Chapter 247
[Wish 45 Degrees of Starry Sky: Internet novels are inherently unnutritious and nasty. They preach about domineering CEOs falling in love with me, and underestimate the IQ of a group of girls.This kind of rubbish is still filming TV dramas, how many women are going to be poisoned?It is estimated that the author is not a good thing. 】

After Lu Yunyao saw this vicious comment, she gasped in anger. If she could, she would definitely hit her along the network cable!

Why do netizens have no morals at all?

Everyone has the freedom to create, so why criticize her works?If her works are so perfect, it's not her turn to see them!
Don't watch it if you don't like it, and deliberately slander others, what good is it for her?Can I exchange rewards for comments?
Lu Yunyao couldn't help but reply under that comment: "Please don't look at romance novels with the level of a frog in a well, let alone judge a novel you don't read with your writing style that elementary school students despise. My novel has I don’t know about women without tea poisoning, but I do know that you are already dying of tea poisoning, don’t treat it, you will waste money, why don’t you donate it to do research, maybe you can earn some money and help your family. Finally Whether I am a good thing, I don’t know, but I know, you are not a thing, even the basic equipment has been eaten by dogs.”

As soon as Lu Yunyao's long comment was posted, she instantly felt a lot better, but she quickly discovered something was wrong.

Because she forgot to change her Weibo account, she replied directly to the comment.

Why would she know, because she found that someone replied to her suddenly, "Your vest fell off."

Lu Yunyao was so frightened that she quickly deleted that reply, and was terrified the whole time.

I hope there are not many people who see comments
Lu Yunyao suddenly annoyed her impulsiveness, and even forgot to change the account before replying.

The anxious Lu Yunyao almost didn't dare to click on the comment section just now, for fear of seeing something she didn't want to see.

But I couldn't help comforting myself in my heart, no one should see it, right?
It only took a minute for her to send a reply to delete it. In such a short time, not many people should have seen it, right?

Lu Yunyao, full of curiosity, silently opened the comment section again.

【Mother-in-law: Am I dazzled?Just now I actually saw @赵星_Lu Yunyao, did you reply?Can anyone tell me if it's a fake or not? 】

[Not to come: I didn't see it?Did you see it?There are so many high imitation numbers now, maybe they are high imitation numbers? 】

[Liu Aojiao: There are so many high imitation numbers now, maybe they are high imitation numbers! 】

When Lu Yunyao saw this, she dared to let go of her hanging little heart: "Phew, thanks for the quick deletion, fortunately there is such a thing as a high imitation number."

Lu Yunyao, who had always disliked the high imitation account, suddenly thanked the high imitation account for its existence and took the blame for her.

Once again, I am very grateful to the high imitation account for resisting everything for her.

Luckily, Lu Yunyao was able to delete the reply in time, but she forgot that she once liked a comment with the account number "I am Xiaoxia".

Lu Yunyao, who originally thought that she could avoid catastrophe, never expected that just because she couldn't help but like her just now, it brought her endless sadness.

If there are many likes on the comment, it means that the popularity is high, and the comments with high popularity will be automatically displayed in the top few comments in the comment area.

This kind of comment will be seen by more people, so when Lu Yunyao found out about it, she was too late to regret it.

(End of this chapter)

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