Chapter 210
Could it be that her identity as an online novel author is about to be exposed?
But no one knows that she wrote novels?

Lu Yunyao couldn't figure it out, she couldn't figure out why.

If it is said that the woman is with the takeaway group, then what about Duan Yixing who appeared out of thin air?

Why did he appear in front of her house?
However, she didn't understand why that woman wanted to steal her novel?
The more Lu Yunyao thought about it, the more she couldn't figure it out, finally gave up, and now she can only see one step at a time.

Lu Yunyao sighed lightly, and said in frustration, "What's wrong with me recently? Why are I so unlucky."

The driver gloated: "Don't be depressed, there are worse luck."

The driver's sentence was even more unlucky, and Lu Yunyao was almost pissed off. She couldn't help complaining, "I'm busy, okay? What you can handle, can you handle it yourself?"

Lu Yunyao, who has multiple jobs, is almost too busy.

In the past, she didn't have any announcements, and the time was just enough, but now her announcements suddenly increased, and she was watched by Duan Yixing, and she couldn't do anything else if she wanted to do something else.

The driver suddenly joked: "Why don't you become an artist? Are you not busy?"

"No! I like it, not to mention, being an artist can cover up my other identities, how great it is!"

Lu Yunyao directly rejected the driver's teasing. She chose to be an artist because she liked the feeling of being sought after by thousands of people. If she just gave up like this, wouldn't her previous achievements be in vain?

The driver continued to suggest: "Then there is no other way, why don't you give up writing novels?"

The driver tried to suggest that Lu Yunyao stop work that would waste her time.

When Lu Yunyao heard this, her face immediately turned gloomy. She was already so busy that she had to stop writing frequently, and she didn't have much time to write. The current situation is no different from stopping the novel.

What's more, writing novels is just a hobby.

Giving up a hobby is of no significance to her busy life.

After seeing the smile on the driver's face, Lu Yunyao couldn't help complaining, "Why didn't you tell me to give up on you? Don't provide you with funds?"

When the driver heard that Lu Yunyao was going to cut off their source of funds, he immediately froze.

"Miss, don't take it seriously, I believe you can allocate your time reasonably."

A reasonable allocation of time made Lu Yunyao suddenly feel a lot of pressure.

It is not a question of whether she allocates time reasonably now, and she has no time allocated by her at all.

In the past, she didn't focus on the showbiz, so she almost felt like a part-time job, and she didn't even have time to pay attention to those assistants who played tricks behind her back. She didn't know until someone in the team found out and told her...

Although she didn't care much about her status and resources in the entertainment industry, she treated those assistants well!Why did they treat her like this?
This confuses her.

"Old Feng, why do you think they did this? Did I treat them badly? There is no job, but they can get a good salary every month. This kind of job is beyond the dreams of many people."

As the driver started the car, he replied with a sense of life experience: "Maybe it's because they don't know your identity. If they know, they would like to please you, so they dare to make small moves."

Lu Yunyao pursed her lips, and said with some displeasure: "Could it be that I don't deserve someone who treats me sincerely without my identity?"

(End of this chapter)

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