

Mo Miaomiao forcibly restrained Fei Nanmei from her wandering steps, and said anxiously: "If the artist comes early, everyone will start filming."

Fei Nanmei's words made Mo Miaomiao a little confused.

"They won't wait for Lu Yunyao?"

"No! Because they are broadcasting live, not to mention that Lu Yunyao is not popular yet."

(End of this chapter)

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