Chapter 151

Aren't variety shows all filmed, then tuned and retouched, with subtitles added before broadcasting?
Why did this variety show suddenly become a live broadcast?

This made Mo Miaomiao very puzzled.

Suddenly, Mo Miaomiao didn't quite understand what Fei Nanmei said, so she subconsciously asked, "Do other artists know it's a live broadcast?"

This question seemed to hit the point, and she shook her head instinctively.

"After we arrived, they notified us that it was changed to a live broadcast."

She was also informed temporarily that it was a temporary adaptation strategy. If it was a strategy, it would be better to say it was a test of the artist's ability to perform on the spot.

Mo Miaomiao felt very strange about this, why did she wait for the artist to arrive before being notified?

Is it to do something new?Or do you want to see the artist make a fool of himself on the spot?
"Lu Yunyao has broadcast live before, this kind of thing shouldn't trouble her, right?"

Fei Nanmei thought for a while, and said a little embarrassedly: "I haven't watched her live broadcast, so I should be able to handle it."

Fei Nanmei's answer made Mo Miaomiao a little speechless at the moment, so she could only change the subject: "She doesn't know about the artist who hasn't arrived yet?"

Fei Nanmei expressed her deduction: "I don't know, I probably don't know. Otherwise, I knew it was a live broadcast, so I wouldn't be late."

The live broadcast is the best way for the audience to see the real artist, so being late is undoubtedly one of the biggest topics, and it will even be infinitely magnified, saying it is playing big names.

Asking everyone to wait for her alone is not playing big cards, what else could it be?
After all, no matter who the fans are, they hope that their artist is a person of high moral character, who doesn't leave early, doesn't curse, and is very polite.

But the fact is that no one cares at all. What everyone cares about is what they see on the surface.

For example, when I see an artist who is very humble and polite, I call out that the artist in his family is excellent, but I don’t care whether the artist under the camera is also so humble.

"Quickly urge Lu Yunyao."

Fei Nanmei glanced out of the auditorium from the backstage, and found that the seats were already full, and everyone had prepared light signs and support banners and other objects.

However, he didn't see any support objects related to Lu Yunyao, and his expression was not very good at the moment.

Didn't Lu Yunyao shoot a small video to go to the platform last night?Calling on fans to cheer her up?
Thinking this way, Fei Nanmei subconsciously took out her phone, opened the small video software, and looked for Lu Yunyao, her follower.

After clicking on Lu Yunyao's personal page, Fei Nanmei almost went crazy, because Lu Yunyao's latest video was two weeks ago.

It can be seen from this that Lu Yunyao did nothing at all last night!

What she confessed, she did nothing!

Regarding this, Lu Yunyao is actually very pitiful. Last night because of Duan Yixing, she was tired early and went to bed early.

In fact, she didn't do many things, not only promised Fei Nanmei to shoot a short video, she even forgot to do the appointment of Bi Yansi as the acting general manager.

Fei Nanmei and Mo Miaomiao waited anxiously for Lu Yunyao's arrival in the rest room provided by the crew. After all, every minute and every second of waiting for Lu Yunyao was a torment.

Because they had all arrived, everyone didn't know that Lu Yunyao hadn't arrived yet.

Suddenly there was a loud noise outside, and Fei Nanmei couldn't help asking outside curiously.

Fei Nanmei asked curiously, "What are you arguing about?"

After the other party saw that it was Fei Nanmei, her attitude became a lot gentler, but her calm tone still couldn't conceal her anger at this time.

"The director said that there are still people who haven't arrived! Let's wait! We've all been waiting for half an hour, how long will we have to wait!"

(End of this chapter)

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