Mrs. Duan is on the hot search again today

Chapter 169 Evidence for Licensing

Chapter 169 Evidence for Licensing


Duan Yixing intends to show his pity again to win Lu Yunyao's sympathy, but this time Lu Yunyao seems determined and determined not to do it.

Doing this kind of thing early in the morning, if it gets out, will she still have the face to be a human being?

Both of them have met each other frankly, but Duan Yixing couldn't take any action, who made him a good man who would respect his wife's opinion.

"Then... a kiss, okay?"

Lu Yunyao was afraid that there would be an explosion, so she asked vigilantly, "Then are you sure it's just a kiss?"

"Well, just this one."

In the end, the soft-hearted Lu Yunyao agreed to Duan Yixing's kiss, but it took as long as a century, so long that Lu Yunyao kept suffering from hypoxia.

But in the end, Duan Yixing was really good, he just kissed and even helped Lu Yunyao get dressed in the end.

Duan Yixing helped Lu Yunyao put on her clothes, leaned against her ear, and said in words that only the two of them could hear: "I've decided, this event will be held at night from now on."

What activities are put in the evening?
Lu Yunyao, who was belatedly realized what it meant, her entire face turned pink in embarrassment.


She has to resolutely refuse. If this continues, she will get pregnant sooner or later, then how can she get a divorce? !
"If it doesn't work, change it to morning!"

When Lu Yunyao heard that it was going to be changed to morning, she was so frightened that she quickly refused: "No! No morning! I have to go to work!"

"Also, don't let me know that you are taking medicine behind my back, or..."

Lu Yunyao just thought about going to the pharmacy to buy contraceptives when she was free, but she didn't expect to be warned beforehand.

Lu Yunyao suddenly asked the excited thoughts in her heart: "What else? Divorce?"

"Divorce is impossible. After all, I have worked so hard to get the certificate."

When Lu Yunyao heard the word untold hardships, her face immediately became gloomy.

"I accidentally married you that day because of your cheating."

If it wasn't for her inability to drink, she would have signed the marriage in a daze?

"Are you sure it's me cheating, not you taking the initiative to marry me?"

Duan Yixing raised his eyebrows, blaming Lu Yunyao for what happened that day.

Lu Yunyao retorted loudly angrily: "I didn't take the initiative to marry you."

She parted ways and tried everything possible to avoid signing, but why now it turned out that she offered to marry him? !
Duan Yixing was not in a hurry, he leisurely took out his phone and opened a recording.

A familiar female voice came out.

"It's useless if you beg me now, even if I agree to sign, it's a pity, after today, even if you beg me, I won't agree."

"It may be fate, we are destined not to get married."

"You mean, after today, you won't sign?"


"Then if the door opens today, will you sign?"

"Yes! If the marriage registration office reopens, I will sign for you immediately, and I will never be a deserter."

Duan Yixing paused the recording at the right time, raised his eyebrows and looked at Lu Yunyao who had been trying to snatch his phone away.

"Give it to me! Delete the recording, you bastard actually recorded me!"


Lu Yunyao never expected that her words that day were actually recorded by Duan Yixing!
Because she concluded that day that the marriage registration office was closed, and she just made such a big talk, but she didn't expect that the marriage registration office is so indiscriminate between public and private!

Even after get off work, they are willing to reopen for Duan Yixing!

"Give it to me! I want to delete it!"

Duan Yixing held up the phone so that Lu Yunyao couldn't grab it even if he jumped up.

"You deserter, you still want to destroy the evidence?"

"Duan Yixing!!"

Lu Yunyao was about to die of anger from Duan Yixing!
(End of this chapter)

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