Mrs. Duan is on the hot search again today

Chapter 209 Things Are Suspicious

Chapter 209 Things Are Suspicious

black red?hateful!
This damn keyboard man!
The more Lu Yunyao read that comment, the more glaring she felt, and she wished she could go along the network cable and hit that person named "123 Wooden Man".

Why in this world, there are some people who always look down on others and always give pointers to other people's lives?

Could it be because she was judged by too many people in real life?So vent your grievances on the online platform?

Or is their life so boring that they don't even have anyone to guide her?That's why you point and point at others online, looking for a sense of presence?
If it weren't for Lu Yunyao's good personal qualities, those who criticized her badly would have already received the retribution they deserved.

The driver had already returned to the driver's seat while Lu Yunyao was still annoyed about the comment.

It wasn't until he handed Lu Yunyao the box of the new mobile phone that she belatedly realized that the driver had returned.

Lu Yunyao took the mobile phone case, opened it, and looked at the latest mobile phone with satisfaction, then took off the SIM card of the old phone without saying a word, and put it in the new mobile phone.

After the installation, Lu Yunyao quickly downloaded the software that should be there. Even though she changed to a new phone, there is no shortage of software that should be in it.

While downloading and installing the software, Lu Yunyao handed the old mobile phone to the driver in front of her, and said casually: "There is a tracker in the mobile phone, take it back and study it, maybe it will be useful in the future."

Lu Yunyao described the tracker as an ordinary thing, as if it were just a toy.

The driver took the mobile phone from Lu Yunyao, put it in the box in front of him, and then told Lu Yunyao about other things: "You asked me to investigate the door card, and there is a result."

Lu Yunyao was quite concerned about this matter, and always felt that the matter that day was not simple. Duan Yixing who appeared out of nowhere, the takeaway boy who came from unknown sources, and the woman who claimed to be looking for a cat but had her room card were all very suspicious.

"The takeaway was ordered by the woman who came into your house to steal things that day. She deliberately filled in your address wrongly, in order to test whether you are at home or not."

The more Lu Yunyao thought about it, the more strange she became: "But I sent the delivery guy away that day?! Didn't she hear it?"

"That woman lives diagonally across from you. She may not have heard the conversation between you and the delivery boy. She only knows that you let the delivery boy miss you and thought you were not at home, so she sneaked into your house."

The more Lu Yunyao listened, the more confused she became. Since she sneaked into her house, why couldn't she find out that something was missing?
"But I don't see anything!"

"What she took was your computer's data."

Lu Yunyao was stunned when she heard the answer. She never expected that someone would be so stupid as to go to other people's house to steal data.

Do you still need to steal something like data yourself?Wouldn't it be enough to go along the network cable?
Lu Yunyao was very puzzled by what the woman did, but when she heard the driver's next words, she was stunned.

"She stole your novel..."

Hearing this, Lu Yunyao almost wanted to swear, did she make a mistake, she came to steal her novel manuscript?

Novels are nothing ordinary, so she just placed them on the computer desktop like this, never expecting that the other party would come to steal her novels.

Speaking of novels, she doesn't seem to have written any novels recently.

"And the outline of the novel."

The driver finished the rest and left Lu Yunyao in a daze.

Why steal her novel outline?Could it be that she still has novels plagiarized?
"Wait! How does she know that I am the author himself?"

Suddenly Lu Yunyao realized a very serious problem.

(End of this chapter)

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