Chapter 230 Who Is The Scum?

She knew that she was the one who caused it, but... she was drunk just now and thought she was dreaming!
But Special Assistant Yuan is too, why don't you push her away?

This special assistant Yuan did it on purpose. He knew she was drunk, so he deliberately let her do whatever she wanted!
Realizing this, Mo Miaomiao said angrily: "I didn't expect you to be such a scumbag!"

Immediately, Special Assistant Yuan had a black question mark on his face, why is he such a scum?Just because you can't?

"You are the scumbag, right? You don't look at the current situation, who is the scumbag?"

Yuan Tezhu's retort made Mo Miaomiao angrily punch him in the chest.

"Cough, cough, cough... just hit someone if you can't say it, you can see me being tortured like this by you."

Yuan Tezhu said that his current appearance was all thanks to Mo Miaomiao.

Mo Miaomiao was really anxious, took the handbag beside her, and quickly found the phone in the handbag.

At this time, of course, you have to go online for help.

Special Assistant Yuan watched Mo Miaomiao holding the phone, and then said vigilantly, "What are you doing? Call the police? Or call an ambulance?"

"You think I'm stupid! Of course you can search online, what can you do?"

As soon as Mo Miaomiao searched, all kinds of dazzling videos and pictures appeared on the Internet immediately, she was so frightened that she hurriedly quit the web page, but in order to solve the current situation, Mo Miaomiao could only read it patiently, and found that there was really a solution Method.

Mo Miaomiao opened the video and held it in front of Special Assistant Yuan, so that he would know what to do after watching it.

At this time, Mo Miaomiao was a little lucky to turn off the audio, otherwise the sound of the video would definitely embarrass her.

The moment Tezhu Yuan saw the video, he subconsciously closed his eyes and blushed. He... had never seen anything like this before.

Mo Miaomiao even showed it to him, is she shy?

When Mo Miaomiao saw Special Assistant Yuan close his eyes, he became anxious.

"Look! You may know the solution after reading it."

Special Assistant Yuan narrowed his eyes and said awkwardly: "Do you really want to follow suit?"

"Nonsense! I let you watch, just to let you follow suit."

Facing the embarrassment of Special Assistant Yuan, Mo Miaomiao appeared more domineering.

"I'll do it, you can't hit me!"

Yuan Tezhu made a statement to Mo Miaomiao in advance, for fear that he would be attacked by Mo Miaomiao for no reason later.

"Don't fight! Look."

Mo Miaomiao played the video again so that Special Assistant Yuan could watch it and practice it.

After watching it, Special Assistant Yuan said embarrassingly: "You have to read it too, and you have to cooperate with each other."

Mo Miaomiao rolled her eyes helplessly, and then suppressed her embarrassment and watched the video once. While watching, she felt disgusted and almost wanted to delete the video.

After watching the video quickly, Mo Miaomiao put the phone aside, and said to Yuan Tezhu, "Are you ready?"

Yuan Tezhu nodded slowly, indicating that he was ready.

"Well, let's do it!"

Like the girl in the video, Mo Miaomiao possessed himself and blocked Yuan Tezhu's mouth, and Yuan Tezhu also followed the boy in the video and responded.

The two of them were kissing stiffly.

But Special Assistant Yuan still didn't respond, which made Mo Miaomiao very puzzled: "What's the problem?"

"Maybe it's an environmental problem! The floor is so hard."

Special assistant Yuan had been lying on the floor, and even though there was a blanket, it made him feel uncomfortable.

"Then how do we get up?"

Mo Miaomiao suddenly asked a good question.

Yuan Tezhu felt that this was a really good question. If he could get up, he wouldn't be suppressed by Mo Miaomiao all the time, let alone give her an opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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