Chapter 309 New Neighbor?
As soon as Tezhu Yuan came out of Mo Miaomiao's house, he saw porters continuously transporting furniture to the apartment opposite Lu Yunyao.

Suddenly I was curious, why is the apartment near Lu Yunyao so popular all of a sudden?Mo Miaomiao just moved here in the morning, and someone moved here again in the afternoon?
When Special Assistant Yuan passed by, he glanced inside curiously, and saw a mother and daughter in the house, directing the porters to work.

After Yuan Tezhu saw that the other party was a harmless mother and daughter, he left without thinking too much.

Lu Yunyao was completely unaware that she had a new neighbor across the street, and was only focusing on studying the surveillance footage from the morning.

She took screenshots of all the people on the surveillance footage, made a file and sent it to a certain place, asking the other party to help her investigate clearly.

She needs to know who is so bold to kidnap her in broad daylight!

Let her sleep in a cardboard box!hateful!

These people really think that she, Lu Yunyao, is easy to bully? !

Suddenly, the phone rang, startling Lu Yunyao who was in deep thought.

Lu Yunyao glanced at the manager, and quickly answered the phone, but her other hand kept typing on the keyboard.


Fei Nanmei, who has just recovered a bit, can only be a manager with peace of mind, so her only task now is to find announcements for Lu Yunyao, or even accompany her to release announcements.

Although Fei Nanmei was a little unconvinced and she was dismissed from the position of deputy director, the quietness of Bi Yansi that night terrified her.

As the so-called three fires for a new official, she felt that it would be better not to provoke Bi Yansi as much as possible in a short time.

"Tomorrow, there will be a variety show, and the program team invites you to be a guest judge."

When Lu Yunyao heard this, she was a little surprised. She didn't know what level she was in the entertainment circle?
She's not good enough to be a judge, is she?

"Guest judge? Am I qualified?"

Lu Yunyao's rhetorical question was also within Fei Nanmei's expectation. When she received the invitation, she thought she had made a mistake, so she deliberately confirmed it was Lu Yunyao again and again, so she was relieved.

"Well, it's you. Maybe it's because you've been popular recently! I'll have Xiaoqiao pick you up tomorrow, and I've sent you an email for tomorrow's procedure. You can take a look and get familiar with it."

Lu Yunyao couldn't believe what she just heard until she hung up the phone. She was invited to be a judge? !
No matter what the level of the program is, she can't meet the qualifications to be a judge, right? !She can only be called a commentator on the ground at best.

Unable to believe it, Lu Yunyao quickly opened her mailbox to see what program invited her to be a judge.

What is the job of a judge?Let her take this as a commentator's job!

Lu Yunyao clicked on the mailbox to check, and sure enough, she saw that Fei Nanmei had sent her a file in PDF format.

The title on the outside of the PDF file reads, Star Dream Competition.

What a weird name...

If it's a competition show, you don't need to say it clearly to know it's a competition!Do you want to say it so bluntly? !I'm afraid everyone doesn't know what program it is?
While Lu Yunyao was disgusted, she clicked on the file. While the file was being downloaded, the doorbell suddenly rang at this moment. Lu Yunyao had no choice but to put down the work at hand, put the laptop back into the safe first, and then open the door.

Lu Yunyao observed the situation outside the door through the screen on the audio-visual doorbell. When she saw a strange woman, she felt very strange and asked directly, "Who are you looking for?"

Lu Yunyao was vigilant now, and opened the door only after communicating clearly with the people outside the door through the audio-visual doorbell.

Soon a woman's shy voice came from the intercom: "It's like this, we just moved across from you and want to say hello to our new neighbors."

(End of this chapter)

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