Chapter 246 Is it over?

Popular artists may live in villas, but unpopular [-]-line artists may also live in houses with broken roofs.

Fei Nanmei silently digested what Lu Yunyao said. After waiting for a long time, she said slowly: "We will suspend the shooting before confirming whether "Qing Qing at First Sight" can be premiered, so as not to cause serious losses. You also don't Go out, so as not to be questioned by reporters, I will inform you to resume work after I deal with it, by the way! Remember not to talk nonsense on the Internet!"

After Fei Nanmei explained to Lu Yunyao, she hung up the phone in a hurry, for fear that Lu Yunyao would say something surprising later.

That day, on a whim, she bought the crew and script of "Qing Qing at First Sight", and the land was only at a normal market price, but she never expected that the depression would come in waves one after another.

Fei Nanmei scratched her head in dismay. Her hair, which was originally neat, had been messed up by her.

Those who didn't know thought that she came to work just after waking up, and didn't even have time to comb her hair.

She looked at the text on the screen, but her mind had already lost the ability to function, and she felt empty.

In the name of Lu Yunyao, she used [-] million to buy the film and television copyright of "Love at First Sight". If it can't be broadcast, there can be no income, and the company will offset the final sum of money.

Why does a drama that seems to be very long-distance always encounter misfortune?

Is she really too risky this time?
The popularity of "At First Sight" is almost all black and red, and Lu Yunyao, who has a black and red physique, is a natural match, or hit it off, and change black and red from then on?
But she bet wrong...

She never expected that there were so many problems with "Love at First Sight", so many that she didn't know how to deal with them.

After Lu Yunyao hung up the call with Fei Nanmei, she clicked on the hot search, #《Is Mr. Gu in love? 》Film and television copyright dispute#
As soon as Lu Yunyao clicked in, overwhelming comments immediately appeared in front of her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yunyao was shocked, as if she had seen something she shouldn't have seen.

@Su Ge: "Is Mr. Gu in love? "The copyright was sold by me personally back then. Su Gefeng Studio did not get my consent and the benefits I should have for selling the copyright, depriving me of my legal rights.

Lu Yunyao was immediately dumbfounded, why was there a copyright dispute for no reason?

What kind of doggy luck did she have?
Such things happened to her one after another?

First plagiarism, now a copyright dispute.Is it over?
Why do you always have trouble with her?
What did she do wrong?She is so kind and approachable, why do you target her everywhere in life?

In the end, Lu Yunyao concluded that it seems that "Is Mr. Gu in love?" "This novel is really full of disasters.

While lamenting the sadness of the novel, Lu Yunyao clicked on the comments below the post.

[I love Master Lu: Wow!It's wonderful, the popularity of this book is really strong, and it continues unabated. If it weren't for all the disputes, I suspect that the hot search is bought. 】

[I'm Xiaoxia: I guess no one is willing to buy such a hot search, but the author is so pitiful, one after another. 】

When Lu Yunyao saw this comment, she couldn't help but like that "I am Xiaoxia" silently. She is so pitiful. The novel five years ago, she has not had a good day now.

[The face of the cloth doll: Our Lu Luda is so pitiful, we got all black for no reason. 】

[Brother Hui: I don’t know what I’m arguing about. Disgusting things like romance novels teach children badly. I don’t even watch TV dramas. 】

(End of this chapter)

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