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Chapter 231 Doesn't seem to work

Chapter 231 Doesn't seem to work

Mo Miaomiao suddenly closed her eyes, with a look of death on her face, trying to recall what she had just seen in her mind.

Swinging her hard body, she tried to meet that basic requirement, but no matter how much she tried to imitate, she still couldn't get the desired effect.

At this time, she was like a scumbag who couldn't learn anything, and her eyes were moist.

Special Assistant Yuan, who didn't notice Mo Miaomiao's emotions, suddenly said directly: "It doesn't seem to work!"

The grievance immediately filled Mo Miaomiao's heart, almost to tears.

She just fell out of love today, and that man gave up on her for other women, and even disliked her for being rigid and not feminine at all.

It's obvious that he cheated, so it's reasonable to cheat? !

Men like active, even enthusiastic women?
Didn't she just want to keep it and give it to him as a gift on the wedding day?

That was obviously the best proof that she loved him, but in his mind, it turned out to be a good excuse for him to cheat.

A sentence that he needs it can destroy the relationship between them, and a sentence that she can't give it can end the relationship.

Are all men that scumbag?
After drinking and getting drunk, she mistook Yuan Tezhu for her ex-boyfriend, and wanted to prove her sincerity to him, but she didn't expect that even the man who sent her home was an unfamiliar man.

She suddenly felt miserable.

The tears could not stop flowing, as if money was not needed.

Yuan Tezhu looked up at the tears on Mo Miaomiao's face, which kept falling on him, feeling very strange, as if something was tugging at his heart, making him feel vaguely uncomfortable.

Yuan Tezhu thought that Mo Miaomiao was sad because of what he said.

"Don't cry, no we can learn, it's no big deal."

After Mo Miaomiao heard this, she cried even louder, because she was a woman who couldn't learn at all, no wonder her ex-boyfriend wanted to leave her, she was indeed an old-fashioned woman.

Things that ordinary women know, but to her, she looks like an idiot.

Mo Miaomiao's sudden crying made Yuan Tezhu feel soft. He hated seeing a woman cry the most.

Mo Miaomiao was crying and trembling all over, feeling out of breath.

At this time, Mo Miaomiao was at a loss like a child who had done something wrong, and could only vent her grievances by crying.

If she hadn't gone crazy with alcohol, they wouldn't have landed in such a field.

Mo Miaomiao, who was crying with pear blossoms and rain, made Tezhu Yuan very distressed: "I will always find a way, don't cry!"

Mo Miaomiao's trembling from crying made Tezhu Yuan's face look bad.

A fiery feeling suddenly permeated the heart, making people uncomfortable.

"It hurts! What are you doing?!"

Mo Miaomiao suddenly exclaimed, vaguely feeling that something was expanding, as if it was going to explode in the next second.

Facing Mo Miaomiao's scolding, Yuan Tezhu immediately said aggrievedly: "I'm also feeling bad, okay?"

"Then what should we do now, is it really necessary to call an ambulance?"

As soon as the words fell, Mo Miaomiao was reluctant. If people knew, they were all in their twenties, and they couldn't even do this, so they would definitely be laughed to death.

I don't know if this is the sorrow of society or the sorrow of education.

Hearing the part about the ambulance, Yuan Te was in a hurry. He was really in a hurry, and blurted out: "Don't call an ambulance, I can definitely do it!"

Tezhu Yuan closed his eyes and tried to recall how the man in the video just did it, but the more he thought about those memories, the more he couldn't remember them.

The way Yuan Tezhu tried to recall, instantly made Mo Miaomiao feel very cute.

(End of this chapter)

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