Chapter 168 Eating Breakfast

In his opinion, Lu Yunyao said this to give himself face, not to mention that he would not sign a divorce.

As long as he doesn't sign the divorce for a day, Lu Yunyao will be Mrs. Duan for a day.

Lu Yunyao, who was picked up by someone for no reason, couldn't help exclaiming: "What are you doing! Don't always hug me suddenly, and I have hands, I can eat by myself."

Lu Yunyao hadn't fully accepted Duan Yixing's sudden princess hug, not to mention Duan Yixing's mother was still there, which made her extremely embarrassed.

Duan Yixing ignored Ms. Yao's existence, and walked into the dining room with Lu Yunyao in his arms.

"What are you thinking? I just carried you over to eat."

Duan Yixing deliberately teased Lu Yunyao, making her idea a joke.

In the past, the princess hugged and fed at the same time, so Lu Yunyao subconsciously refused, but Duan Yixing did not expect Duan Yixing to deny it, making Lu Yunyao speechless on the spot.

Duan Yixing looked at the angry Lu Yunyao, and suddenly turned in the direction he was heading, and went upstairs.

Lu Yunyao, who was still intoxicated by the embarrassing situation, suddenly found that Duan Yixing was holding her up the stairs, and couldn't help but exclaimed, but she didn't dare to move her body, fearing that the two of them would roll down the stairs in the next second.

"Didn't you say you want to take me to breakfast? Why did you go upstairs?"

"I'll eat it for you after I eat it."

Lu Yunyao was a little dazed, suddenly she didn't quite understand what Duan Yixing said.

"Your breakfast is upstairs?"


Lu Yunyao didn't notice the actual meaning of Duan Yixing's words at all. She didn't realize it until Duan Yixing ate his breakfast.

Duan Yixing's mother is still downstairs!Before she left, Duan Yixing dared to eat breakfast in broad daylight! !
"Go away! Your mother is still downstairs!"

Lu Yunyao tried to push Duan Yixing away to prevent him from touching her, but Duan Yixing was stronger than her, so her push was like a light touch.

"she left."

"You also know?"

"I'm her son, how could I not know."

Ms. Yao looked at the warm couple and left the stage with satisfaction. By the time they thought of Ms. Yao, she was no longer in the living room.

Lu Yunyao was stunned by Duan Yixing's words and had nothing to say, so she was so ashamed that she could only allow herself to be mermaid.

But how can Lu Yunyao be a person who is easy to compromise, she has only one thought now.

"Duan Yixing, you don't want to confirm the pregnancy news, do you?"


After the words fell, the two finally met frankly.

On the huge double bed, a large light blue quilt completely covered their bodies, leaving two heads to breathe fresh air.

Early in the morning, Lu Yunyao didn't want to do sports, she quickly grabbed Duan Yixing's hand, and begged for mercy: "Don't do it now, can I do it at night?"

Duan Yixing looked down at Lu Yunyao earnestly, shook his head, and refused, "It's too late for you to say it now."

"Not too late!"

When Lu Yunyao heard the words "too late", she quickly replied.

They haven't started anything yet, and they can still stop. In Lu Yunyao's perception, as long as they haven't started, everything can stop.

Duan Yixing looked down at the reluctant Lu Yunyao, and suddenly said in a pitiful tone: "But I feel uncomfortable."

"Uncomfortable early in the morning?"

Lu Yunyao was a little puzzled, but the pitifulness in Duan Yixing's words made Lu Yunyao couldn't help but soften her heart.

Damn compassion!

Deep in her heart, Lu Yunyao couldn't help scolding herself, she must be ruthless this time, and not be moved by Duan Yixing's pity again.

"Honey, I'm really sad..."

"No! You can't even feel uncomfortable, bear with it."

(End of this chapter)

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